When would we ENTER an AOP?
- When CRS determines abnormal conditions exist
- Enter in ANY MODE when Entry Conditions met
- Can do SIMULTANEOUS, CRS takes Highest
How do we PERFORM AOP Steps?
- As written and in order
- If can’t do Instructions, move to Contingency
- If Contingency works, move to next Instruction step
- If Contingency can’t be done, move to next step in Instructions
When would we NOT perform the next sequential step after completing a Contingency?
When referred to another step or procedure
When can we continue on in an AOP?
- Initiating an action to accomplish a step
2. SHALL NOT advance to next step until a “Hold Point” step is Complete
Who controls movement thru a Procedure?
Controls pace and overall control. Directs actions and progress.
Do the requirements of TS apply while using AOP’s?
CRS shall be aware of LCO’s and required actions
When do we stop using the ARP?
- Procedure directs performance of an AOP
2. AOP is being performed concurrently, steps in ARP are complete
What Failures determine if a RRS Malfunction AOP should be executed?
- (3.0) Temperature Instrument Failures
- (4.0) TLI Failures
- (5.0) Control Channel NI Failures
RCNTR100 has a channel that has Failed, what section would you enter in RRS Malfunctions AOP?
Section 3, Temperature Instrument Failures or Section 4, TLI Failures
If RRS were selected to a failed instrument (RCS Temps), what would occur?
- No AMI
2. CEA Withdrawal signal
On a LOW TAVE failure, what happens to SBCS?
- QO Block (on a RX Trip)
2. Continuous Turbine Runback (RPCS)
How does DFWCS respond to a LOW TAVG signal from RRS after a RX TRIP?
DFWCS would not feed any flow in RTO
When a Tcold instrument fails HIGH, what would occur with RRS when in AVG?
- AMI Generation (>5F delta between Loops)
2. AWP (Tc >575F or TAVG 6F>TREF)
How does SBCS respond to a HIGH TAVG signal from RRS?
- Prevents a QO Block (after RX Trip)
2. Prevents Turbine Runback after Cutback
If a Th or Tc instrument fails, what is the first action, regardless of failure mode?
Per Section 4 of 40AO-9ZZ16, RRS Malfunctions, what is the approximate volts that should be read at the RRS Test Panel (DVM) for 100% Turbine Power?
100% Turbine Power = Approximately 8 Volts
NOTE: 0-10 Volts = TLI Range of 0-125% Turbine Power
If RRS was selected to a FAILED HIGH instrument in the TLI circuit, what affects are seen in SBCS?
- Prevents QO Permissive
- No AMI Permissive (TLI <15%) - Only when RX <15%
- Continuous Runback on a Cutback
- No Cutback on a Turbine Trip
PT-11A is selected in RRS for TLI indication and has just failed LOW. What should we expect to occur with SBCS?
- Lower than actual TLI signal to SBCS
- QO Permissive for ~ 10 seconds
- If MT Power <15%, AMI Permissive generated
What is done to SBCS to stabilize the plant when a TLI instrument fails?
2nd Action. Evaluate SBCS response, if necessary Remove SBCS Master from “Remote Auto” and restore SG Pressure to band
5th Action. Place SBCS Master in “Local Auto” or “Manual”, select unaffected input at RRS Test Panel
If a Control Channel fails HIGH, what occurs in DFWCS?
<16.5% and Deviation of 8% = Canned Value 5%
> 16.5% and Deviation of 8% = Canned 60%
If a Control Channel fails LOW and RX Power <15%, what does SCBS do?
Generates a LOW POWER AMI. In AVG or if selected to affected instrument.
What are the ACTIONS taken to stabilize the plant when a Control Channel instrument fails?
- Compare SENJI7 / JR5
- Determine Impact
- Selected unaffected at RRS Test Panel
- Evaluate TAVG/TREF, adjust load, CEA’s, etc
- CEDMCS to desired mode
If a failed temperature instrument is still reading within its normal range, what system could it affect?
COLSS (NOTE from RRS Malfunctions AOP)
If in Single Element Control, what do RAPID CHANGES to the SBCS Master Controller do?
Cause pertubations in DFWCS, can result in RX TRIP
If an “Air Removal System trouble” alarm is received, which section of AOP’s could be entered?
