ATP resynthesis during exercise of differing intensities and durations Flashcards
How the body returns to its pre exercise state (2)
- Myoglobin has lost its stores of O2, ATP, PC and glycogen stores may be depleted
- Lactic acid levels may be high
Post exercise the body enters a period of recovery with the primary aim of returning the body to ___-_________ state; where all _________ ______are complete and blood and muscle tissue are free of __-__________. To return the body to a pre-exercise state, ________ is required, continued _________ energy production fulfils the additional energy requirement and is termed as: …
Post exercise the body enters a period of recovery with the primary aim of returning the body to pre-exercise state; where all stored fuels are complete and blood and muscle tissue are free of by-products. To return the body to a pre-exercise state, energy is required, continued aerobic energy production fulfils the additional energy requirement and is termed as: excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) aka oxygen debt.
EPOC definition
The volume of oxygen consumed post exercise to return the body to a pre exercise state.
Oxygen consumption can be plotted against time to show the oxygen deficit. This can be defined as:
The volume of oxygen that would
be required to complete an
activity entirely aerobically
The recovery process graph
The graph?
Graph shows oxygen consumption post exercise decreases rapidly before gradually returning to resting levels.
It represents two distinct phases:
- Fast component (fast alactacid component)
- Slow component (slow lactacid component)
EPOC is always present regardless of exercise intensity. However, size of the O2 deficit and EPOC may differ; as it depends on:
- Activity intensity
- Duration
Low intensity aerobic activities
Small O2 deficit
- Steady state of O2 consumption quickly met - Due to limited usage of anaerobic system - Limited accumulation of lactic acid
High intensity aerobic activities
Large O2 deficit
- O2 supply not meeting demand - Lactic acid accumulation - OBLA reached quickly
Fast Alactacid Component of Recovery (definition)
This stage accounts for approximately __% of EPOC. It also demonstrates the volume of O2 (approx. 1-4 litres) required to:
Initial fast stage of EPOC where O2 consumed within the first three minutes
This stage accounts for approximately 10% of EPOC. It also demonstrates the volume of O2 (approx. 1-4 litres) required to:
- Replenish the blood and muscle O2 - haemoglobin in blood, myoglobin in muscles
- Resynthesise ATP and PC stores
Fast Alactacid - Replenishment of Blood and Muscle O2 (5 things)
- During exercise O2 dissociates from haemoglobin
- O2 also dissociates from myoglobin in the muscle cells
- The dissociation occurs in order to fuel aerobic glycolysis and energy production
- Within first minute of EPOC, O2 resaturates the blood stream, i.e. associates with haemoglobin
- Within 3 minutes the oxymyoglobin link has been restored
Fast Alactacid - Resynthesis of PC and ATP (5 things)
- During exercise muscle cell stores of ATP + Pc are depleted – for fuel in the ATP-PC store
- First 3 mins of EPOC aerobic energy production continues – provides energy to resynthesise ATP+PC
- Restoration of muscle phosphagen provides the phosphate required to restore high energy bonds to ADP + creatine
- Muscle phosphagen restoration takes approx. 30 seconds for 50% and 3 mins for full
- Means energy, phosphates, ATP, Pc resynthesis can occur: energy + P + ADP = Energy
Slow Lactacid
After the _____ _____________ component, the body enters the slow lactacid component. This part of EPOC shows the volume of O2 (approx. 5-8 litres) required to complete the more complex and time consuming jobs to return the body to pre-exercise state; these include: (2)
After the fast lactacid component, the body enters the slow lactacid component. This part of EPOC shows the volume of O2 (approx. 5-8 litres) required to complete the more complex and time consuming jobs to return the body to pre-exercise state; these include:
- Provision of energy to maintain ventilation, circulation and body temperature
- Removal of lactic acid and replenishment of glycogen
Ventilation and circulation (3 things)
- During exercise respiratory rate and depth, and HR rise significantly to provide muscle cells with necessary quantity of O2 for energy production
- Post exercise they remain elevated, then decrease gradually to resting levels – to maximise the delivery of O2 and removal of by-products
- Energy costs to this – accounts for 1-2% of EPOC - because of CO2 removal and transportation of O2
Body Temperature
- During exercise it’s common for heat production to exceed heat removal - causes a rise in core body temperature
- Every 1 degree Celsius rise in body temperature the metabolic rate increases by 13-15%
Removal Of Lactic Acid And Replenishment Of Glycogen (5 things)
- During anaerobic exercise or one with bouts of high intensity lactic acid will accumulate causing local muscular fatigue as they hit OBLA
- Post exercise lactic acid readily converts back to pyruvic acid – it’s then either oxidised or converted into
- Removal of LA also relies on the buffering capacity of the blood which neutralises its effect. Hydrogen carbonate ions produced by kidneys absorb hydrogen ions released by la and forms carbonic acid.
- Carbonic acid can be broken down to form CO2 and H2O for removal at the lungs
- LA removal takes on average around one hour it can take up to 24 hours depending on the intensity of exercise, volume of lactic acid accumulated and recovery method chosen
Active recovery (4 points)
- Using an active cool down maintains respiratory and heart rates flushing the muscle and capillary beds with oxygenated blood. This speeds up the removal of lactic acid. And reduces the length of the slow lactacid component.
- Its essential if there are repeated bouts of exercise on the same day
- Moderate intensity active recovery 40-60% vo2 max is advisable for those that accumulate lactic acid
- Passive recovery may help reduce temperature and metabolic rate, diminishing energy cost on epoc
Cooling aids (2)
- Aid such as ice baths can be used to lower muscle and blood temperature reducing the metabolic rate and demand on the slow lactacid component
- Can also be used to speed up lactic acid removal, reduce muscle damage and decrease delayed doms
Intensity of training - high (4) vs low (2)
High intensity:
- will increase muscle mass
- ATP PC stores capacity boosting efficiency of fast component of recovery
- will increase tolerance to lactic acid, increasing buffering capacity, delay OBLA.
- Reducing the demand of slow lactacid component
Low moderate exercise:
- will increase aerobic capacity and respiratory and cardiovascular efficiency
- earlier move to aerobic energy production minimised lactic acid build up; delaying OBLA, maximises O2 delivery post exercise
Work relief ratios (3 points)
Speed and explosive strength performers:
- atp-pc system - ratio of 1:3.
- sufficient time for atp-pc stores to resynthesise within the session
Lactate tolerance and high intensity muscular endurance performers:
- using the glycolytic system - ratio 1:2.
- sufficient recovery to continue training and encourage lactic acid accumulation to increase tolerance
Aerobic capacity/endurance performers:
- using the aerobic system - ratio of 1:1 or 1:0.5
- will promote adaptation delay obla and muscular fatigue
Correct nutrition (3)
- To maximise PC stores : load creatine, phosphagen and protein – increases efficiency of ATP-PC system and fast recovery stage
- To maximise glucose and glycogen: carbo load, pre-event, during and post event – maximising efficiency of glycolytic and aerobic systems and slow stage of recovery
- Tolerate effects of lactic acid performer may use bicarbonate to enhance buffering system, training close to lactate threshold may use nitrates to reduce O2 cost of exercise and speed up recovery times with oxygenated blood flow