EOP's Flashcards
What is the GOAL of the REACTOR TRIP EOP, 40EP-9EO02?
- Safely establish Mode 3
- Minimize RAD release to environment
- Transition to appropriate procedure ASAP
State ENTRY Conditions for RX TRIP EOP?
BOTH conditions exist:
- SPTA’s have been performed
- Plant conditions = Uncomplicated RX Trip
What are the GENERAL guidelines for EXIT of a recovery procedure (EOP/ORP)?
- Procedure isn’t appropriate for event in-progress
2. EOP/ORP has accomplished its goals
What are the specific EXIT conditions for leaving the RX TRIP EOP?
- Diagnosis of uncomplicated RX Trip is NOT confirmed or ANY RX TRIP SFSC acceptance criteria is NOT satisfied
- Procedure is done by satisfying ALL of following:
- RX TRIP SFSC acceptance criteria satisfied
- RCS controlled/maintained in M3
- Appropriate Procedure to implement provided/approved
What TRM requires recording PZR Spray Valve cycles?
- Delta T from RX TRIP App. 6, use ERFDADS (RCTDAUX)
If LOGGING of Spray Valve requirements start when a Main Spray Valve is already open, do we need to log the CYCLE of that valve?
If using an EOP during a Plant Cooldown or PZR Spray Valve Ops, what are done with the appendices that track the valve cycles and cooldown rates?
- Attach them to the specific EOP
2. Test Log entry SHALL be made
When do the supply breakers to WRF open automatically? WHY?
- SIAS (either train)
- Switchyard voltage reaches LOW setpoint of 518 kV (on either bus)
- Prevent DOUBLE-SEQUENCING in Unit 1
When WRF loses power, what is impact to PVNGS?
- Loss of CW makeup (WRF loses both pumps)
- Jeopardize CW system in a few hours
- Higher concentration in CW silica (plate out on Main Condensers tubes/Loss of Vacuum)
Why is there a TIME LIMIT on aligning BDAS? And what is the Bases?
- BDAS must be OPERABLE < 1 Hour after Neutron flux enters Startup Range
- LCO 3.3.12 (Min of 2 channels required OPERABLE, when enter Mode 3)
- EXCORE Startup Channels OPERABILITY also impacted (part of BDAS)
- Goal is to provide Operators an alert to Inadvertent Boron Dilution
When assessing Reactivity Control for SFSC in RX TRIP EOP, what is done if All FSCEA’s don’t fully insert?
- Boration in progress > 40 GPM, or
2. Adequate SDM, as required by TS
When assessing MVA during RX TRIP EOP, what are PK and PN requirements (minimum)?
2 trains of PK and 1 train of PN on SAME TRAIN
In an Uncomplicated RX Trip, what are the Acceptance Criteria for RCS Inventory Control?
- PZR LEVEL 10-65%
- PZR LEVEL Trending to 33-53%
- RCS is 24F or more subcooled
- RVLMS indicates 100% RVUH
- Subcooling validates PZR Level and RX Vessel shouldn’t have voiding
What is the Acceptance Criteria for RCS Pressure Control in the RX TRIP EOP?
- PZR Pressure 1837-2285 PSIA
2. PZR Pressure trending to 2225-2275 PSIA
State Core Heat Removal criteria during RX TRIP EOP’s
- Loop Delta T is < 10F
- RCS is 24F or More Subcooled
- 10F = engineering limit for Min Forced (1 RCP)
U1 just had a RX TRIP, diagnosed as Uncomplicated. What is acceptance criteria for RCS Heat Removal per EOP?
- RCS Tcold 560-570F
- At least 1 SG Level 45-60% NR and FW available, or FW restoring SG Level in at least 1 SG to 45-60% NR
- 60% NR provides Margin in case of SWELL
During CTMT Isolation SFSC, “HI CTMT PRESSURE PRE-TRIP ALARM” comes in. What is done?
Operators should be alert that something MORE serious than uncomplicated RX Trip is occurring
Per RX TRIP EOP, what time is entered in Placekeeper for EOP Entry Time?
