Energy Flashcards
____ can be converted from one form to another
____ energy associated w motion; ____ energy is stored (includes chemical energy stored in ___)
(1) Kinetic Energy
(2) Potential Energy
(3) Molecular structure
Two metabolic process:
_____ obtain energy & reducing power from nutrients to breakdown energy
_____ production of new cell components from build up of energy
(1) Catabolic
(2) Anabolic
____ set of chem reactions occurs in a cells, enables it to keep GDL growing, dividing & living
What are the sources or energy giving nutrients (3)
(1) Carbohydrates (2) Protein (3) Fats
___ substance that develops insulin resistance due ____
(1) Insulin resistin
(2) Fatty cells/Fat cells
____ formation of glucose from stored fats & protein; ______ formation of glucose form AF
amino acids & fatty acids
(1) Glycolysis
(2) Gluconeogenesis
____ glucose synthesis from smaller precursors for the brain
acetyl CoA oxidation = obtain GTP & valuable intermediates
Kerb’s Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle
___ glucose oxidation to obtain ATP
What are the three pathways for energy production
(1) Glycolysis
(2) Gluconeogenesis
(3) Citric Acid Cycle “Kerb’s Cycle”
What are the 8 factors that influence body temperature?
(1) Sex
(2) Age
(3) Drug & Smoking
(4) Site of Measurement
(5) Time of the day
(6) Exercise or Physical Exertion
(7) Meals
(8) Stress
Average body temperature is also known as ____ with the ff temperature in celsius: _____
(1) Nomothermia
(2) 37°C-38°C
Normal body temperature is 37°C-38°C but in Fahrenheit is ___
98.6 to 100.4 °F
In age ____ high metabolic rate have higher body temperature & _____ lower body temp
(1) Children
(2) Older than 65
In meals, _____ increases temperature, which reflects an increase in metabolic rate to ____
(1) 20-30 mins after eating
(2) facilitate digestion
In sex ___ generally have higher body temp, but females experience high body temp during ____ & ____
(1) Male
(2) Ovulation & Pregnancy
In sex, ___ claimed in 1868 that female have higher body temp than male, but ____ study discovered gender no significant differences in body temp
(1) Carl Wunderlich
(2) 1993
What year did female on average have slightly lower body temp?
Drug & Smoking:
pharmaceutic drugs such as antibiotics ___ &____, _____ & _____ influence body temperature
(1) Cephalosporins & Penicillin
(2) Methyldopa & Phenytoin
Drug & Smoking:
___ & ___ are recreational substances that increase body temp
(1) MDMA
(2) Cocaine
Site of measurement:
_______ is the axillary temp & rectal reading
0.3°C -0.6 °C
Site of measurement:
______ is lower than oral temperature; ____ higher than orally measured
(1) axillary temperature
(2) rectal reading
Site of measurement:
happy middle ground (accuracy & convenience)
gone out of favor: px reluctance & spread of infect
Rectal reading
____ required to obtain an exact measurement of the body’s core temperature.
Invasive methods
Exercise or Physical exertion: (True/False)
More heat is generated when muscles require more work to do
Exercise or Physical exertion: (True/False)
training in hot/humid conditions: harder to keep core temp leads to death
False (death: dehydration or heat illness)
Exercise or Physical exertion: (True/False)
The key takeaway for exercise is
be patient, take time in condition the body & hydrate adequately before intense workouts
____ body’s largest & most metabolically active organ, notable impact - body temp
Give 2 stress hormones
(1) Cortisol (2) Adrenaline
In stress increase in temperature is ______ response to deal with perceived threaths
____ mediates “fight or flight” response, stimulates inc heat production in liver + adaptive changes
Give the 6 factors that determine energy requirement
(1) Gender
(2) Genetics
(3) Age
(4) Body Surface Area
(5) Body Fat Percentage
(6) Diet
____ energy needed for body to sustain involuntary activity such as RCNE (_____) except _____ (influenced by food intake)
(1) Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR)
(2) Respiration, Ciruclation, Nerve conduction, Excretion
(3) Digestion
BMR is determined by a combination of ___ &___
(1) genetic
(2) environmental factors
some are born w faster metabolism & slower metabolism but what gender has faster metabolism?
