English ^^ Flashcards
PTSD ( Post-traumatic stress disorder)
a mental condition in which a person suffers severe anxiety and depression after a very frightening or shocking experience, such as an accident or a war
Hậu chấn tâm lý; rối loạn tâm lý sau sang chấn
-I believe that almost people at least once time have suffered PTSD, eventhough they’ve become better or healed completely good, they’ve also had some symptoms of this disease when they’ve faced even small things that is related to the past
-So, from my point of view, meditation can help you overcome PTSD which means post-traumatic stress disorder.
-So there were two obstacles I had to get through. One was post-traumatic stress disorder. Every time I approached the corner, I would panic. And the second one was actually trying to figure out how to cross that street.
Suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder
Treat post-traumatic stress disorder
Synonyms: Fear, Panic,Anxiety,
Hydrophobia, Acrophobia
Sự ám ảnh, nỗi sợ hãi
EX: When I was a kid, I had a phobia of water, which is called hydrophobia. But gradually, I practiced swimming, so this fear doesn’t matter now.
_I have a lot of unknown fear within myself, and I know it is hard things that I must overcome.
ADHD ( Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) = attention deficit disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication/ symptoms/treatment
Rối loạn tăng động giảm chú ý
-I actually don’t know the obvious symptoms of ADHD, but in my imagination that you can not concentrate on something and even simply sit still in a place. So, in their natural cognitives, they naturally move into a different place at the same time or their mind wanders all the time.
-The difficulties for people who have ADHD are that they cannot concentrate for a long time, and their minds always wander.
Synonyms: Change
A noticeable change in opinions or emotions.
Mood swing/ Opinion swing/ Swing of emotion
EX:My mood always swings rapidly from an extremely excited feeling to a depressive feeling.
-If you are the kind of person who is extremely sensitive, I know that you often deal with mood swings.
Sit still
Verb phrase
Synonyms: Remain still, Be still
Ngồi im
-Hey boy, can you sit still for a while? I will bring what you order in a few minutes.
I’ve perfected the art of fake smile. It’s not so difficult when you’re
Numb (adj)
Synonyms: Insensitive
Numb with shock/fear/grief
Vô cảm; chết lặng
EX:I used to feel numb with grief; it was terrible at that time, so the pain was extremely hurtful until I could not feel it anymore.
I know that there are a lot of people in our society who feel numb about everything because they used to deal with difficult situations. Therefore, it leads them to be numb with shock, grief, or sorrow.
If you are numb with strong emotion, you are not able to feel anything else
Light-headed (adj)
Unable to think clearly pr move steadily, for example during a fever or after drinking alcohol
Choáng váng, không ổn định, chóng mặt
EX:I feel light-headed after running five kilometers.
Feel/become/make somebody light-headed
Rush out
Synonyms: Hurry out
Vội vã ra ngoài
EX:Make sure to rush out as quickly as possible, because there are a lot of things we need to do right now.
-It’s good to rush out of the classroom to grab a quick snack during the break.
-Make sure to rush out of the library before it closes.
-Every morning, I often rush out to catch the bus on time.
To leave a place quickly,often because you are in a hurry or running late
Duffle bag
The duffle bag was worn and faded, but it still served its purpose.
Túi vải thô; Túi du lịch xách tay
EX:In fact, people prefer to use a duffle bag instead of luggage when they have a long-distance journey because it is more convenient and lighter.
_I give back the duffle bag to my sister.
Stranded (adj)
It is often used in a figurative sense to descibe someone who feels lost, alone, or helpless
EX:- Bế tắc; Gặp khó khan
EX:- Ran out of money and now I’m stranded without any way to pay for my lunch.
-My phone died while I was out and now I’m stranded without any way to call for help.
-Go out without a smartphone; now I feel stranded trying to find the right street to come to the event.
The couple felt standed in their relationship, unable to commuicate effectively.
In a relationship with someone, you have at least once felt stranded.
On top of that
Synonyms; Additionally, Besides, Furthermore
Ngoài ra; Và hơn nữa; trên hết
I’m tired from work, and on top of that I’m sick.
The process of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe.
Sơ tán; tản cư
EX:In some urgent circumstances, the government should have prepared evacuation places for their population.
