ETHICS Flashcards
Who is the current RICS president?
Tina Paillet from January 2024
Who is the current RICS CEO?
Justin Young
What is the Role of RICS?
1) Regulate and promote the profession
2) Maintain highest educational and professional standards
3) Protect clients/consumers through strict code of ethics standards
4) Provide impartial advice and guidance
What are the RICS professional standards and their status?
- Professional statements – mandatory requirements
- Guidance notes – best practice
- APC – mandatory
- Data standards – software must adopt RICS standards into offering
What is a bribe?
A reward of financial value offered in return for a commercial or personal advantage
What is the bribery act 2010?
A law brought in to regulate the act of bribery for all industries, It includes:
1) Bribing another person
2) Receiving a bribe
3) Bribing a foreign official
4) Failure by an organisation to prevent bribery
What does acting with integrity mean to you, and can you tell me an example of how you have demonstrated this?
Acting with integrity means being honest and straightforward in all that I do
When undertaking a valuation for a metal work subcontract, I noticed that the Subcontractor had not applied for installation of an access stair way to the boiler room that was fully installed. In my valuation I included this item which the Subcontractor had missed
What does acting in a way that promotes trust mean to you, and how would you demonstrate this?
Acting in a way that promotes trust means acting in a professional manner, not just in my work life, but in my private life also.
I would demonstrate this by always fulfilling my obligations, and making sure I do what I say I will do. For example, when agreeing to price a Contractor’s quotation, I will always provide this within the agreed timescales.
What does taking responsibility mean to you, and how would you demonstrate this?
This means being accountable for all my actions, and don’t blame others if things go wrong
What does providing a high level of service mean to you, and how would you demonstrate this?
It means that clients, or others to whom I have a professional responsibility receive the best possible advice, support or performance
I would demonstrate this by always ensuring that the quality of my output is high, whether this is a contractor’s quotation for a client, or a cash flow for our management accounts team
What does treating others with respect mean to you, and how would you demonstrate this?
This means treating all people with courtesy, politeness, and consideration. I would demonstrate this by treating others as I would want to be treated.
Tell me about some of the codes of conduct for the R.I.C.S?
There are the rules of conduct for both members and firms.
What are the obligation for RICS Firms?
1) Publish complaints handling procedure
2) Relevant levels of PI
3) Sole practioners must have a lochum
4) Cooperation with the RICS
5) Provide all information to the RICS
6) Designations in place
7) Report any matter required under rules of registrations
What are the three rules of conduct for members
1) Comply with CPD
2) Cooperate with RICS
3) Provide all information to the RICS
When is a firm required to register for regulation?
1) Firm provides surveying services to the public
2) Firm operates in regulated area A (UK)
3) At least 50% of the firms principles are RICS members
What are the R.I.C.S five principles of better regulation?
1) Proportionality
2) Accountability
3) Consistency
4) Targeting
5) Transparency
What is the role of the R.I.C.S?
1) Regulate and promote the profession – Regulation
2) Maintain the highest educational and professional standards - Knowledge and Best Practice
3) Protect clients and consumers through a strict code of ethics and professional standards – Public Affairs
4) Provide impartial, advice, analysis and guidance – Research and Economic Analysis
If you were to set up your own firm, what would you need to do?
1) Notify the RICS of your new firm
2) Prepare a Complaints Handling Procedure.
3) Obtain P.I Insurance.
4) Obtain Employers Liability Insurance (if employing other)
5) Abide by the R.I.C.S code of conduct for firms
6) Follow the RICS on client money handling
7) Staff training & development
If after a valuation, your subcontractor asked if you wanted to go for a pint, what would you do?
I would politely decline
What are required stages of a complaints handling procedure?
1) Acknowledge/register the complaint
2) Notify the complaints handling manager
3) Assign somebody to conduct an investigation
4) Set out course of actions to rectify
5) Formally communicate actions taken to the client
6) If client is still unsatisfied, refer them to the relevant contract ADR’s available
7) Communicate lessons learnt to firm
8) Inform the your PI insurer
Can a sole practitioner deal with his own complaint?
Yes, he could in the knowledge that, if it could not be resolved, it must be referred to an independent redress scheme.
What form of redress should a complaints handling procedure have if the firm cannot resolve the complaint?
The complaints handling procedure should have an A.D.R mechanism approved by the regulatory board, such as an ombudsman service, which can help to resolve disputes.
What are the different final redress mechanisms between consumer and business clients?