Males have higher BMR due to _____ & ____
(1) Greater muscle mass
(2) Lower body fat percentage
BMR reduced with age, after ____ yrs it drops by ___ per decade
(1) 20 years
(2) 2%
____ is reflection of height & weight wherein greater ____ factor results in ____
(1 & 2) Body Surface Area
(3) Higher BMR
In this factor, lower body fat percentage results in _____, and men have faster BMR with _____ %
(1) HIgher BMR
(2) 10-15%
______ can dramatically reduct BMR up to what percentage ____
(1) Starvation or Serious Abrupt Calorie Reduction
(2) 30%
Give 5 conditions that increase BMR
(1) Prolonged exposure to heat
(2) Exposure to cold temp
(3) Increase of 0.5C internal temperature
(4) Greater body surface area
(5) Lower body fat percentage
In body temperature an increase of ____ internal temperature will increase BMR by ____%
(1) 0.5C (2) 7%
The chemical reaction in the body occurs more quickly at _____
Higher body temperature
External temp:
____ & ___ increase BMR; ____ little effect on BMR
(1) Exposure to cold temp & Prolonged exposure to heat
(2) Short exposure to hot temp
External temp condition ___ where there is an inc in BMR as to create ____ needed to maintain body’s internal temperature
(1) Exposure to cold temp
(2) extra heat
Short exposure to hot temprature has little effect on body metabolism for it is ______ by ____
(1) compensated
(2) increase heat loss
key BMR regulator that speeds up metabolic activity
Thyroin is produced in ____ & controlled by ____
(1) Thyroid gland
(2) Endocrine
____ can also increase BMR but to lesser extent
____ too much production of thryoxin; ____ too little production of thryoxin
(1) Thyrotoxicosis
(2) Myxoedema
Too much production of thyroxin is also called ___ where it is influenced by _____
(1) Thyrotoxicosis
(2) endocrine imbalance
Result of BMR in the ff conditions:
(1) Thyrotoxicosis: _____
(2) Myxoedema: _____
(1) BMR is higher & can double
(2) BMR may shrink 30-40%
___ fat, slow BMR, intake a little amount of food = gains weight; _____ thin, fast BMR, continuous food intake = no weight gain
(1) Hypothyroidism
(2) Hyperthyroidism
In diverticulosis there is a formation of pockets in ____
small intestine
Give the formula for Tannhauser’s Method or Desirable Body Weight.
Kg = (Htcm - 100) - 0.10 (Htcm - 100)
Give the formula for Body Mass Index
BMR = weight (kg) / height (m)2
In tannhauser’s method the height should be in ____
Cm (1 inch = 2.54 cm)
___ measure of body fat based on height in ___ & weight ___ to adult men & women
(1) BMI
(2) meters square (m)2
(3) kilograms
BMI weight status for normal & obese
Normal: 18.5 - 24.9
Obese: 30.0 above
BMI weight status for underweight & overweight
underweight: below 18.5
overweight: 25.0 - 29.9
Choose the DBW for larger frame
(1) ( h - 100) + 0.10 ( h - 100) in kg
(2) (height - 100) in kg
(3) ( h - 100) - 0.10 ( h - 100) in kg
(1) ( h - 100) + 0.10 ( h - 100) in kg
Choose the DBW for medium frame
(1) ( h - 100) - 0.10 ( h - 100) in kg
(2) ( h - 100) + 0.10 ( h - 100) in kg
(3) (height - 100) in kg
(3) (height - 100) in kg
Two methods to calculate Basic Metabolic Rate
(1) Total Energy Requirement (TER)
(2) Harris Benedict Equation + Activity Multiplier
TER is also known as ____ wherein the total number of calories expends in _____ including ___
(1) Maintenance level
(2) 24hrs
(3) all activites
knowing your TER gives a starting reference to begin your diet
Maintenance level in US for women = ____; men = ___
(1) w = 2,000 - 2,100 calories per day
(2) m = 2,7000 - 2,9000 calories per day
Time of the day:
___ term called for the fluctuations of body temperature throughout the day
Diurnal variation
Time of the day:
___ highest BT; ___ lowest BT
1) Late in the afternoon
2) Sleeping
Formula for TER
DBW in kg x BMR