Section 3.0, Plant Cooling Water or Loss of Cooling Water AOP
On a Loss of PW and Electrical Power must be restored to the pumps, what 2 actions are done?
- Both PW Pumps in PULL TO LOCK
2. Perform 40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical AOP
If either PW or TC systems can’t be restored after completing actions in AOP, what is required?
A Plant Trip
If RCP’s have Seal Injection but No NC, how long do we have to restore NC? On a Loss of both, we must restore NC in how long?
With Seal Injection gone and no NC = 10 Minutes
No NC or Seal Injection = 3 Minutes
If we exceed Seal Injection and NC time limits to restoring cooling water to the RCP’s, what actions are required?
- TRIP the RX
- Stop all RCP’s
- Isolate CBO
- We have 30 minutes to stop and isolate (seize bearings)
On a loss of NC to the RCP’s due to a LOOP, how long do we have to supply cooling water? And from where?
10 Minutes
Supply from EW X-Tie (A has CR options, B is Manual)
On a loss of NC, why is CBO isolated?
Prevents pump seal damage.
Damage is from TEMPERATURE of CBO
What are required actions if NC Leak occurs inside CTMT?
- Close NC CIV’s (401,402,403)
- Trip RX
- Stop all RCP’s
- Isolate CBO
- Go to appropriate procedure for plant conditions
U1 has an unisolable NC Leak on common discharge of Normal Chillers. What would we do?
Trip the Plant. X-Tie of EW would just drain EW.
*IF in North Yard, then can X-Tie (SIM example)
What TS are impacted by EW X-Tie to NC?
EW (3.7.7) and EC (3.7.10) are both INOPERABLE
Once we X-Tie EW to NC, how do we increase flow to the RCP’s and other Priority NC Loads?
- Ensure no more than 1 WC outlet valve is open
- Throttle SDC HXA/B outlet isolation valve (until RCP low flow clears and EW flow <8500 gpm)
- Close all WC outlet valves and restart the Normal Chiller that WAS NOT running (timer impacts)
EWA-UV-145 and 65 CLOSE on a SIAS and Low EWA Surge Tank. Which auto function CANNOT be overridden?
Low EWA Surge Tank Level
What ESFAS signal will isolate NC or EW to CTMT?
NC Valve 401 has FAILED CLOSED. We do NOT have a valid CSAS signal. What actions are performed?
- OPEN any CIV
2. Evaluate TS 3.6.3 for impacts
Before opening EW X-Tie to NC, what must be done?
Fully close NCN-UV-99
*Prevents uncontrolled transfer of water NC/EW
On a LOP to a WC Compressor, what impacts would this potentially have on NC Flow and alarms?
More outlet valves may be open then is indicated.
Can lead to not clearing NC Flow alarms.
When throttling EWA-HCV-53 closed, what can happen to EW Pump Discharge Pressure?
May exceed alarm setpoint and lift thermal relief valve PSV-0047 on SDCHX
Normal Chillers (WCN-E01A/B/C) require how much cooling flow?
2500 GPM
In 2015, what occurred in U2 that gas bound the Charging Pumps?
N2 from the “B” CH Pump migrated into common CH Pump suction header when it wasn’t running.
N2 was from the “B” CH Pump Discharge Pulsation Dampener bladder rupturing.
U1 is in Mode 1. The CR receives a “VCT TRBL” alarm. Is this an ENTRY condition for Loss of CH/LD?
YES. In Modes 1 and 2, ENTRY conditions are:
- CHB-FI-212 CH Pp to Regen HX less than expect
- CHN-FI-202 LD Flow = 0
What are the ENTRY conditions for Section 4.0 of Loss of CH or LD in Modes 3,4,5?
- CHB-FI-202 CH Pp to Regen less than expect
- CHN-FI-202
What are the 2 ENRTY conditions that differentiate between Modes 1-2 and 3-4-5 for Loss of LD or CH?
- Both only apply for Modes 1 and 2
What are the parameters for LCO 3.4.9? Modes of applicability? And actions required?
- PZR shall be OPERABLE (27-56%) and 2 groups of PZR heaters OPERABLE with each >125kW
- Modes 1,2,3
- Condition A - M3 in 6 hours, M4 in 12 hours
* N/A during >5% RTP/min or >10% RTP step
Per Loss of CH or LD during Mode 1 or 2 what is the initial Trip Criteria given?