-Always follow the adults during an evacuation.
Remember to stay quiet and walk in a line during an evacuation
-In case of a fire alarm, students should proceed to the nearest evacuation point.
Evacuation place/ evacuation plan/ evacuation route
Vice versa
Synonyms: The other way around, oppositely
Ngược lại
EX:-Taking care of your mental health can improve your academic performance, and vice versa.
Participating in extracurricular activities can enhance your college experience, and vice versa.
-Monkeys swing on trees, vice versa, fish swim in water.
Vomit (v)
To bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth
Nôn; mửa; tống
EX:The spicy food makes her vomit and light-headed.
Vomit up/feel like vomitting/ make someone vomit
Queasy (adj)
Feeling sick, wanting to vomit
Buồn nôn; làm nôn mửa
EX:_Traveling by bus, boat, plane, etc. makes me feel queasy because I’m very weak and easily sick.
I felt queasy after eating the spicy food
Humanitarian ( n-adj)
Synonyms: Compasionate
A person who are trying to help people who are suffering and improving the conditions that they are living
Nhân đạo
EX:I believe that I will have a humanitarian mission to help people in need someday in the future.
- She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.
- -Nowadays, a minority of people whose humanitarian plans are being developed.
Humanitarian mission/aid/intervention
~Take your own life~
Synonyms: Die; End one’s life
Tự tử; tự sát; tự kết liễu đời mình
-Trying to take your life doesn’treallyseemlikethat much( chừng ấy, chừng nấy) ofanissue. Itwasacombinationofnotfeeling likeIhadanyonetotalkto andnotfeelinglikemyissueswereworthtalkingabout.
To kill yourself, to end your own life, or to commit suicide
- I know some of you who have also experienced something hard or gone through something difficult in tough times. It’s so hard, right? But life is paradise. Therefore, do not take your life. Remember this.
Alert (v)
Synonyms: Alarm, Warn
To warn somebody about dangerous situation or one that requires immediate action
Cảnh báo
EX:_We encourage parents to alert the school about any concerns or difficulties at home.
We don’t want to alarm people unnecessarily, but they should be alerted to potential dangers.
Alert sbd something/Alert sbd of something /Be on (full) alert { cảnh giác cao độ}
Monitor (v)
Watch carefully; Keep track of
Giám sát
EX:Examiners are the kind of people who have to keep track of their students to avoid any situation of cheating.
Monitor the situation/ monitor the progress/monitor the quality
Suspicious (adj)
Synonyms: Questionable
Making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong
Đáng ngờ; Khả nghi
EX: She is taking a lot of suspicious actions while doing the test.
-I doubt that she is cheating because she takes a lot of suspicious actions.
Suspicious behaviour/suspicious activity/ suspicious motive
Decline (v)
Synonyms: Refuse
To say politely when someone invites/offers/wants you do something.
Từ chối
-EX:Across the world, there are always some kinds of people who feel it’s hard to decline anybody’s requests, and there are difficult lessons that they have to learn in this lifetime.
Decline a request/ decline a invitation/ decline an offer
~ Take somebody/something for granted~
Synonyms: Assume
To be used to somebody/ something that you do not recognixe their value anymore and do not show that you are greatful.
Coi 1 cái điều gì đó là hiển nhiên/ Coi nhẹ
I don’t take anything for granted, so I value everything as best/good as possible.
~Keep up with the Joneses~
Synonyms: Follow trend
To try to have all the possesions and social achievement that your friends and neighbors have
Theo kịp/ đuổi kịp mốt sống của người khác
EX:–He works day and night just to keep up with the Joneses.
I’m sick of everyone trying to keep up with the Joneses.
-Why are some people trying to keep up with the Joneses by buying expensive cars and clothes that they can’t afford?
Alien (adj, n)
Synonyms : Foreign, people from other country
(Adj) Belonging to another country or race
(n) Someone who is not a legal citizen of the country they are living or working in
Nước ngoài; chủng tộc; ngoại kiều
EX:_It is illegal for employers to hire aliens not authorized for employment.
-A part of me still feels alien in this country.
-His last years were spent alone and insecure in an alien land.
