Endocarditis Flashcards
Endocarditis Clinical
Exudative and proliferative inflammation alters endocardium (presence of surface vegetations on surface or w/in endocardium - most common on valves). Slow course with low grade fever, night sweats, weight loss, systemic complaints.
3+ wks fever, new or exacerbated heart murmur, wt loss, vaguely ill
Endocarditis RF
42-60 yrs, highest RF = artificial valve, some complex congenital heart defects and repairs
Endocarditis Tx
Recommend risk stratification
Staph spp. Clinical
Acute infective endocarditis
Staph spp. Char
Gram pos cocci in clusters, catalase pos
Staph spp. Aureus
Coagulase pos and ferments mannitol
Staph spp. Epidermis
Coagulase neg and doesn’t ferment mannitol
Staph spp. Res
Staph spp. Trans
Resp droplets, endogenous, fomites
Staph spp. RF
Invasive dental procedure, underlying cardiac disease.
IDUs for S Aureus; cath for S epidermis
Staph spp. Diag
Blood culture
Viridans Streptococci Clinical
Subacute Inf endocarditis; insidious onset
Viridans Streptococci Char
Gram pos cocci in chains; lancefield neg; catalase neg
Viridans Streptococci Res
Oral flora
Viridans Streptococci RF
Invasive dental procedures (number one cause in those with underlying cardiac disease)