- PZR Level lowers to 33%
2. Restoration of CH isn’t impending
If Letdown can’t be restored per the AOP, what is considered to control PZR level <56%?
- Initiate downpower with PZR Level Low in band
- Maintain TAVG at lower end of band
- Max CEA Insert while maintain ASI in band
- Max Boration when CH Pumps run
- Perform Extended Ops without LD
In Modes 3,4,5 how would we maintain pressure control in a SOLID PZR?
CH Pumps
When would we install a JUMPER across relay 63X-T221 (Regen Hi-Temp Switch) for CHB-UV-515?
If ALL of following:
- 515 closed due to INVALID High Temp
- 221 Indication is available
- LD is desired
- > 413F = Operator would close (NO Auto)
CHB-UV-523 closes on what signals?
2. TS-224-2 temp of >135F
CHB-UV-523 has a jumper installed to override an Invalid High Temp condition. NC has just been lost, what happens with 523?
Nothing. An operator MUST isolate LD (since Auto is overridden)
When performing Standard Appendix 103, what is the requirement for at least 1 of the running CH Pumps?
MUST be Hard-Started
When restoring LD, and returning PLCS to AUTO, what do we ensure with CH Pumps?
All available CH Pumps are GREEN flagged
When establishing Seal Injection, what FLOW would we establish?
6.5-7 GPM
In a SOLID PZR situation, what controls RCS Pressure?
Backpressure Control Valves
RCP CBO lowers PZR level by ___ in ___ minutes
10% in 55 Minutes
U1 believes Gas Binding is occurring in the CH Pumps. Charging Flow is 42 GPM, what does Appendix G of ZZ05 include?
Placing AFFECTED pump in Pull To Lock
If <40GPM = Place ALL Pumps in Pull To Lock
When venting CH Pumps/VCT to Vent Receiver, what is concern <100’ of AUX BLDG, and what do we perform to account for it?
N2 and H2 buildup <100’
Start HJA/HJB and take suction <100’ of AUX BLDG
When Charging thru HPSI Cold Leg (alternate path), what is concern when CH source is NOT the RWT?
SI Header Boron <4000 PPM. Impact to ECCS Operability.
What should be applied when diagnosing CH Pump Gas Binding?
- Multiple Indications
2. SM/CRS Discretion
During Loss of LD/CH AOP, If we open CHB-UV-523 before LD Control Valves are fully closed, what may happen?
CHN-PSV-345 Relief may LIFT
What do we expect from RCP Seal Cooler temperatures when Seal Injection is Stopped?
Inlet temps rise to between 200-220F, all other seal temps expected to remain Normal
If LD backpressure gets too low, what occurs?
- 220# = 395F and 300# = 421F
LD HDR SYS TRBL locks in under 308# during LD AOP use. What is the purpose of the alarm?
Diagnose a LD Line break in AUX BLDG and ensure subcooling.
- Alarm is N/A once <308# (during AOP use)
What does Boron Equalization do to RCS H2? And what are the Impacts?
It depletes RCS H2. May require Chemistry actions that may cause Unit shutdown.
Can we INTENTIONALLY enter LCO 3.4.9, Condition A?
NO, its prohibited.
On a Loss of IA, what would be the FIRST impact as IA pressure lowers (for LD/CH AOP)?
LD HX Outlet TCV Fails Closed at 90#. AUTO closes 523 due to HI LD Temperature
On a Loss of NKN-D42, what happens to LD and CH?
- CHB-UV-523 Closes
2. All CH Pumps Stop. PLCS control circuit loses power, de-energizing the Mode Selection circuit. Can Manually operate.
On a Loss of NNN-D11, what happens to LD/CH?
PZR Level Controller RCN-LIC-110 FAILS to no output. 110P and Q close. No control in Manual or Auto.
What happens on a Loss of NNN-D12 to LD/CH?
- LD BP Controller CHN-PIC-201 Fails to NO Output, 201P and Q Close.
- 523 Closes due to Temp Transmitter failure and NC TV going to 0 output.
On a loss of PKA-M41/D21, what occurs with LD/CH?
