Ethnicity and education- External factors Flashcards
Who are the top achieving ethnic groups?
Asian others
Who are the top 3 lowest achieving ethnic groups?
Black Caribbean
Irish Traveler
Gypse and Roma
Statistics of ethnicity in education- Webb
white people make up to 4/5 or all pupils
Ethnicity in education- Department for educational success?
-24% of white male pupils on free school meals gained 5 A*-C
-White and Asian do better then black pupils
-in asian culture Indian pupils do best
Ethnicity in education- statistics hasting?
-White pupils do less progress between ages 11-16 yrs compared to black and asian pupils
-If this trend continues white pupils will be the lowest performing ethnic groups in the UK
Cultural deprivation- Intelectual and Sociolinguistic skills
Bowers theory?
A lack of standard english created a barrier to uk education
Cultural deprivation- Intelectual and Sociolinguistic skills
Restricted and Elaborate code
Cultural deprivation- Attitudes and Values?
Different ethnic groups socialised into different attitudes and values
Cultural deprivation- Attitudes and Values
Arnots theory?
Media has created a negative anti school subcultures for black pupils he calls them ‘ultra tough ghetto superstar’ which is reinforced through MTV rap videos
Cultural deprivation- Family structure and parental support?
This says that dysfunctional family’s are to blame for ethnic underachievement
Cultural deprivation- Family Structure and parental support?
Moynihan and Murray theory?
African Caribbean lone parents are to blame for educational underachievement
This is due to the fact that they have a lack of male role models meaning mothers struggle to socialise children adequately
Cultural deprivation- Family structure and parental support
Scrutch theory?
low achievement is the result of ethnic minority failing to embrace and conform british culture
Cultural deprivation- Family structure and parental support
Pryce theory?
Asian culture in the Uk is much more conformation then Black culture as they are able to ignore racism more effectively and aren’t affected by it e.g. Black pupils low self esteem leading to educational failure
Black culture lose it language religion and ancestry due to slavery
Cultural deprivation- Family structure and parental support
Driver and Ballard theory?
Asian family’s have much more of a pro school mindset
This is because asian family’s are less likely to be lone parent family so have a bigger support network for children
Material deprivation
Flahatery theory?
-Pakistani and Bangladeshi 3x more likely then white people to be 1/5th or the poorest population
-African, pakistani and bangladhes 3x more likely to be unemployed then white people
-15% of minority groups live in overcrowded homes
-Pakistani 2x more likely to be in semi unskilled jobs