English 2 Flashcards
Materialistic (adj)
Caring more about money and possessions than anything else
Vật chất hoặc thực dụng
EX:- The young generation today is becoming increasingly materialistic, and they are completely oriented towards possessions over personal relationships.
Strongly materialistic/ materialistic mindset/ materialistic society
Assertive (adj)
Expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice
Quyết đoán, quả quyết
EX: - She is the kind of girl who has the most assertive behavior I’ve ever known in my life.
Assertive behaviour/leadership/decision-making/personality
Minority (n)
Antonym: Majority
-A small group within a community or country that is different because of race, religion, language, ect
- The smaller part of a group; less than half of the people of things in a large group
Tộc người thiểu số// 2__ Phần ít, thiểu số
EX:- The government has made significant progress in protecting minority rights in the new constitution.
-(2) Only a small minority of people are interested in astrology these days.
-(2) So there is a minority of people who do not agree with your opinion.
- Minority rights/Ethnic minority/Minority language
Demographer (n)
A person who studies the changing number of births, deaths, diseases, ect…in a community over period
Nhà nhân khẩu học
EX: The company hired a professional demographer to analyze the demographic trends of their target market.
Democracy (n)
Thís means a form of government in which the people have authority to choose their leaders and exercise their rights and freedoms.
xã hội dân chủ; quốc gia theo chế độ dân chủ
EX:_ In direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making processes.
-In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
-My country practices liberal democratic regulations, which means ensuring the people’s equality.
Liberal democracy/ Direct democracy/ Representative democracy
Among is usually used to describe when something is around a lot of objects or people that are similar. “The boy lost his pencil among his belongings” Whereas Within is usually used to describe something that is inside of something else. “Within the large container was a single grain of rice”.
WITHIN (preposition)
- Before a particular period of time has passed, during a particular period of time
- Not further than a particular distance from something
- Inside the range of limit of something
- Inside something, somebody
1. . Trong vòng, trong khoảng thời gian
EX:_ I will reply to your email within 24 hours.
Please deliver my stuff within 3 hours.
2. Nằm trong vòngn không quá hơn
EX:_Hey boy, please stay within the boundaries of the park when playing.
The shop near our university is within 2 kilometers.
3. Bên trong phạm vi hay giới hạn của điều gì đó
EX: The price of the product is within our budget.
_You can find the information you need within the pages of this book.
4. Bên trong; trong vòng
EX:_We should always look for hapiness within ourselves.
_He found inner peace within meditation.
Among ( prep)=Amongst
- Surrounded by somebody/something: in the middle of somebody/something
- Being included or happening in groups of things or people
- Used when you dividing or choosing something, and three or more people or thing are involved**
1. Giữa, trong số, khoanh vùng; bị vây quanh bởi cái gì
EX:_Sometimes I feel nervous among so many strangers at the party.
_Among her siblings, she was the only one who pursued a career in the astrology area.
2.Nằm trong số( những cái gì); bao gồm trong
EX:_Among the options available, she chose the most affordable one.
_ She was chosen as the leader among her classmate.
3. ( Chia phần) cho mỗi thành viên (của một nhóm)
EX: The prize was devided among the three winners.
_The task was divided among every member of our team.
Amateur (adj,noun)
Synonym: Nonprofessional
Doing something for pleasure or interest, not as a job
Nghiệp dư; khoong chuyên
EX:_ The university photography club welcomes amateurs who want to improve their skills.
_ He started his writing carrer as an amateur writer, but eventually became an internationally recogbized novelist.
_I just want to be an amateur interpreter, even though I do not have enough capacity in this area.
Amateur photographer/ athlete/writer/musician/chef
Athletics (n)
Synonym: Sport
Any sports that people compete in
Điền kinh; thể thao
EX:The athlete represented his country in international athletes competitions.
_ They organize amateur athletes competitions regularly.
International athletics/Amateur athletics/ Athletics stadium/club/competition
Spectator (n)
Synonym: Viewer
A person who is watching an event, esp a sports event
Người xem; khán giả
EX:_The concert attracted a large number of enthusiastic spectators who danced along to the music.
_I know that you are used to having experienced that at least once in your life, you sat in the passive spectator category, which is called introverts, because they were not engaging or reacting to the performance.
-You ask me which types of spectators I belong to.
