Epithelium (Laboratory) Flashcards
Made up of several layers of cells, continuously sloughed off and regenerated.
stratified squamous
A single layer of flat cells having irregular boundaries
simple squamous
The cytoplasm gets replaced by keratin, which makes the layer waterproof
A single layer of short cylindrical cells. It may have microvilli as in proximal convoluted tubules.
simple cuboidal
Identify the type of epithelial tissue being referred to by the given location:
> Outer layer or apical layer of the cell
Identify the type of epithelial tissue being referred to by the given location:
> Urinary bladder
Identify the type of epithelial tissue being referred to by the given location:
> Mammary glands
Sweat glands
Salivary glands
stratified cuboidal
Identify the type of epithelial tissue being referred to by the given location:
> Respiratory passage
Ducts of many glands
pseudostratified columnar
Mostly dead and devoid of nucleus and cytoplasm.
There is a layer of columnar cells present on squamous, columnar or cuboidal epithelial cells.
stratified columnar
Cells are cuboidal when not stretched; irregular & sqamous-shaped when organ stretches and tissue gets compressed.
Identify the type of epithelial tissue being referred to by the given location:
> Lining of the mouth
stratified squamous
Similar to columnar epithelium but all the cells are not of similar height
Pseudostratified columnar
Identify the type of epithelial tissue being referred to by the given location:
> Blood vessel lining
Air sac lining of lungs
simple squamous
Stratified epithelium which can contract or expand