- IAA-UV-2 Fails Closed. Causes 515 and 516 to Close.
- 516 also closes on LOP
- CH Pumps on A Train must be operated locally, and have NO Auto features or Electrical Protection.
On a Loss of PKB-M42/D22, what happens to LD/CH?
- 515 Fails Closed on LOP
- 523 Fails Closed on LOP
- CH Pumps on B Train must be LOCAL operated and have NO AUTO features or Electrical Protection
Loss of PNB-D26 does what to LD/CH components?
LOP to TT-221 and 221-1, 515 Closes
With 2 CH Pumps operating and 1 gas bound, what is the PRIMARY indication of the gas bound pump?
The SOUND. (Louder cavitation noise) - Once fully gas bound, plate valves make much less noise.
When using the RWT for Venting CH Pumps and the CH Header, what can we expect for Reactivity changes?
Negative reactivity addition to RCS when CH restored
Completely draining the Vent Receiving Tank will cause what?
An UN-MONITORED H2 release
Unlocking and Opening SIE-V508, CH Pumps Alt Disch to “A” HPSI Header Isol Valve does what to the HPSI A train?
When Seal Injection and Charging are to be stopped, what actions are to be performed?
- Ensure CBO is isolated on all standby RCP’s prior to Seal 2 temp >250F
- Close Seal Injection Flow Control Valves
- Place ALL CH Pumps in Pull to Lock
- If Seal Injection is needed, or PZR Level <53%, CH may be restarted
If LD flow is lost for >22 minutes and RCS temp >130F, what must be done?
Open CHN-HV-526 for at least 4 minutes to warm LD lines prior to restoring LD
What ENTRY condition would we typically see for a SG Tube Leak (Section 5.0) of ZZ02 AOP for RCS Leakage?
High Main Steam Line Radiation Level (RU-139/140)
What criteria is required to EXIT Section 3 or 4 of the RCS Leakage AOP (RCS Leak or RCS to NC Leak)?
If ANY of following exist:
- Leak isolated
- Leak within Operational Limits and Ops Management has action plant for monitoring
- Plant Shutdown needed and Ops Management has action plan for shutdown with existing leak
RC leakage occurring within the RCS barrier is?
RCS Leakage (Identified, Unidentified or RCPB Leakage)
If any leakage is OUTSIDE of RCS barrier and can be Isolated, is it considered RCS Leakage?
Any leakage outside of RCS barrier that is NOT isolable, is considered?
RCS Leakage
When is leakage from a pump seal or valve packing considered IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE?
When its Captured and Conducted to Collection systems or a sump/collecting tank
When we have RCS Leakage thru a SG to the Secondary system, what is it called?
IDENTIFIED Leakage (Primary to Secondary)
State TS 3.4.14 RCS Leakage Limits
- NO Pressure Boundary Leakage
- 1 GPM Unidentified Leakage
- 10 GPM Identified Leakage
- 150 GPD Primary to Secondary thru 1 SG
When do we fail to meet the LCO criteria for TS 3.4.18 for SG Tube Integrity?
Must Satisfy ALL of the following:
- SG Performance criteria of structural integrity
- Accident induced leakage
- Operational Leakage
If a SG tube required PLUGGING, what is the required completion time per 3.4.18?
Plug prior to entering Mode 4 following next Refuel or SG tube inspection
Why is the 150 GPD limit allowed for RCS Leakage per the TS Bases for 3.4.14 and 3.4.18?
Based on assumption that single crack leaking this amount wouldn’t propagate to a SGTR under stress of LOCA or MSLB.
If all available CH Pumps are running and PZR Level is Lowering what is done?
Isolate LD
- If continues to lower after isolation, RX Trip and SPTA’s
What are the first 3 alarms that would indicate a “Double Ended break of LD Line outside of CTMT”?
- REGEN HX High Exit Temp alarm
- LD Line Low Pressure alarm
- Low Flow Alarm in Process Rad Monitor Loop
If LD isn’t isolated within 10 minutes when we have a DBLLOCUS, what is result?
- Unanalyzed increased primary flow to AUX BLDG
2. Higher contamination levels
On a HIGH alarm or rising trend on RU-1, what is required?
