Driving/Vehicle Procedures Flashcards
Vehicle Operation
Police vehicle operation shall be within ….
A. Policy
B. Procedure
C. The law
D. Policy and Procedure
Vehicle Operation
Earpiece and Bluetooth devices will be black, silver, or … in color.
A. Tan
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Brown
Vehicle Operation
While engaged in priority response or vehicle pursuit, department employees are (prohibited/discouraged) from any cellular phone use
Vehicle Operation
Personal communications on cellular telephones while engaged in enforcement activity should be conducted out of the view of the public (when feasible/at all times) unless Exigent circumstances exist
When feasible
Vehicle Operation
A radio Earpiece and a Bluetooth earpieces (can be/will not be) worn together.
Will not be.
Vehicle Operation; Maintenance
T/F. Only department vehicles equipped with push bumpers will be allowed to push other vehicles.
Vehicle Operation
Department vehicles shall be returned to the station with a … gas tank and a clean interior.
A. Full
B. Half- Full
C. 3/4 full
D. 1/4 full
Vehicle Operation
All vehicles (should/will) be turned off and locked when unoccupied
Vehicle Operation. Training
When authorized by (their bureau commanders/the sheriff), parttime driving instructors will be relieved of their regular duties and assigned TDY to the Defensive/Pursuit Driving School.
The sheriff
Vehicle Operation. EVOC
Uniformed PO’s with more than 3 years need biennial training, plain clothes officers are required to complete (biennial/annual) EVOC training on UMLV
Vehicle Operation. EVOC
FTO’s with 3+ years of service, SGT’s, LT’s, must complete Annual web based Supervisor EVOC and a … certification.
A. Annual
B. Biennial
C. Quarterly
Vehicle Operation. EVOC
non-uniformed sergeants and lieutenants are (required to complete/exempt from) the biennial recertification
Exempt from.
Vehicle Operation. EVOC
Officers in FTEP are required to complete a check ride and … check ride prior to graduation
A. Code 2
B. Code 3
C. Code 1
Vehicle Operation.
SGT’s are required to do a check ride with every new officer assigned to them, with the exception of newly graduated…officers
A. Academy
B. Detective School
Vehicle Operation.
The result of the check ride will be documented in …
A. An Officer’s Report
B. An officers blue file
C. An officer’s UMLV
Vehicle Operation
T/F. Each sergeant will conduct annual web-based emergency vehicle operations refresher training for all assigned officers who operate department vehicles, per the UMLV lesson plan created by the Training Section/EVOC.
Vehicle Operation
If an officer is scheduled to attend EVOC 2 times but does not attend without proper notification will have a …opened.
B. IAB Investigation
C. Contact Report
Vehicle Operation.
If an officer fails to attend EVOC without proper notification their (bureau or Area commander/area LT) will be notified and that officer will loose their driving privileges.
Bureau or Area Commander
Vehicle Operation
Motorcycle officers assigned to the traffic bureau are … from attending EVOC as the traffic bureau conducts its own driver’s training.
A. Encouraged
B. Required
C. Exempt
Vehicle Operation. Vehicle collisions
What is the main difference between a collision and an incident? Both involve any incident where the driver of a vehicle collided with another vehicle, a pedestrian, object; causes injury or death.
A. Collision is >$750; incident is <$750
B. Collision is<$750; incident is >$750
C. Collision is >$75; incident is <$75
Vehicle Operation. Collisions
T/F. A finding that a member involved in a collision may be preventable, but that the collision was unavoidable or excusable, considering all of the circumstances.
Vehicle Operation. Collisions
T/F. A finding that a member involved in a collision violated department policies, procedures, training standards, or traffic laws.
Vehicle Operation. Collisions
T/F. A finding that a member involved in a collision performed in accordance with department policies, procedures, training standards and traffic laws.
F. Non-preventable.
Vehicle Operation. Collisions
Training collisions and incidents occur on a … course
A. Open
B. Closed
C. Restrained
D. Academy