Energy Balance and Body Composition Weight Control: Overweight and Underweight Flashcards
Energy Balance
Energy Metabolism
Definition: Energy metabolism is defined as the ___ ___ of all____ reactions that manage _____ ____ ____ (___ ___ ___) in the body.
Definition: Energy metabolism is defined as the sum total of all chemical reactions that manage energy-yielding nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) in the body.
Energy Balance: A Practical Representation
Energy balance (equilibrium)
Positive energy balance
Negative energy balance
Energy Balance
1 lb of fat = ____ kcal
One pound of fat = 3500 kcal.
Factors that Influence Food Intake
A. Short-term regulation
B. Long-term regulation: A_____mechanism has been proposed involving a signal from the ___ ___ that is released when “___” ___ ____is disturbed. This factor may play a role primarily in ____ persons, as opposed to the elderly.
A. Short-term regulation
q Hunger
q Appetite
q Satiation
q Satiety
q Nutrients, Satiation, and Satiety
q Role of hypothalamus
B. Long-term regulation: A feedback mechanism has been proposed involving a signal from the adipose mass that is released when “normal” body composition is disturbed. This factor may play a role primarily in younger persons, as opposed to the elderly.
q The ___ ___for food that initiates___ ____ ___
q The physiological drive for food that initiates food-seeking behavior.
q The integrated response to the___ ___ ___ or ____of food that ____ or ___ ____
q The integrated response to the sight, smell, thought, or taste of food that initiates or delays eating.
The feeling of _______________that occurs ____a meal and ___ ____ Satiation determines how much
q The feeling of satisfaction and fullness that occurs during a meal and halts eating. Satiation determines how much food is consumed during a meal.
q The feeling of satisfaction that occurs ____ a meal and________________, Satiety determines how much ____________________
q The feeling of satisfaction that occurs after a meal and inhibits eating until the next meal. Satiety determines how much time passes between meals.
Nutrients, Satiation, and Satiety
q The extent to which foods produce satiation and sustain satiety depends in part on the ____ _____ of a meal. Of the three energy-yielding nutrients,_____ is the most satiating.
q The extent to which foods produce satiation and sustain satiety depends in part on the nutrients composition of a meal. Of the three energy-yielding nutrients, protein is the most satiating.
Hypothalamus: A Satiety Regulator
q A brain center that controls activities such as ______ ______ _____
q A brain center that controls activities such as maintenance of water balance, regulation of body temperature, and control of appetite.
Conversion of Food Energy
v The body converts the energy of food to the energy currency of ___ molecules with about ___% efficiency, radiating the rest as ____. Then, when ATP is ___ to ___ ___, again about __% is lost as heat. Thus, the overall efficiency of the human body in converting food energy to work is __%, the other ___% is released as heat. The work itself, as it is, reflects the amount of energy it is spending.
v The body’s___ ___ ____is known as “thermogenesis”, and it can be measured to determine the amount of ____
v The body converts the energy of food to the energy currency of ATP molecules with about 50% efficiency, radiating the rest as heat. Then, when ATP is used to do work, again about 50% is lost as heat. Thus, the overall efficiency of the human body in converting food energy to work is 25%, the other 75% is released as heat. The work itself, as it is, reflects the amount of energy it is spending.
v The body’s generation of heat is known as “thermogenesis”, and it can be measured to determine the amount of energy it is spending.
The ___of ___; used in ___ and ____ studies as an ___ of how much ___ the ___ is ____.
The generation of heat; used in physiology and nutrition studies as an index of how much energy the body is spending.
Three Categories of Thermogenesis
Ø Basal thermogenesis (metabolism)
ØBasal metabolism
Ø Exercise-induced thermogenesis (physical activity)
Ø Diet-induced thermogenesis (thermic effect of food)
Measurement of Energy
unit of measure
___ ___ value
[*] Direct calorimetry
[*] Indirect calorimetry
[*] Unit of measurement: kcal
[*] Physiological fuel value
Direct Calorimetry
Direct calorimetry ___ the ___ ___ as ___ ___
vBomb calorimeter: An instrument that measures the ___ ___ when foods are ___ ___
Direct calorimetry measures the energy output as heat energy.
vBomb calorimeter: An instrument that measures the heat released when foods are combusted completely.
Indirect Calorimetry
\The ____ of energy output from measures of the amount of____ and ____
The estimation of energy output from measures of the amount of oxygen used and carbon dioxide eliminated.