1 hour for Operators to initiate RCS Leakrate
- Failure to comply = more CTMT contamination and higher radiation levels, possible increase dose to public
When a RCS Leak is present, what is done as a Precaution when sending AO’s to investigate?
Send a RP Tech with the AO
Per TS 3.3.6 and its associated tables, if you are in Modes 1, 2 or 3, when is the MSIS Function not required to be OPERABLE?
When ALL associated valves isolated by MSIS Function are Closed.
U2 has experienced a Charging Discharge Header Leak. What is done per 40AO-9ZZ02?
- Stop ALL CH Pumps
- If CH Pump operation required, align Alt Discharge
- Isolate Letdown (~ 1 minute, will auto isolate)
- Perform 40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of CH/LD
How do we align CH Pump Alt Discharge?
- CH Pumps in Pull to Lock
- Close CH Pumps Normal Discharge valves
- Open CH Pump Alt Discharge valves
- Open Train A or B crosstie
- If A, Open at least 1 HPSI inject valve
- If B, Open HPSI B Long Term Recirc valve
- Train A uses Cold Leg. B is Hot Leg. Cold preferred.
Once we align CH Pumps to Alt Discharge, what should we expect to occur?
- LD isolates (No flow thru Regen HX)
- Loss of Seal Injection (3 minutes of RCP’s if NC lost)
- Aux Spray Not Available
- A or B Train LPSI may be INOP (High DP)
U3 has diagnosed a SG Tube Leak. What actions does the Operator take and why?
- Perform Appendix C to minimize release to environment
- Prevent 1007/1008 from Opening (Take to OFF)
- Isolate AS crosstie
- Remember AFA impacts of turbine exhaust. Isolate the crap SG steam supply
Under NORMAL conditions, how do we quantify a RCS Leakrate?
ERFDADS is used
- IF ERFDADS locks up, can do Manual (Attachment A-1)
What do we classify RCS leakage into the RDT as?
When a RCS Leak occurs, what prevents the leak from continuing to steam after isolation?
COOLING DOWN at a LD Flow of ~ 10 GPM optimizes the cooldown.
If a LEAK is from any PZR relief valve, who do we need to obtain permission from to RAISE the alarm setpoint for PZR TRBL?
Shift Manager
During RCS to NC Leakage, what Chemistry report would require a Unit Shutdown?
Total NC activity is 60Ci or more
How do we determine the appropriate actions to be taken for a leak if leak rates are < 1 GPM?
Chemical analysis or interpretation of radiation monitor readings, performed by Chemistry
Why is lining up Charging thru the HPSI B Hot Leg alternate path a “last resort”?
Path hasn’t been analyzed for thermal transient on SDC Hot Leg nozzle
If we initiate Charging flow thru a previously isolated flowpath, what could result?
A change in core reactivity due to potential change in RCS boron concentration.
For SG Tube Leaks, what are the guidelines for >5 GPD up to <50GPD?
- Increase AO operator awareness of rad monitor
- Evaluate secondary contamination potential
- Review SG Tube Rupture 40EP-9EO04
What are the ENTRY conditions into Loss of IA AOP?
- No IA Compressors running
- ALL air compressors running with dropping or no indicated header pressure
- IA System pressure < 95#
- Loss of IA pressure in 1 or more headers
When can we EXIT the Loss of IA AOP?
When IA is capable of supporting plant conditions
A Loss of LD has occurred concurrently with the Isolation of SG Blowdown. Considering Loss of IA AOP, what is likely cause?
IAA-UV-2 has closed.
- If UV-2 can’t be opened, align SA x-tie per App. K.
If IA can’t be restored to CTMT, what does the Loss of IA AOP direct?
- Trip RX
- Perform SPTA’s
- Trip ALL RCP’s
- Isolate RCP CBO from ALL RCP’s
- Perform App. J (N2 to CTMT)
- Continue restoring IA capability
When opening IAE-V072 x-tie in response to losing IAA-UV-2, what is required per TS LCO 3.6.3?
Initially Condition A is entered based on UV-2. Once V072 is opened, an AO will need to be stationed to provide MANUAL closure capability (Admin Control) and the LCO would then be met.
When N2 backup is supplied (85#) to the IA system, what is done additionally for O2 deficient areas?
