Ethics, Rules of Conduct & Professionalism Level 2 Flashcards
Why do you believe it is important for the RICS to have Rules of Conduct?
- to ensure consistency of service / approach, therefore maintaining professional standards
- to help members act in a professional capacity & to delivery a robust, ethical & proper service
- they maintain & promote the usefulness of the profession for public advantage
Can you explain how you act with integrity?
- I am trustworthy in all that I do
- I am open & transparent in the way that I work
- I respect confidential information
- I do not take advantage
- I do not allow bias, conflicts of interest or the undue influence of others to override my decisions
- I do not offer or accept gifts, hospitality or services which might suggest improper obligation
Can you explain how you take responsibility?
- I am accountable for all of my actions
- I always ensure I act with skill, care & due diligence
- I would ensure the appropriate complaints handling procedure is followed in the event that somebody makes a complaint about me
- If I think something is not right, I am prepared to respectfully challenge & raise the matter with my colleagues
Why do you ensure you act within your professional capabilities?
To ensure I do not advise my clients incorrectly which could lead to a complaint or claim of negligence
Can you explain how you treat others with respect?
- I always treat everyone with courtesy and politeness
- I am always polite to clients, potential clients & everyone else
- I never discriminate against anyone for any reason
Can you explain how you provide a high standard of service?
- I always ensure my client, or others to whom I have a professional responsibility, receive the best possible advice
- I act within my scope of competence
- I am transparent about fees
- I communicate with my client in a way that will allow them to make informed decisions
Can you explain how you promote trust in the profession?
- I understand how my actions will affect others & the environment
- I fulfil my obligations
- I always try to meet the spirit of my professional standards and not just the letter of the standard
- I act in a trustworthy manner in both my professional & private life
Can you explain what you do to maintain a high ethical standard in your profession?
- Keep my own actions under review, inside & outside of work
- Maintain a level of knowledge & training appropriate to my area of work (laws, regulations, etc)
- Maintain my CPD
- Follow advice given by professional bodies on ethical behaviour
- I am prepared to note any unethical behaviour & address where appropriate
Why do you think it’s important to act with integrity?
- I am representing both myself & the profession, so I want others to view me in the best light possible
- Also, acting with integrity is one of the 5 ethical standards
What sort of professional development have you done during your training period?
- In-house training courses
- RICS Online Academy training
- Personal reading of relevant articles
- seminars and lectures
- Podcasts relating to my field of practice
How will you go about selecting CPD subjects over the next 12 months?
- Consider weak & limited areas of my knowledge
- Consider ‘hot topics’ that may be relevant for the next 12-18 months
- Consider future projects and/or project requirements
How do you keep up to date with topical issues?
- RICS website & journals
- Discussions with colleagues
- I regularly read construction related news
Do you accept gifts from clients or contractors?
- I do no accept gifts, hospitality or services which might suggest an improper obligation
- However, gives & hospitality can be accepted in some circumstances
- They key is to consult the ethics decision tree & make an informed decision
What do you consider when assessing if a gift is appropriate?
- What is the value
- Has it been offered at an appropriate time? Is it given just before tender award, for example
- Is is proportionate to the working relationship?
- Will the gift effect my ability to act impartially?
- Who is the gift or hospitality being given to? Is it just one person or a range of people from different organisations?
- Is it in line with the RICS ethical standards?
What action would you take if a conflict of interest arose?
I would disclose this to my client in writing, detailing the possibility & nature of the conflict. I would advise my client in writing that I cannot continue to represent unless:
- parties feel they can act 100% impartially
- the client finds it acceptable & gives informed consent
What would you do if you suspected money laundering?
- Raise the matter with my director
- Submit suspicious activity report (SAR) to the National Crime Agency
How would you report modern slavery?
Report to the Home Office or call the modern slavery helpline
What does the RICS say about complaints handling procedures for RICS regulated firms?
The RICS Complaints Handling Guidance Note states RICS regulated firms must have CHP which:
- is fit for purpose, reflecting the size of the firm
- is made available to all staff & understood by then
- is readily available to complainants or potential complainants
- is regularly reviewed
- is agreed with PI insurers
- has access to independent redress if the firm cannot resolve e.g. a soul practitioner may refer to a 3rd party in the CHP
What do the New Rules of Conduct say about complaints handling procedures?
Appendix A (Professional Obligations to RICS) states:
‘firms must publish a CHP, which includes an alternative dispute resolution provider approved by RICS & maintain a complaints log’
What is DSB’s Complaints Handling Procedure?
- All complaints are to be sent to director
- If it is oral, it will be requested to issue a written summary of complaint within 14 days of the request
- within 7 days the director will respond with a summary of their understanding
- within 14 days of this, the director will write to the complainant and inform them of the outcome
- If the complainant remains unsatisfied, DSB agrees to the referral of the Surveyors & Valuers Arbitration Scheme operated by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
What are the obligations for RICS members and firms?
What are the key requirements needed to set up an RICS-regulated firm?
How are clients protected from your negligence?
How does a surveyor decide how much PII cover to have?
What is your favourite RICS technical document?