Enthusiastic/Passive/ Curious/Active/ Critical spectator
Strenuous (adj)
Synonym: Demanding
Đòi hỏi cố gắng hơn, vất vả; căng thẳng
EX:_ The student put in strenuous efforts to prepare for the exam.
_The doctor advised him to avoid strenuous exercise after the surgery.
Strenous eforts/work/exercise/activity/job
Subscription (n)
Synonym: membership
An amount of money that you pay regularly to receive a service, be a member od a club, support a charity or receive regular copies of a newspaper or magazine; the act of paying this money. Usually once a year.
sự mua báo dài hạn; sự thuê bao điện thoại, đăng ký
EX:_ My gym offers an anuual subscription for members who want to commit long - term.
_I decided to cancel my magazine subscription because I wann’t reading it anymore.
Cancel a subcription/Premium subscription/Monthly/annual subscription
Spectacular (adj)
Synonym: Impressive
Very impressive
hùng vĩ; kì lạ; đepj mắt; ngoạn mục
EX:_The hotel room offers a spectacular view of the ocean.
_the concert last night was a spectacular performance by the talented musicians.
Spectacular view/ performance/event/success/fireworks
Statue (n)
A figure of a person or an animal stone, metal,ect.. usually the same size as in real life or larger
Tượng ( người, vật,… bằng gỗ, đá)
EX:_Tourists from around the world flock to see the statue of Liberty in person.
_The museum preserves several valuable ancient statues from different civilazation.
Statue of liberty/ Broze statue/ Ancient statue/Wooden-Stone statue
Amusement (n)
Synonym: Theme park
Trò vui; trò giải trí
EX:_ I had a great time at the amusement park riding roller coasters.
_ The amusement center is a popular destination for families, offering a wide range of activities like bowling, mini-golf and arcade games.
_ The amusement arcade is a popular spot for teenagers during weekends.
Amusement park/center/ arcade
Architecture (N)
The design of style of a building or buildings
Công trình kiến trúc; công trình xây dựng
EX:_ The city is known for its beautiful historical architecture.
_ The pagoda is an excellent example of traditional architecture.
Modern/Historic/Traditional/Suistainable/Futuristic architecture/ Contemporary architecture ( Kiến trúc đương đại)
Gambling (n)
When people risk money or possessions as a result of something that is risky, such as a card game or horse race,.
Trò cờ bạc ăn tiền
EX:_ Her family is deeply concerned about her problem gambling.
Many people nowadays enjoy engaging in online gambling for entertainment.
Online gambling/Illegal gambling/ problem/professional gambling/ gambling addiction
Monument (n)
Monument ( to somebody/something) a building, column, statue, ect, built to remind people of a famous person or event.
vật kỉ niệm, đài kỉ niệm, bia kỷ niệm
EX: - The Great Wall of China is one of the most renowned historical monuments in the world.
_The city built a war monument to hornor the fallen soldiers.
Historical/national/War/ Famous/ landmark/ cultural Monument
Sculpture (n)
A work of art is solid figure or object made by carving or shapping wood, stone, clay, metal, ect
Nghệ thuật điêu khắc; nghệ thuật chạm trổ
EX: _ the sculpture is known for his ability to create lifelike sculptures.
_The gallery exhibited an complicated wooden sculpture created by a local artist.
Contemporary sculpture/ wooden sculpture/ create a sculpture/Display a sculpture/bronze sculpture
Philosophy (n)
Belief system
The study of the nature and meaning of existence , truth, good and evil
Triết học
EX:_The proffessor teaches courses on moral philosophy at the university.
_The book analyses different political philosophy theories throughout history.
Moral/Political/WEstern/Eastern Philosophy of science
Atheist (n)
A person who does not believe in God or any spiritual denomination.
Người vô thần, người không tin vào tôn giáo nào
EX:_ My sister is a strong atheist and does not believe in God or any religion.
_From my point of view, there are some people outside who argue that religion is harmful for our society, especially some kind of superstition.
Strong atheist/Closet athiest( giấu kín)/New athiest
Congregation (n)
A group of people gather in a church or pagoda.
( Tôn giáo) giáo đoàn, giáo hội
EX:_ The religious congregation gathers for prayer every evening.
_The churc congregation sang together duuring the service( buổi lễ).
Congregation members/ Religuos congregation/ Church congregation
Eternal (adj)
Never ending, forever
Continuing forever and having no end
Vĩnh cửu; Bất diệt; đời đời
EX:_Many people belive in eternal love nowsaday.
