Ethics Flashcards
The department will investigate all claims of discrimination/harassment (on duty only/ whether on or off duty).
Whether on or off duty
Supervisors are encouraged to contact the on-call (IAB;
Diversity Section) team leader if questions or procedural issues arise concerning internal investigations.
Failure to cooperate with an IAB investigation will be considered acts of (insubordination/dereliction of duty)
Ethics; citizen contact reports/prelim investigation
(Are/ are not) considered formal investigations.
Are not
Ethics - Customer Service Disputes
T/F. A customer service dispute is investigated by a supervisor with the goal of explaining and educating the complainant as to the operations of the department as well as improving service delivery by the department.
Ethics - Customer Service Disputes
Harassment/discrimination investigations are conducted by (IAB CIS/EDS)
Ethics -
What is the burden of proof for an IAB investigation?
A. Beyond a reasonable doubt
B. More likely than not to have occurred
C. Preponderance of evidence
Burden of proof for EDS Investigations is (beyond a reasonable doubt/preponderance of evidence) which is a lower standard than IAB.
Preponderance of evidence.
T/F. IAB criminal section CIS will be immediately notified of all reports of criminal acts disclosed by a citizen or by an employee which is the result of a compelled statement.
F. Which is not the result of a compelled statement.
Ethics. IAB
Who can harassment/discrimination complaints be reported to
1. Any supervisor
2. EDS Director
3. ….
A. IAB Commander
B. IAB Commander and any combination of the above
If a lawsuit is brought to the attention of the General Counsel, IAB (Will/should) look at the complaint for any misconduct
Ethics; supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint
T/F. Interview the complainant to determine the facts and circumstances of the alleged misconduct. If the complaint is not an allegation that involves a violation of department policy or violation of law, handle the matter as a customer service dispute. If it does involve a violation of LVMPD policy or law, an SOC will be opened.
Ethics; supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint
If the complaint is partially filled out, the complainant (will/should) be informed that this could delay the investigation
Ethics; supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint
Once the SOC os completed the supervisor will send it to IAB for review and (conclusion; adjudged)
Ethics; supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint
Supervisor (will/should) explain the investigatory process to the complainant
Ethics; supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint
If the complaint doesn’t rise to misconduct and it is a grievance with department policy, procedure etc. the supervisor will counsel the employee on how it is not misconduct and document it in Blue team as a (citizen contact/SOC)
Citizen contact.
Ethics; supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint
After IAB received a complaint, how long do they have to classify it?
A. 7 days
B. 30 days
C. 14 days
D. 15 days
Ethics; IAB Investigations
Minor allegations (may/shall) be investigated by the employees Bureau/Area Command
Ethics; IAB Investigations
IAB will notify the employee’s (area/bureau command) when an complaint is being (investigated; complained on) for misconduct
Ethics; IAB Investigations
If an IAB investigation is not complete within 90 days, any delays must be approved by the IAB (LT, CPT) via a request for extension.
Ethics; Expedited Investigations
When an employee readily acknowledges his action(s) and wants to conclude the matter (promptly; without incident)
Ethics; Expedited Investigation
T/F. If the employee is waiving the formal investigation, this effectively waives any right to the grievance process.
Ethics; Expedited Investigation
The expedited agreement will be attached to the SOC in (Blue Team; IAPro
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
This process is non-judge mental and (will not/May) result in discipline.
Will not
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Can be used to resolve
Differences between department employees and citizens that have not yet risen to the level of (complaint; citizen contact$
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Conflict resolution (will; will not) be used more than one time with the same complaintant
Will not- unless all parties involved agree.
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Once IAB determines that the CRP process can go forward and they send it back to the Bureau/Area Commander a date will be set within … days For a resolution/mediation meeting to occur
A. 7
B. 14
C. 21
D. 30
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Who will mediate a Conflict Resolution? A. Bureau/Area Commander B. CcNJC appointee C. IAB D. CRB
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Citizen complainants (can/cannot) be compelled to attend
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
A CRP, once closed, (can/cannot) be reopened, grieved or further pursued
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
An unsuccessful mediation attempt (defined by the employee being disruptive, arguing against the process) (will; could) be referred for investigation.
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
After the mediation process a copy of the resolution will be sent to the Area/Bureau Commander who will set forth a PerforMance Plan that must be completed in (21/30) days.
Ethics; investigation of Minor Offenses at Bureau/Area Command
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Formal investigations are done when issues alleged that, if true, may lead to discipline or the facts (can; cannot) be clearly determined without a full and formal investigation process.
Ethics; Minor Allegations resolved using conflict resolution
Informal Investigations with Supervisory Intervention (requires a contact report): The allegation(s), if true, (would/would not) rise to a disciplinary level.
Would not
Ethics; Minor Allegations investigated at Bureau/Area Command
How long from assignment to the Area/Bureau Commander assignment of a minor complaint, must they be completed and return to IAB
A. 20 days
B. 45 days
C. 14 days
D. 30 days
Ethics; Minor Allegations investigated at Bureau/Area Command
Bureau/Area Commander will assign a (supervisor/LT) to investigate minor allegations of Misconduct.
Ethics; Minor Allegations investigated at Bureau/Area Command
The IAB lieutenant (should; must) be contacted if a complainant or witness refuses to be recorded.
Regarding Policy Failure Case Dispositions the IAB Commander will forward the report and all findings to the (Quality Assurance Section; ODB)
Quality Assurance Section
IAB cases that are sustained and misconduct not based on complaint are sent to (Office of Human Resources; Office of Labor Relations)
Office of Labor Relations
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
May be used when allegations are (minor; medium) in nature
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
The decision to apply supervisory intervention rests with the employee’s bureau/area commander and (IAB/OLR).
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
Supervisors will Coordinate with IAB and (the employee; OLR) reference determining which investigative method (informal or formal) is appropriate for an allegation of misconduct.
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
Supervisors (must/shall) contact the original complainant and confirm additional information does not exist regarding the incident that would necessitate a formal investigation.
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
What form must be utilized to document a supervisor intervention
A. Officer’s Report
B. Citizen Contact
C. Bureau Investigation Supervisory Intervention form
D. IAPro
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
Supervisors must document counseling sessions with the subject employee on a Contact Report and forward it to (IAB; OLR)
Ethics; Supervisory Intervention
The supervisor must ensure that all forms are signed and that the Investigation Supervisory Intervention form and contact report electronically to (OLR;IAB) for review.
Ethics; Adjudication of Complaints
PMSA members have () days from the disposition report, PPA and PPACE members have () days. Unless extenuating circumstances exist
A. 21; 15
B. 12; 15
C. 15; 21
D. 21; 14
Ethics; Adjudication of Complaints (AOC)
AOCs for discipline from the Discipline Board must be completed within (14; 21) calendar days
Ethics; Adjudication of Complaints (AOC)
There are two methods of addressing sustained complaints
- Supervisory Intervention
- (Informal/Formal) Discipline
Ethics; Adjudication of Complaints (AOC)
The Disciplinary Board has 3 members who determine discipline for PPA and (PPACE/PMSA) members.