Essential Spray Pond (SP) Flashcards
What components on the DG does SP cool?
Lube oil cooler
turbo discharge air intercooler
JW cooler
What is the design purpose of SP system in regard to the EW system?
Maintaining EW temperature to the Essential Chiller ≤ 135 degrees F or less following a DBLOCA under the most adverse weather conditions
How would the SP system provide cooling to the SFP?
When would we do this?
through EW HX
when normal means of cooling for SFP arent available
What is the design purpose of the Ultimate Heat Sink?
Provide sufficient cooling for a period of 26 days without water makeup
Procedures are available to assure continued cooling capability beyond the 26-day period
Sufficient cooling for the safe shutdown and cooldown of the unit to maintain in a safe condition during normal shutdowns
What is the flow path of the SP system?
Spray Pond pump takes suction on SP, delivers water to DG and EW heat exchangers.
Water returns to the spray Pond through the spray nozzles, where heat is released to the environment
What are the pros and cons of using DS and TB as makeup to the SP system?
DS- more calcium, less biologic activity
TB- less calcium, more biologic activity
What are all the Spray Pond levels?
- Levels (normally around 14.2 feet control room indication)
○ 15’6” top of SP wall
○ 14’ 5” weir overflows to the sump
○ 14’ minimum T.S. Level (Control Room indication)
○ 13’11” low level alarm
○ 13’ 7.5” Spray Pond Filter Pump trip
○ 13’ 6” (local minimum tech spec level)
§ 12’ plus 1’6”
□ 12’- useable level
□ 1’6” suction of SP pump (s)
1’ 6” minimum level of Spray Pond Pump operation
What is the normal status of the pray Pond Cross-connect isolation valves (SPE-HCV-207/208)?
When/why would we operate these?
Normally Locked-Closed
Manually operated butterfly valves to equalize spray pond water level to combine inventory for both ponds following a LOCA for the 26 day period.
Opened within 24 hours from the start of LOCA (1 Train of ESF equipment is stopped)
What is the purpose of the Spray Header Valves (SPA-HV-49A/ SPB-HV-50A) and Spray Pond Bypass Valves (SPA-HV49B, SPB-HV-50B?
What is special about these?
How do these valves being out of position affect the SP?
either direct flow to the spray nozzles or directly back to the pond (bypassing the nozzles)
they are MOVs that can only be operated manually at the valve to avoid App R issues
if they are out of position in MODES 1 - 4, the system would be outside its design basis and the system can’t perform its job
When do the SP pumps auto start?
SLAC-CC & Diesel Generator start
- from BOP-ESFAS
- Auto starts when the Diesel starts
When the SP pump gets a start signal, what else gets a start signal?
When does that component turn off?
SP pump house exhaust fan
5 minutes after pump stops
When does the SP filter pump trip?
When will it restart automatically?
What has to be done if it isnt desired for the pump to restart?
</= 13’ 7.5”
if it was running before the trip, it will restart when the low level signal clears
operator needs to operate local switch (at SP)
What is the capacity of the SP filters?
What are they filled with?
50% each
sand on bottom, anthracite on top
How is the inservice SP backwash sump pump selected?
manual disconnect switch
What is the purpose of SP blowdown?
who sets the blowdown flow rate?
Feed and bleed to keep Spray Pond chemistry within limits
Chemistry creates the CCI, but AOs set the flow locally
What chemicals are added to the spray ponds?
sulfuric acid
Where are the SP pump discharge pressure indications powered from?
For the SP supply and return flow indicators, what does a large difference between the two (supply greater than return) indicate?
possible pipe rupture