_Scientists are trying to find a way tp achieve eternal life.
Iternal love/life/peace
Moral (Adj)
the principle of what is right and wrong behavior, and the difference between good and evil
Đạo đức
EX:_ Parents play an important role in taeching their children moral values such expect, kindness, and responsibility.
_We have a moral obligation to help those in need.
Moral value/ priciple/obligation
Polygamy (n)
Antonym: Monogamy
The practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time
Chế độ đa thê
EX:_ The king was known to practice polygamy and has several wives.
_Living in palygamous relationship requires open communication and mutual understanding among all partners.
Palygamous relationship/ Ban on polygamy/ Practice polygamy
Spiritual (adj)
Tôn giáo, linh hồn/ tâm hồn
EX:_Different cultures have diverse spiritual beliefs and practices.
_After years of self-reflection, I experienced a profound spiritual awakening.
_Yoga and meditation are popular spiritual practices aound the world.
Spiritual awakening/Belief/Pratice ( thuc hanh)/ Spiritual Journey/guidance
Beverage (n)
A hot or cold drink
A hot or cold drink
Đồ uống
EX: Coca-cola and Pepsi are popular soft/carbonated beverages.
_ Nowadays, the young generation prefers to drink energy beverages to get through a busy or hectic day.
Soft (gas)/Non-alcoholic/ carbonated/energy/healthy/
Brown- bag (adj)
Brind lunch from home, pack a lunch
To bring your lunch to work, usually in brown paper bag
Mang đồ ăn đến nơi làm việc hoăcj học tập
EX:_My sister prefers browning bags for lunch to save money and ensure healthy meal options.
Brown bag it/ Brown- bag a lunch
Leftover (n) (adj)
Remaining after all the rest has been used, taken or eaten.
Phần thừa; phần còn lại
_I always store the food leftover from last night’s dinner in my fridge and eat it for lunch the next day.
We have some time leftover before the meeting starts; let’s grab a cup of coffee.
Always make a budget and have some money leftover for unexpected expenses.
Don’t throw away the material leftover, because we can use it to make a tree house for puppies.
Cuisine (n)
Food culture
A particular style of cooking
Ẩm thực
EX:_I had a great time with my friends trying different street cuisines in my country, and it was interesting and meaningful for me.
_ I’m a vegetarian, so I always look for places that have vegetarian cuisine.
_The chef has been cooking traditional French cuisine for over 20 years.( bat dau tu qua khu va tiep tuc present, nhan manh hanh dong tiep tuc xay ra)
Hooked on (adj)
Synonyms: Addicted to; Obsessed
Nghiện; say mê; phụ thuộc vào cái gì đó
EX:_I can’t go a day without my phone. I think that I’m hooked on technology.
_After watching the first episode, I got hooked on the movie and watched the entire series.
_Sometimes I’m hooked on the feeling of mindfulness and peace within myself.
Hooked on drugs/alcohol/technology/feeling/emotion/TV series? movie
Nutritious (adj)
Containing substances your body needs and can use to stay healthy
Có chất dinh dưỡng; bổ dưỡng
EX:_Eating balanced and nutritious food is important for maintaining good health.
_Nutritiousists recommend eating a nutritious snack like nuts or fruit before or after exercise to help fuel your body.
NUTRITIOUS food/meal/drink/snack/diet
Franchise (n)
Synonym: License
A business, shop, ect that is run under franchise
Nhượng quyền kinh doanh hoặc thương hiệu
EX:_She paid a franchise fee to open a hair salon under the well-known brand name.
Taking advantage of this franchise opportunity could be the key to achieving your entrepreneurial dreams.
Franchise agreement/fee/opportunity/ system/ model
Parcel (n)
Box, package
Something covered in paper so that it can be sent by post safety
Kiện hàng; bưu kiện
EX:_The postman delivered the parcel to my entrance.
_I often carefully open the parcel to avoid damaging the contents.
-You can track your parcel online using the tracking code.
Reserved (adj)
Synonyms: Schedule; booked in advance
( For tickets, seats, table.ect…) arranged to be kept for you
Đã dành trước; đã đặt trước
EX:_The restaurant has a reserved table for VIP customers.
_We have reserved seating for the concert next week.
RESERVED tavle/seat/parking/room/