Alien culture; Alien custom; Illegal alien
Eligible (adj)
Synonyms: Qualified
A someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example they are the right age
Đủ tư cách
-EX: Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today’s election.
Eligible candidate/ Eligible voters/ Eligible for/ Eliible to
Entitle (v)
Synonyms: Empower
To give someone the official right to do or have something
Trao quyền
-EX: The king always entitles the throne to his prince.
-They are entitled to first class travel.
-I am entitled to play with my favorite toy.
-She feels entitled to have a turn on the swing.
-You are entitled to ask for help when you need it.
-We are entitled to be happy and kind to others.
-The teacher says we are all entitled to learn new things.
-Remember, being entitled also means being responsible.
Entitle someone to/ be entitle to
Jury (n)
A jury is a selected group of people who decide legal cases in court
Hội thẩm đoàn; hội đồng xét xử
EX:I haven’t had any chance to serve on the jury.
-The jury found him not guilty.
-Serving on the jury is one of the most honorable things for me.
Serve on a jury/ Jury duty
Naturalize (v)
Synonym: Become
If someone who was born outside the country they now live in it naturalized they become a citizen of the country they are living in.
Cho nhập tịch, cho nhập quốc tịch
EX: If you want to become an American, you have to be naturalized by the government, and it is not easy.
-She’s a German who was naturalized in Canada.
Naturalize a citizen/ Naturalize in a country/ Naturalize as a citizen of a country
Pending (prep)
Synonyms: During, while
While waiting for something to happen, until something happens
Trong khi chờ đợi; cho đến khi
-EX: A decision on this matter is pending.
- Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research.
- -This matter must wait pending her return from London.
The decision will be made pending the results of the investigation.
Resistance (n)
Synonym: Opposition
Dislike of or opposition to a plan, an idea, ect,.. the act of refusing to obey
Sự chống cự; sự kháng cự
EX:- As with all new ideas it met with resistance.
-When studying for exams, it’s common to face resistance in staying focused for long periods of time.
-Joining study groups can help you overcome resistance towards certain subjects by discussing them with peers.
-Seek help from professors or tutors if you encounter resistance in grasping difficult concepts.
-It’s important to build resistance to stress and pressure during the exam period to perform well.
-Participating in extracurricular activities can help develop resistance to failure and rejection.
-Adapting to a new environment can be challenging, but building resistance to change is essential for personal growth.
-Set small goals for yourself to gradually build resistance to procrastination and laziness
Strong resistance; passive resistance; overcome resistance; passive resistance
Synonyms: Fee
Charges, for example to be a member of a club
Hội phí ; đoàn phí
Pay dues/membership dues (Hội phí)/ Union dues ( Đoàn phí)
I know there are some clubs that require fees from their members. And if you want to be an official member, you have to pay a fee first.
Deduct (v)
Often passive. Antonyms: Remove; Add
To take away money, points,ect… from a total amount
Khẩu trừ;Trừ đi
EX:_You can keep track of your receipts, so you can deduct your expenses later.
_The company deducts $31.93 each week from my salary for health insurance.
_Each week a small amount is deducted from her wages for the pension plan.
Deduct taxes/ Deduct expenses/ Deduct from
You can keep track of your receipts, so you can deduct your expenses later.
_The company deducts $31.93 each week from my salary for health insurance.
_Each week a small amount is deducted from her wages for the pension plan.
Picket (v)
Synonym: Protest; go on strike
when a group of people stand or march in front of a shop, factory, government building etc to protest about something or to stop people from going in during a strike
Tổ chức cuộc biểu tình
EX: I have seen a lot of people who picket for LGBT rights and freedom.
Picket against; Picket a workplace; Picket for
The workers picketed against unfair wages and poor working conditions.
Blue-collar (adj)
Synonym: manual
Blue-collar workers do physical work, rather than working in offices
Thuộc về hoặc liên quan đến hoạt động
chân tay
-EX: My family has an origin in blue-collar work.
Blue-collar neighborhood ( khu phố lao động); Blue-collar job
White-collar (adj)
Lao động trí óc
Schools or universities are known for employing a large number of white-collar lecturers.
The banking industry is known for employing a large number of white-collar employees.
