Biology Part 1 Flashcards
What is biology?
Biology is the study of living things.
What is a multicellular organism?
A multicellular organism is an organism made up of many cells
What does physiology mean?
Physiology means functioning.
Why are plants important to humans?
Plants produce oxygen which is essential to humans.
Besides oxygen, what do plants provide humans?
Plants provide food, medicine, wood
Even though plants can be 1cm to 100metres, what do they have in common?
Plants all have a similar structure of cells
Who discovered plant cells?
Robert Hooke in 1665
What did he name the little box like structures he saw in a cork sample?
He named the little boxes cells
Cells are the…
Cells are the basic unit of life.
What are the three main parts of cell theory?
Cell theory 1. all living things are made of cells, 2. cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living things, 3. a cell only comes into existence by the division of a cell.
What is a eukaryote?
A eukaryote is an organism made up of large and complex cells
What is a prokaryote?
A prokaryote is a small, simple cell
What is an example of a prokaryote?
Bacteria is an example of a prokaryote.
What are organelles?
Organelles are the structures that carry out the life function of a cell.
What is the cell wall?
The cell wall is the rigid outermost layer of a plant cell that makes it stiff. Animal cells do not have a cell wall.
What is the cell membrane?
A cell membrane is the protective layer around all cells. It is made up of lipids (fats) and proteins.
What is cytoplasm?
Cytoplasm is a thick, aqueous (water-based) solution in which organelles are found
What is dissolved in cytoplasm?
Cytoplasm has nutrients, salts, minerals and enzymes dissolved in it.
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are molecules involved in metabolism.
What is the nucleus?
The nucleus is the control center of the cell.
What is in the nucleus?
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid is in the nucleus.
What is DNA
DNA is the genetic material that directs all activities of a cell.
Which cells do not have a nuclei?
Eukaryotic cells have nuclei (singular of nucleus), prokaryotic cells like bacteria do not
How is the nucleus separated from the cytoplasm?
The nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm.
What are ribosomes?
Ribosomes are little round structures that produce protein, they are found in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.
What is endoplasmic reticulum?
Endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane system of folded sacs and tunnels that helps move protein about the cell. Like a highway.
What is the difference between smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum?
Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes covering it.
What is a Golgi body?
A Golgi body is a stack of membrane-covered sacs that prepare proteins for export to the cell.
What are mitochondrion (mitochondria)
Mitochondrion are the power house of a cell, converting stored food (sugar and fat) into energy rich molecules (ATP Adenosine triphosphate)
What are lysosomes?
Lysosomes are the digestive center of a cell, breaking down worn out bits of cell etc
What are vacuoles?
Vacuoles are large membrane enclosed compartments that store toxic waste as well as water. Mainly found in plants.
What are chloroplasts?
Chloroplasts contain green pigment that traps sunlight and converts it into sugar through photosynthesis
What makes a plant cell unique?
A plant cell has a cell wall, like an exoskeleton.
What makes up the cell wall?
The cell wall is made from carbohydrate molecules, cellulose and lignin.
What do we use cellulose for?
Cellulose is used to make paper.
What can cellulose be converted into?
Cellulose can be converted into cellulosic ethanol a type of biofuel
Cows and sheep can digest cellulose, humans cannot. What do we call food with cellulose?
Food with cellulose help our digestion and we call it ‘fiber’
What does lignin do in the cell wall?
Lignin helps water molecules move from one side to the other, and fills up the spaces between cellulose in the cell wall.
What % of a cell is its vacuole?
A vacuole is about 30% of a plant cell, but it can swell to 80%.
How does the vacuole support the cell walls?
The vacuole is full of water and puts pressure on the cell walls to keep them inflated like a water balloon.
What is the vacuole pressure called?
Turgor pressure keeps the cell walls from collapsing inwards.
Do human cells have chloroplasts?
No only plant cells have chloroplasts.
What do chloroplasts do?
Chloroplasts harness energy of the sun and store it in chemical bonds of sugar for later use.
What do chloroplasts contain?
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll a green pigment that gives leaves their colour.
What is a prokaryote that is an ancestor of chlorophyll?
Cyanobacteria is a bacteria capable of photosynthesis, so it may be an ancestor of the chloroplasts.
How is red algae different?
Red algae chloroplasts have a pigment called phycobilin (not chlorophyll) which is red rather than green.
What do plant cells have in common with animal cells?
Plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, organelles and cytoplasm are the same in both types of cells. Just not the cell wall.