Energy systems and ATP resynthesis Flashcards
ATP resynthesis (4 facts)
At any one time depending on the _________and _________one energy system will be dominate to maintain ATP resynthesis.
ATP will continually get broken down to provide energy for ___________ _____________.
IF ATP fails to be resynthesised there will be __energy released for muscular contraction, and __________ ____ __________ ____in.
- Can only last 2-3 seconds
- To continue exercising it needs to be resynthesised
- Occurs through an endothermic reaction (type that absorbs energy)
- energy is taken from the surrounding area to rebuild the high energy bond between ADP and the single phosphate (P)
At any one time depending on the intensity and duration one energy system will be dominate to maintain ATP resynthesis.
ATP will continually get broken down to provide energy for muscular contraction.
IF ATP fails to be resynthesised there will be NO energy released for muscular contraction, and fatigue will quickly set in.
ATP-Pc system
Key facts (3)
It triggers the release of an enzyme called: __________ __________
It breaks down the immediately available fuel __________________ (__)
Location – found in the __-____ ________ ___
It’s made up of ________with a ____-_______ ____________ _____
Site of reaction: _______________
ATP-Pc system - HOW IT HAPPENS (3 points)
- The predominant energy system used when requiring high intensity very short duration moments or events and is anaerobic
- Kicks in after the first 2 seconds – once the original ATP stores have been depleted.
- Means the ATP levels have fallen AND the ADP + P levels have risen
It triggers the release of an enzyme called: CREATINE KINASE
It breaks down the immediately available fuel PHOSPHOCREATINE (PC)
Location – found in the on-site muscle cells
It’s made up of creatine with a high-energy phosphate bond
Site of reaction: SARCOPLASM
- Energy bond between the phosphate and creatine is broken
- This releases energy for ATP resynthesis
- Amount: 1 molecule of PC: 1 molecule of ATP is resynthesised
ATP-Pc Advantages (5 points) and Disadvantages (2)
- No delay for oxygen
- PC readily available in the muscle cell
- Simple & rapid breakdown of PC and resynthesis of ATP
- Provides energy for very high intensity activities
- No fatiguing by-products and simple compounds aid fast recovery
- Low ATP yield
- Small PC stores lead to rapid fatigue after 8-10 seconds
Glycolytic system process
When does it happen?
The process?
Examples of when it is used?
Kicks in during high intensity after first 10 seconds and when PC stores are exhausted
- In the sarcoplasm
- Muscle/liver glycogen
- is broken down by GPP into glucose
- Glucose is broken down by PFK into Pyruvic acid
- which releases 2 ATP
- Pyruvic acid is broken down by LDH into Lactic acid
- This is all anaerobic conditions
This system will continue around 3 minutes
Efficiency peaks at 1 minute and then slowly decreases
Examples include:
- 200m-400m track - 100m freestyle - Counter attack in invasion games
Glycolytic system advantages (5) and disadvantages (3)
- No delay for oxygen
- Large fuel stores in the liver, muscles and blood stream
- Relatively fast fuel breakdown
- Provides energy for high intensity activities for up to 3 minutes
- Lactic acid can be recycled into fuel for further energy production
- Fatiguing by-product lactic acid reduces pH and enzyme activity
- Relatively low ATP yield
- Recovery can be lengthy
Aerobic system
This system kicks in during ____-___________intensity, due to the arrival of sufficient amounts of ________. This enables continued energy production, and utilises ___% of potential energy in glucose.
There are 3 distinct phases:…
This system kicks in during low-moderate intensity, due to the arrival of sufficient amounts of oxygen. This enables continued energy production, and utilises 95% of potential energy in glucose.
There are 3 distinct phases:
Aerobic glycolysis
Krebs cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Aerobic glycolysis
This is the same process of ___________ ____________except that __ is present; which _________the ____________of _______ ______by diverting __________ ____further into the aerobic system. ___________ ____combines with __-__________ _to form __________ ____. The formation of _________ ___ _allows access to the ______________.
This is the same process of anaerobic glycolysis except that O2 is present; which inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid by diverting pyruvic acid further into the aerobic system. Pyruvic acid combines with co-enzyme A to form Acetyl CoA. The formation of Acetyl Co A allows access to the mitochondria.
Kreb Cycle
Here the _______ ____ combines with _______________ ____to form ______ ____. This is then further broken down in a series of complex reactions within the _______of the _______________, where four events take place:
Here the Acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid. This is then further broken down in a series of complex reactions within the matrix of the mitochondria, where four events take place:
- CO2 is produced and removed via the lungs
- Hydrogen atoms are removed (oxidation)
- Energy is produced to resynthesise 2 molecules of ATP
- Oxaloacetic acid is regenerated.
Electron Transport Chain (5 points)
- The hydrogen atoms are carried through to the ETC along the cristae of the mitochondria by NAD and FAD (hydrogen carriers).