Time SPTA’s were entered
Per RX TRIP EOP, what is performed when RX Power is 2x10^-6% or Less?
Appendix 8, BDAS alarm check
Per RX TRIP EOP, what SFP parameters are monitored?
- SFP Temp < 125F
- SFP Cooling in Operation
- SFP Level > 137’6”
What are SHADED steps? Asterisks steps?
Continuous Use Trigger Steps (CRS can perform out of sequence - always applicable)
Per EOP’s, what is a Safety Function?
Condition or Action that prevents Core Damage or Minimizes RAD release to public
Define HARSH conditions in CTMT?
- CTMT Temp > 170F
2. CTMT RAD Level > 10^8 mR/Hr
How do we verify MSIS?
- ESFAS signal is intitiated
2. MSIV, MFIV, BD IV’s are all Closed
When verifying SFSC for RX Control, why is verifying < 2x10^-4% power an option for verifying?
Max expected level of Subcritical Multiplication
What is the PRIMARY purpose of the UFSAR Accident Analysis?
- Demonstrate adequate protection of public
- Document specific criteria are met for abnormal
- Define requirements for PV license docs
- Design and Tech Specs, and Emergency Procs
ID the PVNGS Safety Limits
- M1/M2: DNBR < 1.34
- M1/M2: Peak Fuel CL temp < 5080F (decrease by 58F per 10K MWD/MTU)
RCS Pressure SL
1. M1-5: RCS Pressure < 2750 PSIA
What assumed RPS Setpoint values are used in Accident Analysis to prove there is adequate plant protection?
Limiting Safety System Settings
- LO DNBR, HI LPD, HI LOG and Linear PWR, LO PZR PRESS, Reduced margins on LPD and DNBR
If LSSS setpoints are set or drift in ‘non-conservative’ direction, what would be concern?
Invalidate accident analysis results, reduce assumed margin of safety
What are the 8 event categories designated for classifying postulated initiation events?
- Increased Heat Removal by Secondary
- Decreased Heat Removal by Secondary
- Decreased RCS Flow
- RX and PWR distribution anomalies
- Increase in RCS Inventory
- Decrease in RCS Inventory
- RAD release from subsystem/component
Define MODERATE, INFREQUENT and LIMITING frequencies for initiating events.
MODERATE: Occur during calendar year
INFREQUENT: Life of plant
LIMITING: Not expected but postulated (significant)
Tie Initiating Events to Limiting Faults.
- Increased HR by Secondary: MSLB double rupture
- Decreased HR: Loss of Vacuum
- Decreased RCS Flow: RCP shaft shear
- RX/PWR Anomalies: CEA Ejection
- RCS Inventory Decrease: Double Guillotine RCP line (LOCA)
10CFR50, Appendix A:
“occurrence results in loss of capability of component to perform intended safety function. Multiple failures from single occurrence are considered single failure.
RX Protection System provides protection assistance for which LIMITING FAULTS?
- RCS Pipe rupture, incl. double ended
- CEA Ejection (single)
- Steam system pipe rupture (incl. double)
- FW pipe rupture (incl. double)
- RCP shaft seize
- Safety valve lift depressurization
- RCP Sheared shaft
Would require LCO’s, procedures, plant design, etc…to MINIMIZE consequences to health and safety of nuclear workers and public
- Worst case potential set of conditions in particular event category
What temperatures do we use to log AUX SPRAY valve cycles? MAIN SPRAY?
AUX: REGEN HX Outlet and RCN-TI-101
MAIN: Spray Loops 1A/1B and RCN-TI-101
How do we log Main and Aux Spray cycling (2 methods)?
- Appendix Log
2. IF Missed = Use ERFDADS (RCTDAUX)
What is Double Sequencing?
- Low Voltage and a SIAS
- WRF Switchyard Sheds
*518kV for 35 seconds sheds WRF equipment
BDAS must be confirmed OPERABLE ___ Hour after ___
1 hour after Flux in SUR
TS LCO 3.3.12 BDAS requires how many channels to be Operable?
*Uses Ex-Core to measure