epbit Flashcards
Engine failure in HIGE
- Collective - maintain initially then increase to cushion the touchdown
- Pedals - control yaw rate
- Cyclic - adjust to obtain skid level attitude
Eng Fail in take off
- Collective - lower immediately to stop Nr decay
- Pedals - control yaw rate
- Autorotative landing - complete
Eng Fail in HOGE
- Collective - lower immediately to stop Nr decay
- Pedals - control yaw rate
- Cyclic - forward to increase airspeed
- Autorotative landing - complete
Eng Fail in Cruise
- Collective - Lower immediately to stop Nr decay
- Pedals - control yaw rate
- Cyclic - adjust to desired airspeed
if time and altitude permit - Mayday - transmit
- Transponder - 7700
- Eng Restart in Flight - as required
if eng remains off/failed - Autorotative landing - complete
Caution: Nr 90-110%
Note: Min ROD airspeed 70, max glide airspeed 100 kias
Engine Restart in Flight
- Gen Switch - off
- Twist grip - off
- Start push-button - press and release
when N1 reaches 10-20% - Twist grip - idle
when starter drops out and N1 61+/-1% - Twist grip - flt
- Gen Switch - on
Autorotative Landing
At approximately 150’
1. Cyclic - Flare to reduce forward speed
At approximately 20-30’ AGL
2. Collective increase to reduce rate of descent
3. Cyclic - forward to obtain skid level attitude
4. Collective - Continue application to cushion the touchdown
5. Pedals - maintain direction
6. Emergency shutdown - complete
Caut: if you contact on aft skid don’t counteract the pitch down with cyclic
Eng Oil Px Low
Eng oil px below 40 psi or 40-80 psi and decreasing
1. Reduce power
2. Monitor engine parameters
3. Land as soon as possible
warning: may result in eng fail
note: eng oil px may enter cautionary range during practice autos
Eng Oil Temp Hi
- Reduce Power
- Monitor engine parameters
- Land as soon possible
Abort Start
- Twist Grip - off
- IGN switch - off
- Starter pushbutton - continue to operate until ITT decreases to normal range
- Fuel panel switches - off/closed
Caut: failure to use ext pwr on subsequent starts may result in hot start
Excessive rise in ITT, ITT rapidly through 870, and or low batt voltage indicate increased potential for hot start
if light off does not occur within 10 seconds of twist grip idle - abort start
Eng Compressor Stall
- Collective - lower to clear the stall
- Airspeed - 60-70 kias level flight
- land as soon as possible
warning: may result in eng fail
note: if you have power but can’t maintain level flight, use the power you have to get to a good landing site or land well
Malfunction of FCU
if fuel control system malfunction causes an increase in power (overspeed)
1. Twist Grip - Reduced until Nr/N2 are in normal range
2. Collective/Twist Grip - coordinate
3. Land as soon as possible
Warn: N1 decreasing below 51% will cause flameout
Note: overspeed may result in EEC fail
Malfunction of FCU
if fuel control sys causes decrease in power (underspeed)
1. Collective - lower to maintain Nr
2. Man/Nor selector - man
3. Twist Grip - slowly rotate toward max, as required
4. Collective/Twist Grip - coordinate
5. Land as soon as possible
Warn: rapid twist grip movement may result in exceedance
N1 below 51% will cause flameout
Eng RGB chip
- Reduce power
- Check for secondary indications
if secondary indications exist - Land as soon as possible
if no secondary indications - Chip burner switch - activate and release
if message does not extinguish or on 4th message - Land as soon as possible
Use of chip burner when relative oil px is below limits is prohibited
Note: chip burner shall not be used on ground
chip burner can be activated 3x per flight
Eng AGB Chip
- Reduce power
- Land as soon as possible
note: chip burner not available with eng agb chip
XMSN Malfunction
if failure is imminent
1. land immediately
if failure is not imminent
2. reduce power
3. monitor transmission parameters
4. land as soon as possible
warn: Possible indications of imminent transmission failure may include: yaw attitude excursions with no control input, an increase in power required for a fixed collective setting, increased noise,
increased vibrations, or abnormal fumes.
note: transit min power required airspeed at low alt to effect a quick flare and immediate landing in event of imminent failure