Equine- Treatment and prevention Flashcards
Treatment and prevention
“Rote memorization of treatment schedules and anti-parasitic drugs without understanding the biology of the worms to be controlled concedes any intellectual advantage to the worms”
What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention Goal?
Health and performance of equid Preservation of anthelmintic efficacy Part of a preventive health program. Management/selective treatments. No single program for all equids and all equid facilities.
What does Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention Depend on?
Parasites present Age of host Housing (pasture, stalls) Numbers of equids Farming practices Other..... (Use parasiticides based on criteria)
What should Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention be focused on?
Focus on cyathostomins – the primary
parasites of equids
What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention Key concepts in a sustainable program?
- Larval stages exert greatest pathogenicity
- Strongyles exhibit seasonal patterns of transmission
- Transmission of parasitism influenced more by environment than host
- Individual horses differ markedly in susceptibility to strongyle infection
What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention Sustainable program?
Management: hygiene, nutrition Decrease exposure: remove feces, rotational grazing, mixed grazing Monitor: fecal analyses (McMaster) Determine drug efficacy: FECRT Selective chemotherapy Build upon inherent host resistance Know the parasites
Quantitative Fecal Exams McMaster
- Estimate the extent of parasite egg contamination on pastures grazed by infected animals
- Select animals for treatment
- Evaluate the success of a program
- Determine the efficacy of drug treatment
How do you Check drug efficacy?
by evaluating fecal egg counts before and after treatment (FECRT)
(pretreat FEC – posttreat FEC) / pretreat FEC
X 100 = % FECR
(e.g.) 1,000 epg – 0 epg / 1,000 epg
X 100 = 100% FECR
What is Egg reapearance time?
- “…the interval between an anthelmintic treatment and the time when parasite eggs can again be detected in the feces…”
- Reduction in this time may indicate developing levels of resistance
Selective chemotherapy treatments based on epg
< 300-600: no treatment
> 300-600: treat
Larval cultures assist in determining cut-off
How does Environment influence transmission?
When adequate grazing
Roughs – “bathroom”
Lawns – “dining room”
Overstocking ->highly infective pastures -> accumulation large burdens of larval cyathostomes
What is Overdispersion of parasites?
Minority harbor majority of parasites
Identify -> treat heavily infected individuals
Leave untreated lightly infected individuals
Preserve parasites in refugia
Preserve anthelmintic efficacy
What is What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention of Musca spp and Stomoxys?
Screens Sanitation Reduce breeding places Adding insecticides to manure heaps Sprays, residual insecticides, baits
What is What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention of Gasterophilus spp control?
Remove eggs with special comb
What is What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention of Tabanids?
Breeding places hard to detect
Keep animals in barn during times of fly activity
On-animal treatment short-lived
Utilize traps that take advantage of fly behavior
What is What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention of Mites?
Use parasiticide
MCLs are effective
What is What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention of Coccidia?
Low exposure for immunity to develop
Avoid contamination of environment and stress on animals
Supportive therapy may be essential
What is What is Equine Parasites Treatment and prevention of Sarcocystis neurona?
Hygiene is most effective
Prevent opossums from defecating where horse feeds