Lay off
Synonyms: Fire; Dismiss
To dismiss or end an employee from their job, often for economic reasons.
Bị sa thải; bị đuổi việc
-EX: The company had to lay off several staff members due to a stagnant budget.
-Boss, I do not want to be fired, and I have a massive passion for our company.
Lay off workers/employees/ staff. Get laid off/ Be laid off
John got laid off from his job due to the company’s budget cuts.
Portable (adj)
Synonyms: Moveable; Covenient
That is easy to carry or to move
Có thể mang theo; tiện dụng
-EX: Nowadays, people tend to use portable chargers because they are more convenient than normal ones.
Portable device/ portable charger/ portable speaker
Auction (n)
#Bidder(n) người đấu giá
A public meeting where land, buildings, painting, ect are sold to the person offers the most money for them
Sự bán đấu giá; cuộc bán đấu giá
Live action/ Online aution/ Charity Auction
Speaking about the auctions, I used to see them in some famous films on TV.
Synonym: Disaster
A terrible and unexpected event that causes a lot of damage and suffering
Thảm họa; tai họa
EX:-Flooding, drought, and earthquakes are natural calamities that we need to prepare for in advance to deal with unexpected circumstances.
Natural/Economic/Environmental calamity
From my point of view, there were some earthquakes that happened due to natural disasters, and others were not.
Nuisance (n)
Synonym: Bother
A person, thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problem
Mối gây thiệt hại; mối gây khó chịu; mối làm phiền, khó khăn
EX: For those who are extremely sensitive, and that is maybe their major nunsance in their lifetime.
Constant nuisance; Major nuisance; Nuisance call
So you know, I always have some nuisance calls from telemarketers somewhere.
The loud noise from my neighborhood house is a constant nuisance to me every Sunday.
Obsolete (adj)
Synonyms: Outdated; Old-fashioned
No longer used because something new has been invented
Đã lỗi thời; cổ xưa; quá hạn
ẼX: - So much equipment becomesobsoletealmost as soon as it’s made.
-My grandpa’s old phone is obsolete.
-CDs are becoming obsolete because of digital music.
-Using obsolete software in college can hinder your productivity and make it difficult to collaborate with classmates.
-With the development of society these days, handwriting has increasingly become obsolete, but in my view, it has a plethora of benefits.
Become obsolete/ Obsolete sofeware/equipment/ Technological obsolete
Refugee (n)
Synonym: Migrants
A person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or political, religious or social reasons.
Người lánh nạn; Người tị nạn
EX: There are several people out of the building are going on strike asking for the rights and freedom for some refuggees.
-Refugee families come to India seeking safety and a new home.
We can help refugee children feel welcome and included at school.
It’s important to be kind to refugee friends who are new to our country.
We should share our toys and games with refugee kids to make them feel happy.
Let’s learn about different cultures and languages from refugee classmates.
Refugee rights/ Crisis/ Intergration
Language barriers can make it difficult for refugees to intergrate.
Pager (n)
Máy nhắn tin
In today’s digital age, beepers are outdated and will be replaced by other smarter devices.
Displace (v)
To force people to move away from their ome to another place
Di dời; chuyển chổ; chuyển chổ
EX: It is always better to find a productive way to displace negative emotions rather than to act upon them.
-Weeds tend to displace other plants.
-The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.
Displace people/ workers/ communities/ Displace wildlife/ Displace community
Synonym: Belief
The belief that particular evevt happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science; the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck
Sự mê tín; Sự dị đoan
EX: In Vietnam, there are some common superstitions, such as that during the Tet holiday, people avoid wearing black clothes because they think it will bring bad luck.
-Can I ask you a question? Is the act of seeing the tarot called supertition?
Strong/Blind superstition/ Common superstition/ Widespread superstition
Elope (V)
Synonyms: Runaway; Escape
Elope with somebody, to run away with somebody in order to marry them secretly
Chạy trốn với người yêu( để cưới nhau)
Many LGBT couples nowadays choose to elope to another country to marry each other.
Alimony (n)
Synonym: Maintenance
Money that court orders someone to pay their regularly to their former wife or husband after their marrige has ended.
Tiền cấp dưỡng
After they get divorced, the husband will pay the alimony to their ex-wife every month.
