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General Physics
> Energy - Work > Flashcards
Energy - Work Flashcards
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to do work you have to:
a) apply a force
b) have it move an object some distance
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General Physics
(140 decks)
What is Physics?
Measured Numbers
Introduction to Physics - Using Significant Digits
Introduction to Physics - Scientific Notation
Introduction to Physics - Metric System
Introduction to Physics - Math with Units
Introduction to Physics - Conversions
1-D Kinematics - Position and Displacement
1-D Kinematics - Average Velocity
1-D Kinematics - Position Graphs
1-D Kinematics - Velocity Graphs and Acceleration
1-D Kinematics - Plus, Minus, and Zero Acceleration
1-D Kinematics - 1-D Kinematic Equations
1-D Kinematics - Using the Motion Equations
1-D Kinematics - Solving Motion Problems - Part 1
1-D Kinematics - Solving Motion Problems - Part 2
1-D Kinematics - Free Fall and Gravity
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Vectors and 2-D Motion
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Graphical Addition of Vectors
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Vector Components
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Vector Magnitude and Direction
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Analytical Addition of Vectors
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Breaking Down 2-D Motion
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Solving 2-D Motion
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Projectile Motion 1
Vectors and 2-D Kinematics - Projectile Motion 2
Forces and Newton's Laws - Introduction to Dynamics
Forces and Newton's Laws: Newton's Second Law - Single Force
Forces and Newton's Laws - Newton's First Law
Forces and Newton's Laws - Multiple Forces
Forces and Newton's Laws - Weight
Forces and Newton's Laws - Newton's Third Law and Normal Force
Forces and Newton's Laws - Kinetic Friction
Forces and Newton's Laws - Static Friction
Forces and Newton's Laws - 2-D Force Problems
Forces and Newton's Laws - 2-D Force Examples
Forces and Newton's Laws - Inclined Plane
Forces and Newton's Laws - Inclined Plane Examples
Circular Motion and Gravity - Uniform Circular Motion
Circular Motion and Gravity - Centripetal Force and Acceleration
Circular Motion and Gravity - Period
Circular Motion and Gravity - Centripetal vs. Centrifugal
Circular Motion and Gravity - Force of Gravity
Circular Motion and Gravity - Acceleration of Gravity
Circular Motion and Gravity - Gravity and Orbits
Energy - Work
Energy - Positive and Negative Work
Energy - Work and Energy
Energy - Kinetic Energy
Energy - Gravitational Potential Energy
Energy - Mechanical Energy
Energy - Energy Problems, No Work
Energy - Energy Problems with Work
Energy - Power
Momentum - Momentum
Momentum - Impulse
Momentum - Conservation of Momentum
Momentum - Collisions
Momentum - Inelastic Collisions
Momentum - Recoil
Momentum - Elastic Collisions
Fluid Mechanics - Fluids
Fluid Mechanics - Pressure
Fluid Mechanics - Pressure and Depth
Fluid Mechanics - Buoyant Force
Fluid Mechanics - Flow Rate
Thermodynamics - Heat
Thermodynamics - Temperature
Thermodynamics - Thermal Expansion
Thermodynamics - Heat and Temperature Change
Thermodynamics - Calorimetry
Thermodynamics - Phase Change
Thermodynamics - Measuring Gases
Thermodynamics - Behavior of Gases
Thermodynamics - First Law of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics - Heat Engines
Oscillations - Oscillations and Waves
Oscillations and Waves - Hooke's Law
Oscillations and Waves - Simple Harmonic Motion
Oscillations and Waves - Period and Frequency
Oscillations and Waves - Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
Oscillations and Waves - Oscillation of Pendulums
Oscillations and Waves - Waves
Oscillations and Waves - Wave Properties
Oscillations and Waves - Interference
Oscillations and Waves - Standing Waves
Sound - Sound Waves
Sound - Sound Properties
Sound - Speed of Sound
Sound - Sound Intesity
Sound - Interference of Sound Waves
Sound - String Instruments
Sound - Open Pipes
Sound - Closed Pipes
Sound - Doppler Shift
Light - Light Waves
Light - Color
Light - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Light - Reflection
Light - Index of Refraction
Light - Refraction
Light - Internal Reflection
Light - Interference of Light
Light - Diffraction Grating
Light - Single Slit Diffraction
Light - Doppler Shift of Light
Optics - Lenses and Images
Optics - Thin Lens Equation
Optics - Convex Lens with Real Image
Optics - Magnification
Optics - Convex Lens with Virtual Image
Electric Forces - Electric Charge
Electric Forces - Coulomb's Law
Electric Forces - Force from Multiple Charges
Electric Forces - Electric Field
Electric Forces - Electric Field with Multiple Charges
Electric Forces - Electric Field from Charged Plates
Electric Forces - Electric Potential Energy
Electric Forces - Electric Potential
Electric Forces - Potential Difference
Electric Forces - E and V Charged Plates
DC Electric Circuits - Electric Current and Circuits
DC Electric Circuits - Resistance and Ohm's Law
DC Electric Circuits - Simple Circuits
DC Electric Circuits - Electric Power
DC Electric Circuits - Series and Parallel
DC Electric Circuits - Series Resistors
DC Electric Circuits - Parallel Resistors
DC Electric Circuits - System of Resistors
DC Electric Circuits - Capacitors
DC Electric Circuits - Energy in Capacitors
Magnetic Forces - Magnetic Forces
Magnetic Forces - Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Forces - Magnetic Field from a Current
Magnetic Forces - Magnetic Field from Current Loops
Magnetic Forces - Magnetic Force on Moving Charges
Magnetic Forces - Right Hand Rule
Induction - Induction
Induction - Magnetic Flux
Induction - Faraday's Law