Basal Metabolism
The ____ needed to maintain life when the body is at ___ ___ after a __-hour fast.
[*] Basal metabolic rate (BMR): The __ of ___ used for ___ under ____conditions, usually expressed as ____________
[*] ____ ___ ____(REE) is similar to basal metabolic rate, but the criteria for rest and fasting are ____ strict ( the difference between BMR and REE is less than __%).
[*] Basal metabolism represents the ____ component (___-__% of energy expenditure).
The energy needed to maintain life when the body is at complete rest after a 12-hour fast.
[*] Basal metabolic rate (BMR): The rate of energy used for metabolism under basal conditions, usually expressed as kcalories per kilogram body weight per hour.
[*] Resting energy expenditure (REE) is similar to basal metabolic rate, but the criteria for rest and fasting are less strict ( the difference between BMR and REE is less than 10%).
[*] Basal metabolism represents the largest component (60-65% of energy expenditure).
Factors That Increase Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
___ Caff
____Environ T
___ Smok
__ Body comp
___ Pregnancy
___ Growth
vGrowth: when child is growing BMR is high per kg. they grow very rapidly first year
vPregnancy: state of high BMR . Create all extra tissue so need high
vHormones: thyroid hormones increase. If you don’t make enough thyroxin you will feel tiredà hypothyrodism
vSmoking: quit smoking, gain weight
vEnvironmental temperature: every degree T goes up, increases BMR
vBody composition: muscle mass is really influencing BMR. As we get older this muscle mass decreases and decreases BMR
Factors That Decrease Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
_ Fasting
_ Age
_ Starvation
_ Sleep
Important Factors Related to BMR
vLean body mass (muscle mass)___ with ____,_____ the BMR.
vBMR begins to decrease in ___ ____ at a rate of about _% per ____.
vBMR is slower in ____ individuals due to
vLean body mass (muscle mass) diminishes with age, slowing the BMR.
vBMR begins to decrease in early adulthood at a rate of about 2% per decade.
vBMR is slower in malnourished individuals due to loss of lean body mass.
Thermogenisis types
Basal metab> physical activity> thermic effect of food
Thermic Effect of Food
qThermic effect (___) – The ____ in metabolism occurring during the ___ ___ and ____ of energy-yielding nutrients. This represents __-__% of energy consumed.
qThermic effect (TEF) – The increase in metabolism occurring during the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of energy-yielding nutrients. This represents 5-10% of energy consumed.
Estimating Energy Requirements
These three factors are influenced by a persons __ __ ____ ____ ____
1.Calculation of daily energy needs:
A. Basal metabolism
B. Physical activity
C. Thermic effect
• These three factors are influenced by a person’s age, sex, body size, genes, health status, etc.
Average Energy Allowance
- Men: kcal/day
- Women: kcal/day
- Men: 2300-2900 kcal/day
- Women: 1900-2200 kcal/day
Energy Spent in Various Activities
Aerobic dance –
Jogging –
Brisk walking –
Cycling (moderate speed) –
qAerobic dance – 270 kcal/hourqJogging – 520 kcal/hourqBrisk walking – 240 kcal/hourqCycling (moderate speed) – 165 kcal/hour
Body Fat Location is Important to Health
- “_____” or ____ body obesity (____)
- ____ risk for ill health (___ ____)
- Waist: Hip
- “____” or ____ body obesity (_____, ______)
- ____ risk for ill health
- Waist: Hip
- “Android” or upper body obesity (big belly)
- Higher risk for ill health
- heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
- Apple
- Waist: Hip > 0.8
- “Gynoid” or lower body obesity (thighs, more common on women)
- Lower risk for ill health
- Pear
- Waist: Hip< 0.8
v“Android” or upper body obesity (big belly)
Higher risk for ill health
(heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
v“Gynoid” or lower body obesity (thighs, more common on women)
Lower risk for ill health
Assessment of Body Composition
______ of _____
______ _____
____ ____/ _____ to ___ _____
____ ____
A. Distribution of fat
B. Fatfold measures
C. Waist circumference/Waist-to-Hip Ratio
D. Hydrodensitometry
E. Bioelectrical impedance
Fatfold Measures
Use ____ to gauge ____ of fold of skin on _____, _____ (____) and other places (including lower body sites) and then _____ these measurements with the ____
Use caliper to gauge thickness of fold of skin on back of arm, below the shoulder blade (subscapular) and other places (including lower body sites) and then compares these measurements with the standards.
weigh on land
weigh in water
diff is body volume
Use volume and weight on land to calc estimate of % body fat
weigh on land
weigh in water
diff is body volume
Use volume and weight on land to calc estimate of % body fat
Bioelectrical Impedance
Use low intensity electrical current
electrolyte containing fluids which readily conduct electrical current are found primarily in lean body tisues
Leaner person, less resistance to current
Use resistance to calc an estimate of % body fat
Healthy Body Weight
v A weight within a suggested____ for ___
v A ___ ___ ___that is associated with a low-risk of illness or death.
v Freedom from all ___ ___ that would suggest a need for weight loss.
v A weight within a suggested range for height.
v A fat distribution pattern that is associated with a low-risk of illness or death.
v Freedom from all medical conditions that would suggest a need for weight loss.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI = Weight (kg)/ height ^2 (m)
Body Mass Index (BMI) and Mortality
15-20 risk increases as bmi decreases
20-25 very low risk
25-30 low risk
30-35 moderate risk
35-40 high risk
40- Very high risk
Theories Related to Body Overweight/Obesity
v Role of leptin
v Adipocyte theory
v Set-point theory
Role of Leptin
Without leptin the mouse weighs about 3X as much as normal mouse
With leptin, mouse lost significant amount of weight but still weighs almost 1.5X as much as normal mouse
Development of Adipocytes
During growth,
When E intake exceedsexpenditure
When fat cells have reached max size, if intake still continues to exceed expenditure
With fat loss,
During growth, fat cells increase in number
When E intake exceedsexpenditure fat cells increase in size
When fat cells have reached max size, if intake still continues to exceed expenditure, fat cells increase in number again
With fat loss, size of fat cells shrinks but not the number
Set-Point Theory of Weight Maintenance
v This theory proposes that humans have a___ ____ ___ __ and ___ ___ __ which the body __ to ____.
v A ___ ___mechanism (mediated by___) is in operation).
v ____ mechanisms regulating ___ ___ and ___ ____ are involved.
v This theory proposes that humans have a genetically predetermined body weight and body fat content, which the body attempts to achieve.
v A feedback control mechanism (mediated by hypothalamus) is in operation).
v Neurochemical mechanisms regulating food intake and body weight are involved.
Treatment of Obesity
v Establish a realistic goal.
v A healthy, balanced diet (reduced calories)
v Control of portion sizes
v Increase physical activity
v Psychotherapy
v Establish a realistic goal.
v A healthy, balanced diet (reduced calories)
v Control of portion sizes
v Increase physical activity
v Psychotherapy
Reasonable Weight Goals and Expectations Compared
Benefits of Fitness
“A sound mind resides in a sound body”
- Greek Proverb
- Restful sleep
- Nutritional health
- Optimal body composition
- Optimal body density
- Resistance to colds and other infectious diseases
- Low risk of some types of cancers
- Strong circulation and lung function
- Low risk of cardiovascular disease
- Low risk of diabetes
- Low incidence and severity of anxiety and depression
- Strong self image
- Longevity and better quality of life in the later years
Popular Diets for Weight Loss
____ ____ Atkins
____ ___skinny fiber
____ ___
_____ nutrisystem
___ ___
§Atkins diet
§Super zone
§Sugar busters
§Skinny fiber
§And many, many more!
Popular, Good Diets for Weight Loss/Maintenance
___ ___
_ _ _
§Dash diet
§TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes)
§Flexitarian diet
§Mediterranean diet
§And several others!
Under Weight
qDefinition: Under weight is a body weight that is significantly lower than ___ _____ ____
qIt is generally defined as ____% or more below the ideal body weight (IBW).
____ ___ ___ are associated with under weight.
qDefinition: Under weight is a body weight that is significantly lower than ideal body weight.
qIt is generally defined as 10% or more below the ideal body weight (IBW).
qAdverse health effects are associated with under weight.
Under Weight: Health Risks
____ ____
vMalnutritionvPoor immunityvInfertility (in women)
Strategies for Weight-gain
vEat ___ ___ ___ ____
vEat at least__ ___ ___ ___
vEat ___ __ of ___ and expect to ___ ___
vEat ___ __ ___
vDrink generous quantities of __ and ___
vEat energy-dense foods regularly
vEat at least three meals a day
vEat large portions of food and expect to feel full
vEat snacks between meals
vDrink generous quantities of milk and juice