Pay/ Receive alimony/ Alimony payment/agreement
Bread-winner (n)
Synonym: Wage-earner
A person who supports their family with the money they earn
Trụ cột gia đình; người lao động chính
In my family, my father is the breadwinner. I know there is a lot of pressure put on him, but finally he overcomes it in tough times and becomes the perfect father to me.
- From my point of view, almost every family has a father who is often the breadwinner.
~Tie the knot~
Synonym: Walking down the aisle
To get married
Kết hôn
I often wonder when and where I will tie the knot. Maybe I will be alone forever with the universe. It’s so interesting, right?
Someone asked me, When will I tie the knot? and I don’t know how to answer it in the proper way.
Abortion (n)
Synonym: Pregnancy loss
Sự phá thai; sự nạo thai
Legal/ Unsafe abortion/ Abortion rights
Some people experience pregnancy losses, and after that, they can develop some symptoms of mental health such as depression, anxiety disorder, et cetera.
Ambivalent (adj)
Synonym: Uncertain, confuse, doubful,
Having or showing positive and negative feelings about somebody/something
Cảm xúc mâu thuẫn;
Ambivalent feelings/ ambivalent attitude/ambivalent responnse (phản ứng
I sometimes have an ambivalent response to something because it is hard to decide and think in a proper way.
Hectic (adj)
Synonym: Busy
Very busy or full of activity
Rất bận rộn
From my point of view, I think when someone grows up, they are very hectic because they have to deal with a lot of things.
Orphan (adj; n)
Child without parents
A child whose parents are both dead
Trẻ mồ côi
Orphan child/ Adopt orphan/ Orphan rights
I know that outside of society, there are some charities that adopt orphan children. I really appreciate it and want to l be like them in the future.
Quarrel (n,v)
Synonyms: Altercation; Argument,conflict
An angry argument or disagreement
Cuộc cãi vã
Domestic quarrel/ Big/heated quarrel/ quarrel over
My family sometimes has a domestic quarrel about irrelavant problems, and it makes the asmotphere unpleasant.
Rivalry (n)
Synonyms: Competition; Contest
A state in which 2 people, companies,ect… are competing for the same thing
Sự đua tài; sự ganh đua
EX:-My friend and I have fun playing together without any rivalry.
Let’s all work together and not let rivalry affect our friendship.
Showing kindness can help stop rivalry and make everyone happy.
We can cheer for our friends during sports without rivalry.
Sharing toys and games with others can make rivalry disappear.
Remember to be fair and kind to prevent rivalry among friends.
-Joining different clubs and organizations on campus can lead to healthy rivalry among students with similar interests.
Intense/ Fierce rivalry/ Sport/ Economic/ Political Rivalry
I used to take part in the sport rivalry, which is a football match, when I was in high school. This match takes a lot of effort and will to win, but I cannot
Etiquette (n)
Synonyms: Manner, Politeness
A formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in particular group
Quy tắc ứng xử’ cách hành xử; nghi thức ứng xử
EX:_Saying “please” and “thank you” shows good professional etiquette.
-Using kind words and being friendly to others is a great way to show professional etiquette.
-It is important to practice professional etiquette by being punctual to class and submitting assignments on time.
Social etiquette/ Good etiquette/ Business/ Proper Etiquette
He received some compliments for his good etiquette in different circumstances.
Manner (n)
Synonyms: Behavior, Etiquette
The way in which someone behaves towards to other people.
Cách cư xử; hành xử;cách xử sự
EX:_Listen to the teacher in a respectful manner.
Play with others in a gentle manner.
Polite/Good manner; professional manner/respectful manner
I’ve heard that good manners are better than good education.
Acquaintance (n)
Synonyms: Friend ; Atonym: Stranger
A person that you know but who is not a close friend
Người quen; quen biết
Casual acquaintance/ Old/ Close acquaintance/ Business acquaintance
From my point of view, I think an acquaintance is the first step towards friendship, and friendship is the next step towards love.
Address (n)
Synonyms: Call, Name
To use a particular name or title for somebody when you speak or write to them
Xưng hô; Dùng ( tên riêng hoặc chức tước) khi nói chuyện với ai
-Make sure you address your professors by their correct titles.