< 100’ elevations may accumulate N2
Fuel BLDG Essential Exhaust aligned to take suction from AUX BLDG, to reduce N2 buildup in lower levels
How do we evaluate the effects of isolating an entire IA header during a Loss of IA?
App. B in Loss of IA AOP
What is primary concern on Loss of IA to Fuel Building? And what is done?
Loss of IA = Gate seals deflate, unintended water move
< 28# = Isolate Gates from IA, manually align N2/Air
As IA pressure LOWERS on a Loss of IA, how would we expect the CD Pumps and FWPT’s to respond?
80# = CD Miniflows open, MFPT suction lowers, MFPT FW flow also lowers
65-75# = MFP Mini-Flows open
On a Loss of IA, how do HDP discharge valves and HDT Hi-Level dumps fail?
HDP Discharge Valves FAIL CLOSED
Hi-Level Dumps FAIL OPEN
- Both lead to less MFPT suction pressure
If IA Pressure lowers to 50-60#, what is major impact to FW and SG systems?
SBCV have failed shut at 80# but ECON CTRL VLVS, MSIV’s, and ECON FWIV’s will Fail As-Is.
On lowering IA pressure, what is the MOST UNSTABLE IA pressure plateau affecting RX operation?
40# - LD, RMW, CH and PZR spray and RDT impacts
What does Loss of IA do to the RDT?
Increased Level and Pressure due to CHA-506 closing
If Mechanical Maintenance needs to install a portable air compressor on a Loss of IA, what is the expected time frame for install?
2-4 hours
Upon isolation of IA to just the AUX BLDG, what other areas are impacted?
Isolates CTMT, Control BLDG, RW BLDG and Fuel BLDG
When IA is isolated to Turbine BLDG Loop #1, what else is isolated?
The Outside Areas
If we pressurize the OFF Service Air dryer too quickly, what can occur?
May damage the Desiccant
IAA-UV-2 closes on ___ or ___
CSAS ‘A’ or LOP to PKA
What are the ENTRY conditions for the Inadvertent PPS-ESFAS Actuation AOP?
- PPS-ESFAS actuation occurs resulting in equipment ops when setpoints NOT exceeded
- Controlled plant cooldown in progress, MSIS or SIAS/CIAS actuation due to failure to reset variable setpoints
U1 receives an Inadvertent AFAS actuation. What is the potential impact to RX Power?
May cause a POSITIVE RX insertion due to cooldown of SG’s
If we operate AFA-P01 at < 1000 RPM, what is the major impacts? And what is required?
Loss of Lube occurs = Bearing and Internal damage
- Min Idle speed is 800 RPM
- Min Sustained speed is 1000 RPM
- Ops for > 5 minutes with speed < 1000 RPM is prohibited and requires AFA to be tripped
If an Inadvertent CIAS is received. What LCO is entered due to isolation of CTMT Sumps and RU-1?
LCO 3.4.16 Condition D (enter 3.0.3)
- Restore sump monitoring to exit 3.0.3. Then enter 3.6.3 and restore affected CIV’s to operable
What is difference in response to Inadvertent CSAS for the CS Pumps if a SIAS also actuates and when it is just a CSAS?
CSAS ONLY - Stop CS Pump (Anti-Pump)
CSAS and SIAS - Override CS Pump (take to Start) and then Stop CS Pump
Describe CS Pump re-starts after stopping during various Inadvertent CSAS pump stoppages.
CS Pump restart with NO SIAS = AO will cycle Control Power (de-energize the anti-pump)
CS Pp restart and a SIAS = HS to Start TWICE (SIAS Override the Close signal)
On an Inadvertent CSAS, we first Stop the CS Pump, then direct closure of the open CS Header Iso Vlv, why?
Prevents RWT from draining into CTMT thru this valve
If a CS Valve is stroking open, what can occur if we attempt to CLOSE during the stroke?
May trip on overload and allow continued CS flow
What is the order of Opening/Restoring NC to CTMT valves?
If Supply was opened FIRST, could lift NC reliefs
Upon a loss of NC to the RCP’s what is the Time Critical Action required per the UFSAR?
Ops has 30 MINUTES to reduce power or isolate cooling water and shutdown the RCP’s
U1 has experienced a LOOP. What needs to be done in respect to cooling water being lost to RCP’s?