When it is a consumer, it must also consider the consumer right act. Under the act consumers have a right for redress and this should be free.
What would your P.I insurer expect in respect of complaints handling?
1) That complaints handling is undertaken in accordance with the specific terms of the current insurance policy
2) That the insurers is notified of any event that might give rise to a claim, which may be a complain that has been received
A Client has asked you to retain the retention fund on a contract, what would you do?
1) I would advise the client that, depending on the terms of the contract in use, an amount may be set off against retention monies if there are defects in the works discovered in the defects liability period, but then not corrected in such period.
2) Any sum set off against the retention should be fully justified however, and should not be arbitrarily withheld.
What is a conflict of interest?
When a person in a position of trust has competing personal or professional interests which would impact their ability to act impartial.
What should you do if you discover you have a conflict of interest?
1) Inform all parties involved and offer to stand down
2) Only proceed if you have written consent from those affected and it will not affect my ability to act impartially
What would you do regarding receiving gifts?
1) Decline any gifts as a default position as it could compromise my ability to act impartially
2) In circumstances where a gift may be received, it should only be accepted if it was of low financial value, was not in the mist of a commercial agreement, and it was recorded on my companies gift and hospitality register.
What would you do if the contractor invites you to a football match?
1) I would politely decline.
2) I would not want to accept any hospitality that may appear to reduce my impartiality
What would you do if your Commercial Manager asked you to inflate valuation figures?
I would advise him that I could not, as it would be unethical.
A junior surveyor working in your team incorrectly over certifies on an interim valuation – what do you do?
1) Check and understand the facts
2) If the certificate has not been issued, I would recertify and issue.
3) If it has, I would explain to other party and either correct in the next valuation of issue a payless notice dependent on several different factors.
Explain to me P.I cover?
1) Insurance to cover a firm financially against negligence from a breach of their professional duties which leads to financial loss
2) Should be accompanied by run off cover for a minimum of 6 years for when a firm ceases trading
What are the minimum levels of P.I cover?
Proportional to firms turnover as follows:
1) < £100k = £250,000
2) >£100k / < £200k = £500,000
3) >£200k = £1,000,000
What P.I levels are required of a new firm with no turnover figures to consider?
Should be based on their estimated turnover
What are the maximum levels of uninsured excess?
Proportional to levels of indemnity as follows:
£0 - £10,000,000 = the greater of 2.5% of insured sum or £10k
> £10,000,000 = 2.5% of the insured sum
Who does P.I insurance protect?
1) The professional is protected from having to pay the client for their negligence
2) The client is protected, as they are able to call on insurance to cover financial loss
Why aren’t you covered by your previous year’s policy?
PI insurance is on a claims made basis, meaning only claims made within the insurance period or the retroactive period will be deemed appropriate.
What are the R.I.C.S requirements regarding P.I. Insurance?
1) Each & every basis
2) Full civils liability basis
3) Sets out minimum level of indemnity
4) Sets out minimum level of uninsured excess
5) Fully retroactive
6) Must be underwritten by a listed insurer
7) Run off cover in place for at least 6 years
8) Covers past and present employees, directors & partners
What is the difference between civil liability policies and negligence based policies?
1) Civil liability policies offer a wider range of cover whereas negligence based policies is more specific to negligence
2) Negligence based policies cover anything stated within the policy, whereas civils liability covers a wide range of cover unless specifically excluded.
3) Civil liability policies are preferred and used more frequently
What is run-off cover?
Cover for previous work undertaken which you are still liable for claims of breach of professional care
How long should run off cover be in place?
1) 6 years if contract is executed underhand
2) 12 years if contract executed as a deed
3) RICS recommend 15 years
Tell me about Merrett v Babb?
1) Court case in 2001
2) Babb had carried out a negligent valuation as an employee of a company who had ceased trading
3) Merrett was the purchaser of the house associated with the valuation
4) The court ruled Merrett could pursue the individual (Babb) for the losses
5) This was a big shock in the industry
What is the significance of Merrett v Babb?
1) It Highlights the importance of runoff cover
2) Professional individuals and firms must ensure that run off cover is in place after they leave their firm’s employment, or a firm ceases trading
3) Individuals should ensure that their ex company keeps up this cover on their behalf
How does a fully retroactive P.I policy work?
The retroactive date is the starting window in which the PI cover commences. Claims prior to this date will not be covered. If the pi policy states “none”, this means the cover is fully retroactive and therefore any breach can be claimed against.
