Engineering and Technology Set 1 Flashcards
What is imaging technology?
Imaging technology involves using various materials and types of technologies to ceate images.
What does image mean?
Image is Latin for picture or likeness.
What is another word for a permanent image?
A fixed image or a hard copy is a permanent image.
What is radiography?
Radiography is the creation of images using xray.
What is the ‘real’ word for xrays?
radiographic images are xrays
What is a Medical Radiation Technologist (MRT)
an MRT is a professional who creates radiographic images.
What is the most common form of radiographic image?
xray is the most common form of radiographic images
What are fluoroscopic images?
Fluoroscopic images are moving image (ultrasound)
What are tomographic images?
Tomographic images are slices of the body ( CT Scan)
What do MRTs need to understand?
MRTs study human anatomy and physiology, especially osteology – bones
Why do they have to study physics and chemistry?
They study physics and chemistry to understand how the images are created.
What four things to MRTs learn.
MRTs have to learn how the xray is produced, how the xray beam is changes when it gets to bone or organs, how the image is captured by the machine, and how the image is stored
What did Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discover?
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered xrays. He was a German physicist
When were xrays discovered?
xrays were discovered November 8, 1895
What is a cathode ray tube?
A cathode ray tube is a sealed tube with all the air removed, at one end is an electron gun, and the other end has a screen to view images
What did Roentgen discover about the tubes?
Roentgen discovered that if he used a chemical barium platinocyanide it glowed (floresce)
What is x-radiation?
X-radiation was a new type of electromagnetic radiation
Why did he use the x?
He used the x because he didn’t know what it was that he found, and x is used in math for the unknown number
What did Roentgen win?
Roentgen won the first ever Nobel Prize for physics.
Why was it an amazing discovery?
Roentgen found that he could send radiation through a body and that a picture would be made on film, and that the radiation passed through different parts – soft vs hard, differently so you could see inside the body.
What is the unit for measuring exposure to xrays?
R (roentgen) is the name of the measurement for xray radiation exposure.
Why do bones and metal look white in an xray?
Bones and metal absorb more of the radiation, but the radiation passes through the soft parts
What element in bones absorbs radiation?
Calcium in bones absorbs radiation
What is the difference between a negative image and a positive image?
A negative image is the one on the film strip that the dr holds up to the light, but the positive image is the image that has been printed onto paper.
What are xrays used for?
Xrays are used for diagnosing broken bones, breast cancer (mamography), airport security
What is a non-destructive use of xrays?
They use xrays to check for cracks in pipes or airplane parts without having to take apart the item.
What are the benefits of xrays?
xrays can show gallstones in the gallbladder, kidney stones (crystals) in the kidneys, cancer tumors, or even keys that have been swallowed.
What are the problems with xrays?
Xrays have a form of ionizing radiation and they can increase the risk of cancer, most xrays give very little radiation, but you still protect yourself with a heavy blanket when getting one.
What is the short name for xray computed tomography?
CT Scan
How is a CT different than an xray?
A computer takes the xray and creates slices of tissue pictures.
What does tomography mean?
Tomography means tomo-slice and graphy – write, so writing with slices
Who invented CT Scans?
Sir Godfrey Hounsfild and Allan McLeod Cormack invented CT Scans
When were CT scans invented?
CT scans were invented in 1967
How did Hounsfield come up with the idea of slices of xrays?
He thought that if you xrayed what was inside a box from a bunch of angles that you could get an idea of what was inside the box
How did Hounsfield test their idea?
He tested the first CT Scanning machine with a dead brain, then a fresh cow’s brain, then later on his own brain
Why did both Hounsfield and Cormack get the nobel prize in Medicine in 1979?
They were both working on the same idea and did not know it, but Cormack was more mathematical invention for the device.
When and where was the CT Scanner first used?
The CT Scanner was first used in England on October 1, 1971
How does a CT Scanner work?
A CT Scanner works by rotating an xray tube around a body part taking many images that are processed by a computer
What was the name of the original process of a CT Scan?
Computed Axial Tomography, so they were called CAT Scans but now we just say CT scan
Where did the word Axial come into the name?
The images are taken along the axis of the body, or the length of the body
Why are CT scans helpful?
CT Scans create 3D images of body parts and can be rotated to see different directions.
What is a pathology?
A pathology is an abnormality or injury
Why are CT scans used on the brain a lot?
The skull blocks the brain from being xrayed normally, but a CT scan can see into the brain.
How do CT scans compare to xrays?
A CT machine can vary the intensity of the radiation, but because there are so many slices taken you get more radiation