Ops has 10 MINUTES to supply water from EW
After an Inadvertent CSAS, RO’s are directed to ENSURE closure of 515, 516, 500P and 500R which may already be closed. Why do we do this?
Once IA restored, if valves weren’t taken to CLOSE position, they may Auto Open, restoring LD and SG Blowdown (uncontrolled)
At what power level during an INADVERTENT MSIS would we decide to TRIP the RX vs. controlling the plant with ADV’s and AF?
> 5%
U3 is in Mode 5 on SDC via LPSI B. An Inadvertent RAS occurs. What is expected Plant response with no Operator action?
- Loss of SDC Flow
- Rise in RCS Temperature
- Possible Mode Change
If a SIAS signal is Reset, will the CTMT Normal and CEDM ACU’s Auto restart?
SIAS Start Interlock remains. Must still take HS to Stop to clear, then they will auto-start
How long can SI Pumps run on MIN FLOW?
1 Hour
What needs to be considered when OVERRIDING equipment during PPS-ESFAS actuations?
During a CSAS, what can occur when we Operate equipment inside CTMT?
When restoring SDC Flow to a HX, what is the allowed Cool Down rate?
< 19F per Hour
When RCS Temps are > 375F, a loss of CEDM cooling can cause damage to CEDM coils if not de-energized within ___ minutes
What are the ESFAS actuation setpoints for a CIAS?
- PZR Pressure 1837 psia or less
2. CTMT Pressure 3 psig or more
If the BOP ESFAS Load Sequencer is in Mode 4 and the DG isn’t shutdown yet, what should we expect to see?
Override Lights for sequenced loads will still be on
All ESFAS actuations are reset by a Keyswitch and a Pushbutton EXCEPT FOR?
What are steps to restore SDC if lost due to Inadvertent RAS?
- Throttle LPSI SDCHX bypass to 20%
- Close both LPSI Inject Valves
- Override and Start LPSI Pump
What can we expect as far as Reactivity during an Inadvertent AFAS? And what should be FIRST actions?
- POSITIVE Reactivity Excursion
* 1st - Override AFAS, Close AFAS and BD Valves
If we lost both RU-1 and and CTMT Sumps during an Inadvertent CIAS with no SIAS, and we CANNOT get them back, what would occur?
ENTRY into 3.4.16 and then enter Condition D which sends you to LCO 3.0.3
What is MAJOR concern on Inadvertent RAS when we lose LPSI and it is being used for SDC?
Uncontrolled MODE CHANGE
Per 40AO-9ZZ11, CEA MALFUNCTIONS, App. B, what are the Core Power Reduction after a CEA Deviation Curve Limits?
> 80% Power = 20% Power Reduction
70-80% = 15% Power Reduction
45-70% = 10% Power Reduction
35-45% = 5% Power Reduction
- Reduction must begin in 10 Minutes. Stop at 35%.
When would we enter CEA MALFUNCTIONS AOP, Section 3, Dropped or Slipped CEA M1 or M2?
1 or more CEA’s drop, slip or is mis-aligned resulting in CEA deviation > 6.6” between any CEA and all others in group
*CEA Bottom Light, LEL, CEAC, PMS, COLSS, PDIL’s, CWP (examples)
If any individual CEA, subgroup or Group motion occurs when a Demand should NOT exist, what section of CEA MALFUNCTIONS AOP would be entered?
Section 5.0, Uncontrolled CEA Movement (M1 or M2)
If a dropped or slipped CEA in M1 or M2 is NOT realigned within group but we are in Compliance with applicable LCO’s, can we EXIT CEA MALF AOP?
YES (either align or meet TS LCO Conditions)
For CEA MALFUNCTIONS, when is a RX Trip required in M1 and just prior to Criticality?
M1 - 2 or more CEA’s are deviating by > 9.9” from associated group (CRS determines when prior to Criticality)
If 1 or more CEA’s is trippable and misaligned from group by 6.6” - 9.9” or >9.9”, what TS do we enter and what is done?
Condition A of 3.1.5 - CEA Alignment
*Reduce RTP per COLR in 1 hour AND Restore CEA alignment < 2 hours
On a FSCEA drop, what happens to core power, Tcold, MTC?
