Bovine Nutrition Flashcards
What is ERDP? Give an example
Effective rumen-degrading protein eg urea
What is FME? Give an example
Fermentable metabolisable energy ie starches and sugars
What is RUDP?
Undegradable rumen protein
Digested in abomasum and small intestine
eg soya
High quality, expensive
How much protein does a dairy cow require?
16% if yield < 8000L
18% if yield > 8000L
How much protein is in grass silage?
What is ME?
Metabolisable energy
Energy available to animal for maintenance, growth, lactation and pregnancy
What is the capacity of the rumen?
200L +
What are carbohydrates fermented to?
Volatile fatty acids (acetate, butyrate, propionate)
What happens to VFAs in the rumen?
Absorbed across rumen wall
Enter Krebbs cyce
Glucose synthesis (from propionate)
How much does a ruminant eat?
2-2.5% BW if doing nothing
If lactating: 3% BW if producing 30L/day, 4% BW if producing 50L/day
If heavily pregnant, eats less as foetus occupies space in abdomen
Give some factors that influence DMI
Body weight and fatness (fat suppresses appetite) Milk yield Stage of production cycle Type of food (digestibility) Palatability Access to feed Availability (TMR vs parlour feed etc) Social factors eg bullying Stress/pain eg lameness Rumen health
When do cows ruminate best?
When lying down
How much energy does a cow require for maintenance?
+ 5MJ/litre of milk
What are ghrelins?
Hormones involved in appetite
When is milk yield highest?
8 weeks after calving
What DMI should you aim for at peak milk yield?
4% (appetite)
What M/D values should lactating, dry and cows at pasture be fed?
Lactating cows: 11.5-12.3 MJ ME/kg DM
Dry cows: 8-8.5 MJ ME/kg DM
Cows at pasture: no more than 14 MJ ME/kg DM
What are the DM and M/D values for clamp grass silage?
DM: 20-35%
M/D: 10-12 MJ ME/Kg DM