On what basis is P.I underwritten in the UK?
1) Claims made basis
2) Claim is made against insurance that is in place at the time of the claim and not the breach
What measures should be taken to try and avoid P.I claims?
1) Act within competence and do not advise on something outside of expertise
2) Keep full & detailed records of meetings & conversations
3) Use proper letters of engagement, scope of services and terms of agreement
4) Use RICS guidelines
What insurances should you have in place if you set up a practice after you become chartered?
1) PI Insurance
2) Employers liability insurance, if not a sole practitioner
3) Consider public liability insurance
What insurances should you have in place if you were to start up you own firm?
PI Insurance
Employers liability insurance
Public liability insurance
Building insurance for own office
If you made a mistake in your cost plan what would your insurance company expect?
For you to notify them and comply with any procedures set out in the insurance policy
Are you familiar with the term limit of liability and where would it be used?
1) Places a cap on the level of exposure a business signs up to
2) In the aggregate means as a maximum cover after every claim
3) Each and every claim basis is at that level for each claim
4) If not covered within PI insurance, opposing party can seek to obtain assets
5) This can be countered with limits of exposure
If an estimate prepared by surveyor is incorrect, can the client claim damages?
Not unless they can demonstrate the valuation was incorrect due to a lack of reasonable skill and care. For example, conditions outside of the surveyors control may have been the cause of the incorrect estimation.
If a client was prepared to pay you in advance for services you were providing, how would you ensure this was dealt with?
1) Set up a separate client account that is properly named and clearly identifiable.
2) Provide the client with a statement of account
3) Agree draw down dates and amounts
4) Once complete issue a final statement of the payment and associated draw downs.
What are the implications of the Money Laundering Regulations when considering the handling of client’s money?
Firms must keep policies relating to risk assessment and due diligence relating to money laundering
What is a client’s account?
A separate bank kept by a person or business for their client which is completely separate to their own.
What is an Ethics Certificate?
A certificate to show you have passed the RICS professionalism module, this is a requirement on the candidate checklist.
If there was an error in the main contract bill of quantities what would you do?
I would notify the Employer in accordance with the terms of the contract.
When was the UK Bribery Act introduced?
what is the UK Bribery Act?
UK legislation against the act of bribery which includes:
Offering a bribe to another person
Accepting a bribe from another person
Bribing a foreign public official
A corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery
What are the consequences of breaching the Bribery Act?
Individuals can receive a maximum 10 year prison sentence and or unlimited fine.
Corporate bodies can receive unlimited fines, be debarred from tendering for public contracts, and suffer reputational damage.
What guidance have the RICS provided with respect to the bribery act?
Bribery Act Guidance for Individual members
Bribery Act Guidance for corporate members
What steps might an organisation take to have a defense for the corporate offence under the bribery act?
Due diligence
Risk assessments
Communication including Training
Monitoring & review
How you would identify if an act of bribery was being undertaken by an individual?
Changes to volume or value of contracts
People living above their means
Reluctance to delegate works to others
Suppliers or bidders insisting on speaking to one individual
What are the R.I.C.S C.P.D requirements for members?
Members must complete 20 hours of CPD per calendar year, with at least 10 hours being formal.
Members must record their CPD activity online by 31st of January.
What is C.P.D? How do you intend to complete your C.P.D if you become chartered?
Continued professional development, which is a commitment to continually update skills and knowledge in order to remain professionally competent. I will complete CPD by undertaking formal training, seminars, and private study.
What CPD do you have planned after this interview?
Biweekly commercial training sessions & the annual NEC event hosted by built intelligence.
Are there exemptions to the 20 hour CPD requirement?
Only full retirement or ill health
Career break, maternity/paternity leave or unemployment do not count
What are the penalties that the R.I.C.S Disciplinary Panel can impose?
Conditions on memberships
Can you advise on what is in Laing O Rourke’s Code of Conduct?
The Laing O’Rourke code of conduct is around:
1) Business integrity
2) Working with each other
3) Responsibilities as a global company
4) Keeping assets & data safe
How do you keep up with construction news?
I read:
Construction law UK
Linkedin articles
What articles have interested you in the Modus magazine recently?
What articles have interested you in Construction law UK recently?
What articles have interested you on recently?
What are R.I.C.S guidance notes?
A series of published notes that provides advise to professionals on aspects of their works, and are intended to represent best practice.