Equine- Culicoides, Tabanids and Chorioptes Flashcards
What is Culicoides spp. Common name?
Biting midges, “no-see-ums”
What is Culicoides spp. Hosts?
All domestic animals and humans
What is Culicoides spp. Identification?
1.5-5.0 mm long
Mottled wings, short piercing proboscis?
What is Culicoides spp. Life cycle?
Eggs laid in damp marshy ground Eggs hatch in 2-9 d 4 larval stages completed 14-25 d up to 7 mo Pupae at edge of water Flies emerge in 3-10 d Females suck blood
What is Culicoides spp. Site(s) of infection?
What is Culicoides spp. Pathogenesis and lesions?
Transmits protozoa, helminths (Onchocerca) and viruses
What is Culicoides spp. Clinical signs?
Pain inflicted outweighs size of fly
Allergic reaction in some horses
What is Culicoides spp. Diagnosis?
Fly identification
What is Culicoides spp. Treatment and prevention?
Decrease standing water
Avoid marshy pastures
Treat horse: repellents, insecticides
Tabanids: Gadflies, what is a Gadfly
A person who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions; being an irritant
What is Tabanus spp. Common name?
Horse fly
What is Tabanus spp. Hosts?
Large domestic or wild animals, humans, small mammals, birds
What is Tabanus spp. Identification?
Stout bodied fly 10 to 50 mm
Mouthparts slashing and sponging
What is Tabanus spp. Life cycle?
After blood meal, female lays several hundred eggs in muddy or marshy areas
Whole cycle at least 4-5 mo
What is Tabanus spp. Site(s) of infection?
What is Tabanus spp. Pathogenesis and lesions?
Painful bites
Efficient mechanical vectors of several diseases
What is Tabanus spp. Clinical signs?
What is Chrysops spp. Common name?
Deer fly
What is Chrysops spp. Identification?
Dark bands across wings Antennae elongate Bite horses in shaded areas Horses will stand in sun to avoid All other aspects like Tabanus spp.
What is Chrysops spp. Diagnosis?
Identify the fly
Chrysops spp. prefer shade
What is Chrysops spp. Treatment and prevention?
Cannot control via breeding sites because diffuse and difficult to detect
Control in housing and on animals (repellents, insecticides)
What is Acari (Mites) Identification?
Microscopic, < 1 mm long
Body have scales, spines, setae (hairs) used in identification
Legs may have claws or suckers used to attach to host
What are Acari (Mites) Different strategies with some (species)?
Burrowing into host epidermis –Sarcoptes, Notoedres
Non burrowing entirely on skin surface – Psoroptes, Cheyletiella, Chorioptes
Restricted to an area of body – Otodectes
What is Chorioptes bovis Common names?
Chorioptic mange mite, foot mange, leg mange, itchy heel
What is Chorioptes bovis Hosts?
Equids, ruminants
What is Chorioptes bovis Identification?
Feed on skin but do not pierce
Females with suckers on leg pairs 1, 2, 4
Males have suckers on leg pairs 1, 2, 3, 4; pair 4 is rudimentary
What is Chorioptes bovis Life cycle?
Typical of the non-burrowing mites
Eggs, larvae and nymphs mature to adults in 10 d
What is Chorioptes bovis Site(s) of infection?
Distal parts of limbs
What is Chorioptes bovis Pathogenesis/lesions/clinical signs?
Crusty lesions with thickened skin on distal parts of limbs
Moving mites cause irritation
What is Chorioptes bovis Diagnosis?
Skin scraping of affected areas
What is Chorioptes bovis Treatment and prevention?