Canine/Feline- Arachnids: Mites Flashcards
What is Order Acari (Mites) Identification?
microscopic, less than 1 mm long
body have scales, spines, setae (hairs) useful in identification
legs may have claws or suckers
used to attach to host
What are Order Acari (Mites) Different strategies?
burrow into the host’s epidermis (Sarcoptes, Notoedres) non burrowing; entirely on the skin surface (Psoroptes, Cheyletiella, Chorioptes) restricted to an area of the body (Otodectes)
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Common name?
Sarcoptic mange mite, itch mite, scabies mite
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Hosts?
All domestic animals and humans
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Identification?
Round, legs short, suckers on long unsegmented
stalks differ between sexes
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Site(s) of infection
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Pathogenesis and lesions?
Erythema, scale and crust formation
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Clinical signs?
Begins on hairless areas of body, lateral elbow and pinna of ear are common starting places
Lesions of follicular papules, areas of erythema, crusts of dried serum and blood and pruritus.
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Diagnosis?
Skin scraping but recovery of mite difficult
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Treatment and prevention?
MCLs are effective
Treatment of pets cure the humans they infest
What is Demodex canis Common name?
Demodectic mange mite, follicle mite
What is Demodex canis Hosts?
What is Demodex canis Identification?
“Cigars with legs”
What is Demodex canis Life cycle?
Entirely in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Transmission from bitch to newborns.
What is Demodex canis Site(s) of infection?
Hair follicles and sebaceous glands
What is Demodex canis Pathogenesis and lesions?
Localized demodicosis associated with alopecia,
erythema and no pruritus. Usually in young animals. Prognosis for clinical recovery
What is Demodex canis, Generalized demodicosis characterized by?
5 or more areas of localized disease or entire body region, hair sparse and skin coarse and dry, develops to “red mange”. Concomitant staphylococcal pyoderma develops, pustules develop, open and ooze.
Very difficult to cure
What is Demodex canis Diagnosis?
Skin scrapings can reveal mites. However, mites
are normal inhabitants, so presence does not indicate disease
What is Demodex canis Treatment and prevention?
Amitraz (formamidine) is approved;
other options?
Dogs typically acquire Demodex infestations from?
the bitch as pups while nursing
What is Cheyletiella yasguri Hosts?
Dogs, humans
What is Cheyletiella yasguri Identification?
“Waist”, “walking dandruff” and palpal claws
What is Cheyletiella yasguri Site(s) of infection
Fur and hair
What is Cheyletiella yasguri Pathogenesis and lesions/Clinical
“Walking dandruff” due to walking mites
What is Cheyletiella yasguri Diagnosis?
Dandruff, adhesive tape or scotch tape swab
What is Cheyletiella yasguri Treatment and prevention?
Several insecticides are used
What is Otodectes cynotis Common name?
Ear mite
What is Otodectes cynotis Hosts?
Dogs, cats, ferrets, foxes, also rabbits and humans
What is Otodectes cynotis Identification?
Long legs extend beyond body margin, suckers
of males and females differ, copious dark cerumen is observed
What is Otodectes cynotis Site(s) of infection?
What is Otodectes cynotis Pathogenesis and lesions?
In cats dry waxy parchmentlike material in ears with large number of mites
What is Otodectes cynotis Clinical signs?
Frequent shaking of head
What is Otodectes cynotis Diagnosis?
Behavior of animal, exudate in ear canal, mites on slide
What is Otodectes cynotis Treatment and prevention?
Several remedies are approved