Please address my staff by their name.
Condolence (n)
Synonym: Sympathy
Sympathy for someone who has had something bad happened to them, especially someone as died
Lời chia buồn
EX:-Giving a hug can also be a way to convey condolence.
Saying kind words can help bring comfort and condolence to others.
Always remember to be gentle and understanding when offering condolence.
-Offering CONDOLENCE to the peers who are struggling with mental health issues. You are not alone.
Offer/ Receive/ Express/ Send/ Give/Accept condolences/ Sincere condolen
Hey, can you convey to them that I really want to send my sincere condolences to them?
- Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.
Silverware (n)
Object that are made of or covered with silver, esp knoves, forks, dishes,ect… that are used for eating and serving food.
Đồ dùng bằng bạc
Our house has a lot of silverware stuff, and you know I am very careless. So I often break that stuff, and later my mom yells at me. It’s a very interesting experience that I had a chance to expose myself to.
Harassment (n)
Synonyms: Bother, Annoy
The act of annoying or worrying aomebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them
Quấy rối
EX:_It is important to treat others with kindness and respect to prevent harassment.
We should stand up for our friends if we see them being harassed.
Students should be aware of their rights to protect themselves from harassment.
-Students should be cautious of their surroundings and report any instances of harassment immediately.
Sexual harassment/ Workplace harassment/ Cyber/ Online harassment
Speaking of harassment, I have an interesting story that I want to share with you guys. When I was 15 years old, I just used Facebook, and someone who was a man sent their penis to me. And I’m like, Uhhhhhh, omg, what happened?
Go Dutch treat
Synonyms: Share expenses; Split the bill
An occasion when you share the cost of something such as meal in a restaurant.
Tự trả tiền
EX:-Let’s go for ice cream after school and have
-We decided to go for a Dutch treat dinner after our evening lectures.dutch treat.
My friend and I are sharing a pizza for dutch treat.
It’s fun to have dutch treat with your friends at a party.
-We decided to go for a Dutch treat dinner after our evening lectures.
If I have a girl friend going out to eat something, I want to go Dutch treat for everything.
Roar (n,v)
Synonym: Scream
A deep, loud noise made by animal such as lion, or by someone’voice
Gầm; rống lên
Tiếng gầm; tiếng rống
ẼX-The roar of the thunder made the children hide under the blankets.
-Listen to the ROAR of the crowd during college fests and cultural events.
Yesterday, I heard the roar of dogs at midnight, which made me very scared.
The most important feature of the lion that I’m very interested in, which is shown in the movie, is the lion’s powerful roar.
Screech (n,v)
Synonyms: Scream; Roar
A loud high unpleasant call or noise
Tiếng rít; tiếng kêu thất thanh, kêu thét lên, kêu rít lên, rên rỉ
EX:_The cat made a screech when it saw a mouse.
-The sound of the chalk on the blackboard made a loud screech.
-While studying in the library, a chair made a loud screech as someone pulled it out.
While I was calling with her, the screech of the microphone feedback was unpleasant and so loud.
She screeched at me to take my dirty shoes off the floor.
Dozen (n) = Doz
A lot of people or things
(Số nhiều) Nhiều
Tá (12)
I’ve been to Ho Chi Minh City dozens of times, which has given me a lot of interesting experiences. and memories.
I usually buy a dozen eggs from the convenience store.
Spiky (adj)
Synonym: Sharp
Having sharp points
Gai; sắc nhọn
Spiky cactus; spiky plant
From my point of view, the spiky cactus is the most beautiful because it can live in harsh environments. Even it can live longer than others. So I have to make myself like the spiky cactus, as strong as well.
Poison (n)
A substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it.
Chất độc; thuốc đôc ( diệt động vât; thực vật)
Deadly poison/Accidental poisoning/Poisonous snake/ mushroom
Keep all cleaning products out of reach of children because they are deadly poisons.
Puff (v,n)
To be smoking a cigarette, pipe, ect,…
Hút bập bập; Rít
Take a puff/ puff on an electronic cigarette/ puff on a cigar
I know a weird old man. Every time his emotions were in turmoil, he would relax in his armchair, puffing on a cigar and reminiscing about the past. It’s maybe me in the future someday.
