Equine Orthopoedics Flashcards
How would you identify acute and chronic tendon injury on US?
Acute: hypoechoic (darker) areas
Chronic: heterogenous pattern of variable amounts of hypoechogenicity and hyperechogenicity
What is an exostosis?
Benign outgrowth of cartilaginous tissue on a bone
How do you treat exostosis on the distal radius?
If impinging on tendons: tenoscopic exam
If not impinging: look for another source of lameness. If none found but still positive to carpal sheath block: do tenoscopy
What would you suspect if you saw acoustic shadowing on an US of a tendon sheath?
Foreign body
Why is it so important to treat incomplete radial fractures?
Radius is a weight-bearing bone so is at high risk of propagating leading to a complete fracture (commonly fatal)
How do you treat radial fractures?
Stabilisation (need to stabilise joint above and below)
Bandage from foot to as high as possible
Ideally 2 splints (caudal and lateral):
Caudal: foot to olecranon
Lateral: foot to withers
Box rest and cross-tie to prevent lying down
Repeat rads in 2-4 weeks
What should you do in a case of suspected radial fracture with no obvious fracture line on x-ray?
Treat as if it’s fractured and re-radiograph in 2 weeks- fracture will be more obvious then
What would make you suspect an ulna fracture?
Horse can’t extend carpus (failure of passive stay apparatus)
How would you stabilise an ulna fracture for referral?
Splint at the palmar aspect to lock carpus in extension
Give some differentials for a positive response to carpal sheath anaesthesia
Tendinitis of the DDFT or SDFT
Osteochondroma/ exostosis
Should you splint a humeral fracture?
It will act as a fulcrum and make things worse
Poor prognosis
How do you treat deltoid tuberosity fractures of the humerus?
If radius is not involved:
Clean and debride wound and remove bone fragments
Treat conservatively, let wound heal by 2nd intention
Good prognosis
How do you treat a bicipital tendon injury?
Controlled exercise
Intra-lesional therapies
Shock wave for insertional injuries
Bicipital bursoscopy
Which is the best radiographic view to diagnose a humeral tubercle fracture?
Skyline (cranioproximal-craniodistal oblique)
How do you treat osseous cyst-like lesions of the shoulder?
Arthroscopic surgery
Joint medication: corticosteroids, IRAP
How do you treat osteoarthritis?
Arthroscopic evaluation Intra-articular corticosteroids IRAP NSAIDs Weight management Dietary modification (eg adding omega 3 fatty acids)
What are the 3 compartments of the stifle?
Medial and lateral femorotibial (divided by an intact septum)
In the stifle, does the femoropatellar compartment communicate more with the medial or lateral femorotibial compartment?
Give some clinical signs of OCD of the stifle
Stifle effusion
Which part of the stifle is most affected by OCD?
Lateral trochlear ridge of (distal) femur
Give the treatment options for OCD
Conservative: if <8-12 months old. Dietary advice, exercise restriction.
Surgery: if >12 months old. Removal of osteochondral fragments. Curettage to healthy subchondral bone.
How old are horses when they present with osseous cyst-like lesions?
1-3 years +
Which femoral condyle is usually affected by osseous cyst-like lesions?
Give some clinical signs of an osseous cyst-like lesion
Lameness ++
+/- joint effusion
Give the treatment options for an osseous cyst-like lesion
Inject joint with intra-articular corticosteroids
Inject cyst under GA (with corticosteroids)
Debride cyst (may worsen it)
Bone screw across cyst
How can you treat a patellar fracture?
Surgical removal if <1/3, or fixation
What are the treatment options for a complete fracture of the femur/tibia?
If adult/ >250kg/ comminuted/open: euthanasia
If foal or weanling: possible to repair but requires high expertise
How do you treat tibial stress fractures?
Rest/alteration to exercise regime
Give some clinical signs of pelvic fractures
Pain/swelling/muscle spasm
Signs of shock (if iliac arteries are severed)
Muscle atrophy
Nerve damage (decreased muscle/anal tone)
Sharp discontinuity on rectal exam
Give the treatment options for pelvic fractures
NSAIDs Box rest (cross tie for >1 month if major fracture), 2 months box rest with daily walking out, then 2 months field rest
Give some clinical signs of sacroiliac disease
Poor performance
Pelvic asymmetry (muscle atrophy)