- Hydrogen is split into H+ (hydrogen ions) and H- (hydrogen electrons).
- The H+ are oxidised and removed as H2O.
- The H- are carried in pairs by either NAD or FAD:
- Those carried by NAD (NADH2) release enough energy to resynthesise 30 molecules of ATP - Those carried by FAD (FADH2) release enough energy to resynthesise 4 molecules of ATP
This means the overall yield for ATP in the aerobic system is
38 molecules of ATP
Aerobic system and free fatty acids (FFA)
Glycogen stores are…
Long distance runners…
Triglycerides and fats…
- The glycogen stores are large and will fuel the aerobic system for a significant period of time.
- Long distance runners and team performers will want to reserve these stores because they can be broken down both aerobically and anaerobically for higher intensity sections of races or games.
- Triglycerides and fats can be metabolised aerobically as free fatty acids (FFA) these provide a huge potential fuel store which conserves glycogen and glucose for higher intensity sections.
Aerobic system and FFAs - Beta Oxidisation
What happens? (2)
Advantage? (2)
- lipase is released and acts as a catalyst and breaks down fats, triglycerides and converting them into FFA and glycerol.
- The FFA are then converted into acetyl CoA and follow the same path through the Krebs cycle.
- FFA’s provide more acetyl CoA and a higher energy yield. This means that more ATP can be made from one molecule of fatty acids than one molecule of glucose
- Therefore in long duration exercise FFA’s will be the predominant source of energy. This process is known as BETA OXIDISATION.
Beta Oxidisation - Advantages (4) vs Disadvantages (4)
- Large fuel stores – triglycerides, FFA’s, glycogen and glucose - High ATP Yield - Long duration of energy production - No fatiguing by-products
- Delay for oxygen delivery - Complex series of reactions - Slow energy production limits activity to sub-maximal activity - Triglycerides or FFA's demand around 15% more oxygen for breakdown
Energy continuum – Intensity - very high; duration - less than 10 seconds
What sports is it used in?
What system will be predominant?
What percentage of energy does it contribute for ATP resynthesis?
- Individual activities such as jumps, throws and sprints
- ATP-PC system will be predominant
- Contributing 99% of energy for ATP resynthesis
Energy continuum – Intensity - high; duration - 10 seconds – 3 minutes
What activities is it used in?
What system will be predominant?
What percentage of energy does it contribute for ATP resynthesis?
- Individual activities such as 400m, 200m freestyle and squash game
- Glycolytic system will be predominant
- Contributing 60 – 90% of energy for ATP resynthesis
Energy continuum – Intensity - low - moderate; duration - more than 3 minutes
What activities is it used in?
What system will be predominant?
What percentage of energy does it contribute for ATP resynthesis?
- Individual activities such as marathons, triathlons and cross country skiing
- Intensity is moderate BUT relatively constant for a significant duration
- Aerobic system predominant
- Contributing up to 99% energy for ATP resynthesis
ATP-PC/ Glycolytic threshold
Example - On the whistle WA will sprint out to receive the centre pass
Duration …
Example - However, if possession is lost, they will need to do man-man marking for a period of time, to regain possession
System change?
Eg. On the whistle WA will sprint out to receive the centre pass
Duration 3-4 seconds – meaning ATP is predominantly resynthesised using the ATP-PC system
- However, if possession is lost, they will need to do man-man marking for a period of time, to regain possession
- PC stores will have been quickly depleted so the glycolytic system takes over predominant energy production
Glycolytic/aerobic threshold
Example - After a counter attack and a goal being scored, the player jogs back into position ready for the next centre pass…
- After a counter attack and a goal being scored, the player jogs back into position ready for the next centre pass
- Intensity is significantly reduced and there is sufficient O2 for the aerobic system to take over to provide most of the energy for ATP resynthesis
Additional factors affecting which energy system
Position of the player:
- GK’s aerobic system may be predominant with a small % from the ATP-PC system for very high intensity dives, kicks and defensive plays - Whereas a CM aerobic system will be used to jog back into position and track play, However their, glycolytic system will be used for counter attacks and set pieces. - The ATP-PC system will be used for high intensity sprints into the box, shots on goal or tackles
Tactics and strategies:
- Man-man marking will raise the intensity compared with zonal marking and will require a larger contribution from the anaerobic energy systems
Level of competition:
- If the match is hard and difficult the intensity will be high; thus increasing the contribution of the anaerobic system - If the match is easy with weak competition the intensity will be lower, and the contribution of the aerobic system higher
Structure of the game:
- Field games, are often played on large pitches, increasing the duration and lowering the intensity of runs and set plays: this increases contribution of the aerobic system - Court games such as basketball and netball played on small courts, increasing the intensity and decreasing and the duration of runs and set plays. Thus increasing the contribution of the anaerobic system
Coupled reaction (definition)
Where the product of one reaction is used in another reaction