Bovine- Amblyomma, Rhipicephalus, Otobius, Sarcoptes and Chorioptes Flashcards
What are Hard ticks (Ixodids) (characteristics)?
Larger than mites
Hard dorsal shield, scutum
Scutum can be ornate
Many ticks of wildlife, but 16 reported in domestic animals
Often found on areas that can not be easily groomed (e.g. head, neck, ears…..)
What is Ixodid life cycle depend on?
Time taken to complete its life cycle depends on:
Species of tick
Environmental conditions
Availability of suitable hosts
What is Amblyomma spp. Common name?
Lone star tick, Gulf Coast tick
Tropical bont tick, Bont tick
What is Amblyomma spp. Hosts?
humans, livestock, dogs, cats
What is Amblyomma spp. Identification?
long palps and ornate scutum
banded legs
several species distributed widely
A. americanum “lone star tick” single white spot on female scutum
What is Amblyomma spp. Life cycle?
3 host tick
What is Amblyomma spp. Site(s) of infection?
adults prefer head, ears and neck
What is Amblyomma spp. Pathogenesis, lesions, clinical signs?
long mouthparts = painful bites
transmit diseases
–rickettsial (e.g. heartwater)
–Hepatozoon americanum by ingestion of A. maculatum
What is Amblyomma spp. Diagnosis?
identification of tick
What is Amblyomma spp. Treatment and prevention?
several parasiticides effective
difference if lactating dairy cattle
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Common name?
Rhipicephalus spp: blue tick
R. annulatus: cattle fever tick
R. microplus: tropical cattle tick
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Hosts?
cattle, other large hosts
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Identification?
hexagonal basis capituli
prominent dorsal ridges
hypostome short
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Life cycle?
1 host tick
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Site(s) of infection?
adults on ventral aspects of body
immatures in ears
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Pathogenesis, lesions, clinical signs?
bovine piroplasmosis: B. bigemina
Gallsickness: Anaplasma marginale
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Diagnosis?
identification of tick
What is Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. Treatment and prevention?
several parasiticides effective
difference if lactating dairy cattle
What are Soft ticks (Argasids) characteristics?
No dorsal shield, scutum Leathery tegument, spinose and bumpy Mouthparts ventrally placed, so not visible dorsally 2 nymphal stages in life cycle 25 species in USA
What is Otobius spp. Common name?
spinose ear tick
What is Otobius spp. Hosts?
livestock, humans, dogs
What is Otobius spp. Identification?
mouthparts not visible dorsally
integument short sharp spines
What is Otobius spp. Life cycle?
Adults are not on the animal
larvae and nymphs “taxi-ed” long distances
What is Otobius spp. Pathogenesis, lesions, clinical signs?
ear canals affected seriously in large tick buildups
heavy infestations lead to anemia
What is Otobius spp. Treatment and prevention?
topical use of acaricidal applications in ear canals
treatment of premises
What is Order Acari (Mites) Identification
microscopic, <1 mm long
body has scales, spines, setae (hairs) useful in identification
legs may have claws or suckers used to attach to host
What is Order Acari (Mites) Different strategies?
burrow into the host epidermis Sarcoptes, Notoedres
non burrowing; on skin surface Psoroptes, Cheyletiella, Chorioptes
restricted to an area of body Otodectes
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Common name?
itch mite, neck and tail mange
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Identification?
round in shape
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Life cycle?
E –L –N –A
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Site(s) of infection?
epidermal layers of skin
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Pathogenesis/lesions/clinical signs?
potentially most severe cattle mange
mild infection – scaly skin
severe infection – thickened skin
downgrading of hides, drop in meat and milk production
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Diagnosis?
skin scraping
What is Sarcoptes scabiei Treatment and prevention?
eprinomectin approved for lactating dairy cattle
Must be reported to authorities
What is Chorioptes bovis Hosts?
cattle, small ruminants, equids
What is Chorioptes bovis Identification?
rounded mouthparts
sucker shape at end of stalks
What is Chorioptes bovis Life cycle?
Feeds on skin surface and epithelial debris
Female: lives 4-6 wk; lays approx 90 eggs
PPP: 10 d
E –L –N -A
What is Chorioptes bovis Site(s) of infection?
tailhead, udder and legs
What is Chorioptes bovis Pathogenesis and lesions/Clinical signs?
late winter, mild condition
damages hides
What is Chorioptes bovis Diagnosis?
skin scraping
What is Chorioptes bovis Treatment and prevention?
standard louse treatments give good response
MCLs (eprinomectin) are used as a pour-on in lactating dairy cattle