Power = Initial reduction, then back to pre-drop level Tcold = Cooldown MTC = Negative MTC (adds positive reactivity)
The TCA to reduce power if a dropped CEA is associated with UFSAR 15.4.3, what time does it assume vs what LCO 3.1.5 allows?
900 seconds (15 minutes) vs. 10 minutes to reduce power
- If 10 minutes isn’t met (Cond. A) = M3 in 6 hours (Cond. C)
After a dropped CEA and power reduction via Turbine and Boration, how do we stabilize power?
For CEA positions, CPC’s receive input from ___ and COLSS receives input from ___.
___ will NOT see a change in position if a rod slips or drops but doesn’t pickup the rod bottom contact.
CPC’s - Reed Switch Position Transmitters
COLSS - Pulse Counters
If the DNBR POL isn’t being calculated by COLSS, what Tech Spec does that put us in?
LCO 3.2.4 Condition A
Whey are the 3.2 Power Distribution TS only applicable when RTP is >20%?
a. Incores aren’t accurate due to poor signal to noise ratio at low core power levels
b. CPC’s assume min core power of 20% RTP when generating LPD and DNBR trips (conservative)
IF a misaligned control rod is a 12 finger CEA and it can’t be restored prior to receiving a DNBR or LPD trip on unaffected channels, THEN perform ___
- Trip the Reactor
2. Go to 40EP-9EO01, SPTA’s
Why do we apply a WITHDRAWAL TIME to a misaligned CEA (Appendix C of 40AO-9ZZ11)?
Depending on length of deviation, fuel in immediate vicinity subject to local overpower if misaligned CEA is withdrawn TOO FAST.
If RPS receives a CWP signal from 2 of 4 CPC’s, it outputs a CWP to CEDMCS. What conditions generate a CWP?
- Low DNBR pre-trip
- High LPD pre-trip
- RPCB bit is set
- CPC Pre-Penalty
* Also Tcold >575F
If 1 CEA is deviating > 6.6” and any CEA Reg Group is below Transient Insertion Limits we Trip the RX and perform SPTA’s per AOP’s. When would we NOT Trip and perform SPTA’s?
If LCO 3.1.10, Special Test Exception has been invoked during Low Power Physics Testing
For a misaligned CEA, and the reason for the CEA deviation is KNOWN (ACTM actuation, etc), what can be done?
An attempt to realign the CEA can be made
How long do we expect the EFFECTS of a Boration to take before it can be Seen?
4-6 Minutes
A CPC Aux Trip occurs when ASI Pt. 187 exceeds ___
+ or - 0.5
During CEA misalignments, If lowering power, LHR and DNBR trend data is NOT VALID. What trend is assumed and what LCO’s are declared?
An adverse trend is assumed
LCO’s 3.2.1 and 3.2.4 and Condition B is entered. If not aligned in 1 hour, Condition C is entered (Reduce RTP < 20% in 6 hours)
Due to large instrument uncertainties with the UFM < 50% power, switching to the ___ is required
- Even if Venturi is NOT AVAILABLE (still switch)
No power reduction is required for a single CEA misalignment is ALL of the following conditions are CONTINUOUSLY MET from time of deviation:
- RX Power is >95% RTP
- COLSS in-service and CEACS in-service
- AZ TILT is <3%
- All CEA’s remain >142.5” withdrawn by Pulse Counters and >140.1” by RSPT indication
Resetting CEA position on more than one computer at a time may result in what?
When performing a maneuvering plan based on actions from CEA misalignment, what is the STARTING POINT of the plan?
The END POINT of the COLR driven power reduction
If XENON DECAY is causing SUR to rise and Boration is NOT stabilizing or reducing power, what is a required conservative action to take?
Trip the Reactor
If power is >20% and a CEA has slipped more than 7.5” without activating the dropped rod contact, what occurs with COLSS?
COLSS is INOPERABLE and must be declared OOS
If the Dropped Rod Bottom light IS LIT, what OP is performed for COLSS?
77OP-9RJ04, COLSS Functional Verification
When a CWP is present, what must be done if CEA’s are withdrawn to restore alignment?
CWP BYPASS pushbutton must be Pressed and Held during the CEA withdrawal