Hail (v)
To describe somebody/something as being very good or special, especially on newpapers, ect…
Hoan nghênh; ca ngợi
EX: He is deserved to be hailed as a hero because he helped people in fire emergency.
Hail the hero/ Hail somebody’s achivements/ Hail a leader
The young firefighter was hailed as a hero because he helped some people in the case of fire.
Be supposed to (v)
planned to
Arranged to
Expected to
Be intended for; be expected; be allowed to
-ĐÁNG RA, Có nhiệm vụ-bổn phận; được mong đợi, hành xử theo điều gì đó mộ cách cụ thể; được phép; **dự kiến; **được phép
EX;-Are you supposed to be here? - Bạn có được phép ở đây không? (formal)/ Sao bạn lại ở đây?
-I can’t find my keys. They’re supposed to be on the table. - Tôi không tìm thấy chìa khóa. Chúng đáng ra phải ở trên bàn.
-I finished the project earlier than I was supposed to. - Tôi hoàn thành dự án sớm hơn dự kiến.
-He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. - Anh ấy không được nói cho ai biết.
-We were supposed to go to the movies, but the plans changed. - Chúng tôi đáng ra sẽ đi xem phim, nhưng kế hoạch đã thay đổi
-They’re supposed to be arriving any minute now. - Họ đáng ra sẽ đến ngay bây giờ.
-Be supposed to” can also be used with “should”: We should be supposed to finish this report by tomorrow. - Chúng ta đáng ra phải hoàn thành báo cáo này vào ngày mai.
What are you supposed to do with this? - Bạn định làm gì với cái này?
-Are you supposed to be wearing a uniform? - Bạn có được yêu cầu mặc đồng phục không
-I don’t think you’re supposed to park here. - Tôi không nghĩ bạn được phép đỗ xe ở đây.
-We were supposed to have a test today, but it got canceled. - Theo dự kiến, hôm nay chúng mình có bài kiểm tra, nhưng nó đã bị hủy.
-He’s not supposed to be eating candy before dinner. - Cậu ấy không được ăn kẹo trước bữa tối.
-They were supposed to fix the sink yesterday. - Lẽ ra họ đã sửa bồn rửa chén từ hôm qua rồi.
-Why didn’t you tell me you were supposed to leave early? (Tại sao bạn không nói cho tôi biết bạn phải về sớm?)
Let me know if you need help with anything you are supposed to be doing. (Hãy cho tôi biết nếu bạn cần giúp đỡ bất cứ việc gì bạn phải làm.)
-I hope everything is going as it is supposed to. (Tôi hy vọng mọi thứ đang diễn ra theo đúng kế hoạch.)
Yucky (adj)
or Yuck
Antonym: Yummy
Synonym: Disgusting; Nasty; Unpleasant
feeling dígust or dislike , extremmely unplesant
-disgusting or unpleasant:
Kinh tởm; đáng tởm; khiếp quá; khó chịu
EX:-The trash can smells yucky, we need to take it out. (Thùng rác có mùi khó chịu, chúng ta cần đổ nó đi.)
-This medicine tastes yucky, can I have some juice? (Thuốc này vị khó chịu, tớ có thể uống chút nước trái cây không?)
–Don’t put your fingers in your mouth, it’s yucky! (Đừng cho ngón tay vào miệng, nó mất vệ sinh!)
-Please don’t pick your nose, it’s yucky! (Làm ơn đừng ngoáy mũi, nó mất vệ sinh!)
-I stepped in something yucky! - Tôi giẫm phải cái gì ghê ghê!
-This movie is kind of yucky, I don’t like the violence. - Bộ phim này hơi ghê, không thích cảnh bạo lực. (Bộ phim này hơi ghê, không thích cảnh bạo lực.)
-The smell of that garbage is yucky. - Mùi rác rưởi đó thật kinh khủng.
-I don’t want to clean the toilet, it’s too yucky. - Tôi không muốn dọn nhà vệ sinh, nó quá bẩn.
-I accidentally touched a slug, it felt yucky! (Tớ vô tình chạm vào ốc sên, nó nhớt nhớt ghê!)