ERP Flashcards
ERP Ausgeschrieben
Funktionen er ERP Systems
Finanzmanagement: Buchhaltung, Budgetierung, Zahlungsabwicklung, Rechnungsstellung.
Beschaffungsmanagement: Lieferantenverwaltung, Bestellprozesse, Bestandskontrolle.
Vertriebsmanagement: Kundenverwaltung, Auftragsabwicklung, Vertriebsanalysen.
Produktionsplanung und -steuerung: Ressourcenplanung, Fertigungsprozesse, Lagerverwaltung.
Personalmanagement: Mitarbeiterdaten, Gehaltsabrechnung, Zeit- und Anwesenheitsmanagement.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Kundendaten, Vertriebsunterstützung, Kundenbetreuung.
Berichtswesen und Analyse: Erstellung von Berichten, Datenanalyse, Geschäftsprognosen.
Definition ERP
„Als Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systeme (abgekürzt ERP-Systeme) werden integrierte betriebswirtschaftliche Standardanwendungssoftware-Pakete bezeichnet, die nahezu alle Aufgabenbereiche und Prozesse innerhalb des Unternehmens unterstützen, wie z.B. Beschaffung, Produktion, Vertrieb, Rechnungswesen und Personalwirtschaft.“ [AbMü1, S 187
Als ERP-Systeme werden solche Systeme bezeichnet, die außer der Unterstützung der Prozeßkette Beschaffung – Produktion – Absatz auch Aufgaben der Planung und Information der Unternehmensleitung sowie der Informations- und Finanzwirtschaft
wahrnehmen.“ [Gron2, S. 64
Was ensured Target Materials Management?
Ensure that the required materials are available
In time
In requested quality
At the right place
With lowest cost
Overview PROCURE TO PAY process for stock material
Organizational Levels for MM / Procure to Pay
Storage Location
Company Code
Purchasing organization / Purchasing group
Organizational Levels for MM - CLIENT
- Highest level from business view
- Independent master data and customizing settings
- Represents a corporate group
- Highest hierarchical level
Organizational Levels for MM - COMPANY CODE
- Smallest organizational unit for
general accounting - Can create an own balance sheet * Has a chart of G/L accounts * E.g. a company within a
corporate group
Organizational Levels for MM - PLANT
- Unit for manufacturing and logistics
- Examples:
Production facility
Maintenance location
Unit with common product prices for material evaluation
Organizational Levels for MM - STORAGE LOCATION
- Unit allowing a differentiation of material stocks within a plant
- Level for material movements and the physical inventory
Organizational Levels for MM - PURCHASING ORGANIZATION
- Purchasing organization:
Responsible for purchasing
activities in the enterprise,
Negotiates contracts, conditions etc. - Purchasing group:
Buyer or group of buyers, that is
contact for a purchasing activity
Views of a Material Master
Basic data
Sales data
Purchasing data
Work scheduling
MRP data
QM data
Material Accounting
Stock Quantities / Values
Warehouse Management
MRP Withing Planning Process
Overview Material Requirements Planning
MRP ausgeschrieben
Material Requirements Planning
Subprocess “Create Demand”
MRP Methods in SAP-ERP
Nenne die verschiedenen MRP Methoden und erklaere sie
LUCA S. 29
What are purchase requisitions?
Purchase requisitions are internal documents
Define demands that the purchasing dept. has to care for
Was können purchase requisitions triggern?
Procure to stock
Procure to consumer
RFQ processing
Purchase order for a concert
Special procurement types
Negotiation of a contract
Overview Purchase Requisitions in SAP ERP
Subprocess “Process Purchase Requisition”
Nenne die 7 purchasing master records for source of supplies in SAP ERP
Purchasing info records
Quota arrangements
Source lists
Scheduling agreements
Erklaere Vendors (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Describe the business partner from
view of purchasing department and
accounts payable
Erklaere Conditions (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Define prices, discounts, scales etc. that are relevant for procurment
Erklaere Purchasing info records (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Define data for purchasing dependent of vendor and from material
Erklaere Quota arrangements (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Define quotas for the assignment of subsequent demands to SOSs (Source of Supply)
Erklaere Source lists (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Allow to define preferred SOS or to
exclude a SOS (Source of Supply)
Erklaere Contracts (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Outline agreements between the supplier and by the procuring company
Erklaere Scheduling agreements (Purchasing Master Records for Source of Supplies in SAP ERP)
Special type of outline agreements between the supplier and by the procuring company. Are fulfilled by
schedule lines
Subprocess “Create Purchase Order” (NICHT WICHTIG)
Subprocess “Monitor Purchase Order”
Subprocess “Receive Goods”
Overview for SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain