Carbohydrates Flashcards
Myths and Realities
Myth: Regarded as “fattening” by some people.
The carbs of ___ ___ ___ ___ supply most of the E in a healthful diet
The carbs of grains, veggies, fruits and legumes supply most of the E in a healthful diet
The major sugars
Galactose (found only as part of lactose)
- Glucose: Most ____ monosach in nutrition.
- Cells use it as a ____
- The brain and central nervous system use mostly ______, about ___g/day.
- Glucose: Most significant monosach in nutrition.
- Cells use it as a primary source of energy.
- The brain and central nervous system use mostly glucose for fuel, about 150g/day.
- Fructose: often referred to as ____ or ___
- An ____ of glucose (both have_____(_____ )but they ____).
- Fructose is found in ___, ___ and ___ ____, ___, ___, and most ____
- Fructose: often referred to as fruit sugar or levulose.
- An isomer of glucose (both have same molecular formula-C6H12O2 but they differ structurally).
- Fructose is found in honey, tree and vine fruits, flowers, berries, and most root vegetables.
Occurs as part of
Once absorbed into the body, galactose is ___ to ____ in the ___
- Galactose: occurs as part of lactose (milk sugar).
- Once absorbed into the body, galactose is converted to glucose in the liver.
Occurs as an ___ protduct during the ___ of ____ and ___ of ____
Also known as ____ or ____
Maltose can be converted into _____ by ____
- Maltose: Occurs as an intermediary product during the digestion of starch and germination of seeds.
- Also known as maltobiose or malt sugar.
- Maltose can be converted into two glucose molecules by hydrolysis.
Lactose: ( _____ )
Composed of __ and___
Contributes _-_% of milks E
Lactose is hydrolyzed to ___ and ___ by the action of
- Lactose (milk sugar):
- Composed of glucose and galactose
- Lactose contributes 30-50% of milk’s energy.
- Lactose is hydrolyzed to glucose and galactose (by the action of the enzyme lactase).
Sucrose (______)
Composed of
Sometimes called _____
Consumption of sucrose has
- Sucrose (table sugar):
- Composed of glucose and fructose.
- Sometimes called saccharose.
- Consumption of sucrose (sugar) has increase significantly in the last 100 years.
Complex Carbs
Glycogen: most branched
needed for hydrolysis when we need glucose
Storage form of glucose
Starch (can be branched or unbranched)
Human body
Highly ___ permits ____
- Glycogen:
- Human body stores much of its glucose as glycogen.
- Highly branched structure permits rapid hydrolysis.
Plant cells
____ are the richest food source of starch
- Starch:
- Plant cells store glucose as starch.
- Grains are the richest food source of starch.
We only get starch as a food source
We consume plants storage of glucose
Fiber ( _)
Includes: ___ ____ ____ ____ ____
Can be ___ or ___
- Fiber (non-digestible component):
- Includes cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, and gums and mucilages.
Insoluble: whole wheat prevention of disease
Soluble: nuts cereal, lowers cholesterol
Order of ingredients
List first ingredient as most predominant
Digestion of Starch
Mouth: Salivary glandds secrete ___ to ____. Amylase begins ____ to ____
Stomach: Acid ____ salivary enzymes _____
Small intestine and Pancreas: Pancreas produces an ____ into the ____. Enzymes to convert to ____
Mouth: Salivary glands secrete saliva to moisten food. Amylase begins digestion to small polysacc
Stomach: Acid inactivates salivary enzymes halting starch digestion
Small Intestine and Pancreas: Pancreas produces an amylase into the small intestine. Maltase, sucrase and lactase convert to monosach
Digestion of Fiber
Mouth: ___ and ___ fiber and mix with ___
Stomach: Fiber delays ___ ____
Small INtestine: Fiber delsays ___ of ___ ____
Large Intestine: Most fiber passes ___ thru tract to large intestine
____ enzymes digest fiber to ____ and ____.
Fiber _____ ______, regulates ___ ____, and ____ substances such as ___, ___ and some ____ carrying them out of the body.
Mouth: crush and tear fiber and mix with saliva to moisten
Stomach: fiber not digested and it delays gastric emptying
Small intestine: fiber delays absorption of other nutrients
Large intestine: Most fiber passes intact thru tract to large intestine. Bacterial enzymes digest fiber to fatty acids and gas. Fiber holds water, regulates bowel activity, and binds substances such as bile, cholesterol and some minerals carrying them out of body
Maintaining Blood Glucose Homeostasis
Rise in Blood Glucose:
Liver and Muscles
Excess glucose
Rise in Blood Glucose
Pancreas Releases Insulin
Liver and Muscles Make glycogen
Excess Glucose stored as fat
Decrease in blood glucose
Pancreas releases glucagon
Liver breaks down glycogen
Epinephrine and other hormones also bring glucose out of storage
Regulation of Blood Glucose:
Role of Hormones
Stimulates ___ of glucose
Facillitates ___ of ____ in ___ and ____
Converts excess glucose into
Stimuates ___ cells to ___ ___ ____ and ____ ____
____ glucose from ___ ____ (similar to ____)
•Stimulates the uptake of glucose.
•Facilitates storage of glycogen in liver and muscle.
•Converts excess glucose into fat. fat.
Stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen and release glucose.
Epinephrine (“fight-or-flight” hormone):
Releases glucose from stored glycogen (similar to glucagon).
A group of ___ diseases which result from ___ or ___ ____
•Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases which result from inadequate or ineffective insulin.
Symptoms of Diabetes
•Polyurea (frequent urination)•
Polydipsia (increased thirst)•
Polyphagia (increased hunger)
Types of Diabetes
Type 1 - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
Type 2 - non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).
Diabetes and Periodontal Disease
Periodontitis is the ____ leading ___ of diabetes
A diebetic indiv is ___ times more likely to develop gum disease
Studies indicate that treatment for gum disease helps ____
[*] Periodontitis is the sixth leading complication of diabetes.
[*] A diabetic individual is four times more likely to develop gum disease.
[*] Studies indicate that treatment for gum disease helps in control of diabetes.
Glycemic Effect
Measure of the ___ to which a food, as ___ with ___ ____ ___ the ___ ___ ___ and ___ and ___ ___
The term glycermic index diet usually refers to a ____ ____ ___ that uses the ___ as the ___ or ___ ___ for ___ ___.
Low GI
High GI
•Measure of the extent to which a food, as compared with pure glucose, raises the blood glucose concentration and elicits an insulin response.•The term “glycemic index diet” usually refers to a specific diet plan that uses the index as the primary or only guide for meal planning.
Low GI: whole grains, nonprocessed food
High GI: processed foods, white bread (70 or greater)
Lactose Intolerance
A syndrome resulting from
May be ____ ( _____) or _____ (_____)
This is not the same as _____
- A syndrome resulting from deficiency of the enzyme lactase.
- May be primary (genetic) or secondary (acquired or transient).
- This condition is not the same thing as a food allergy to milk.
Estimated Prevalence of Lactose Intolerance
>80% Southeast Asians
80 Native Americans
75 AA
70 Mediter people
60 Inuits
50 Hispanic
20 Cauca
<10 Norther Euro
Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance
____ or _____
[*] Bloating
[*] Diarrhea
[*] Abdominal discomfort
[*] Nausea or vomiting
Lactose Intolerance Nutritional Management
____ ____
___ or ____ ___ of ___
____ ____
[*] Dietary Modifications
[*] Minimize or reduce intake of lactose- containing products
[*] Lactase supplements
Dental Caries
[*] Definition:_____ in the surface of a tooth caused by ____ and created by ____ as they
[*] Symptoms may include ___ and ____
[*] Complications may include_____, _____, and _____ or ____
[*] Definition: Erosion in the surface of a tooth caused by acids and created by bacteria as they metabolize sugars.
[*] Symptoms may include pain and difficulty with eating.
[*] Complications may include inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss, and infection or abscess formation.
Dental Carries
Begins when ____ ___ the _____ that ____ the ____
If not repaired, the decay may ___ the ____ and ____ into the ___ of the tooth causign ___ and an ____
Begin when acid dissolves the enamel that covers the tooth
If not repaired, the decay may penetrate the dentin and spread into the pulp of the tooth causing inflammation and an abcess
Dental Caries: Dietary RecommendationsDental Caries: Dietary Recommendations
•Reduce consumption of simple sugars.•Consume healthy snacks.
Health Benefits of Fiber
Fiber may help prevent
____ ____ of the ____ and ___ such as ____ ____ and ____
Fiber may help prevent:•Certain diseases of the colon and rectum such as appendicitis, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis.
An adequate fiber intake:
fosters _____
lowers ____
helps prevent and ___ ____
helps prevent and ____ ____
helps prevent ____
helps prevent ____
- Fosters weight control.
- Lowers blood cholesterol.
- Helps prevent and control diabetes.
- Helps prevent and alleviate hemorrhoids.
- Helps prevent appendicitis.
- Helps prevent diverticulitis.
An excessive intake of fiber:
___ ___ and ___ dense foods
Causes ___ ___ and ____
Interferes with ___ ____
- Displaces energy- and nutrient-dense foods.
- Causes intestinal discomfort and distension.
- Interferes with mineral absorption.
Recommended Intake for Carbohydrates
% of E
Starch and Fiber
% of E
G of fiber
Sugar: Less than or equal to 10% of energy.
Starch and Fiber:
•55%-60% of energy.
•20-35 grams of fiber.
____ ____,
___ ____ ____ ____ of ____ and ____ _____
, ____ ___,
and ____ ____ and _____ to food.
- Dietary fiber has several _____.
- ________, reduces the risk of dental caries.
•Carbohydrates provide energy, protect against the wasteful breakdown of food and body protein, prevent ketosis, and impart flavor and sweetness to food.•Dietary fiber has several benefits.•Moderating sugar intake, especially between meals, reduces the risk of dental caries.