End Of Year Exam Review Flashcards
The election of Democratic Republican Thomas Jefferson in 1800 led to what? (2 things)
Transferring power peacefully between political parties
Changing the election process of the president and vice-president
Why was Thomas Jefferson uneasy about the Louisiana Purchase?
The constitutionality of the purchase
What rivers did did Lewis and Clark take on their expedition?
Mississippi and Colombia
How did the Lewis and Clark expedition impact the US? (3)
Mapped the west
Discontinued the search for a Northwest Passage
The documentation of plants and animals
Who did the Americans fight n the War of 1812?
The British
Give 2 causes of the War of 1812
War Hawks’ desire to gain land in Canada
Arming of American Indians to fight the US by Britain
What were the significant outcomes of the Battle of Fort McHenry? (3)
A growing sense of national pride
The writing of the Star Spangled Banner
Francis Scott Key becomes a national figure
What was Andrew Jackson’s role in the War of 1812?
As General, he led the Battles of Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans
Name 3 effects of the war of 1812
It began an Era of Good Feelings
Increase manufacturing in the United States
The US felt a renewed sense of national pride
The importance of the War of 1812 was that it showed other countries that
America was a powerful country that could defend themselves
What were the impacts of the Battle of New Orleans?
The US won the last major battle of the civil war
Calhoun’s draft of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest, which included a states’ rights doctrine, state that
The state governments should be more powerful than the states
How did the nullification crisis end?
Henry Clay proposes a compromise to lower tariffs
South Carolina repeals its nullification position
Congress authorizes Jackson to use force to enforce the tariff laws
How did Andrew Jackson destroy the national bank?
Vetoed the bill to re-charter it
Claimed it was unconstitutional
He moved all the national bank’s money into state banks
How did Sequoyah impact the Cherokees?
Invented the Cherokee alphabet
After the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokees, Jackson said, “John Marshall has made his decision…Now let him enforce it.” What did Jackson mean?
Jackson did not intend to carry out the Court’s ruling
How did the Cherokee adopt to contemporary culture?
Set up schools to learn the English language
Created a Cherokee Alphabet and published a newspaper
Adapted a constitution modeled after the US constitution
Which statement bes describes the trail of tears?
The involuntary 800 mile march Cherokee INdians made in their removal from Georgia
Which phrase best represents the idea of Jacksonian Democracy?
Common man
How did Jackson’s presidency lead to the creation of the Whig Party?
Whigs believed that Jackson took too much power as the president
Manifest Destiny claimed that it was Americas destiny
To expand west
Which of the following was a result of westward expansion?
Tensions over slavery increased
The Mormons, a large group of settlers, moved west in search of
Religious freedom
Which western area did the Mormons first settle?
What were Polk’s main objectives during his presidency?
Annex TX, OR, and CA (expand west)
What was James K. Polk’s view on westward expansion?
He supported American expansion to the west by purchase or force
What cause the Mexican War?
President Polk wanted the Us to expand its territory/
What happened following the MExican War?
More western land opened to settlement
What was the outcome of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexico was forced to turn over much of its Northern Territory to the US
Why were most gold-rush settlers young, unmarried men?
Difficult living conditions
How did the gold rush and immigration affect California’s statehood?
CA’s population explosion made it eligible for statehood
Why was California’s admission to the Union controversial?
It would tip the balance of power to the free states (slavery/free)
How did industrialization lead to urbanization?
More job opportunities drew workers into the cities
The North attracted more immigrants than the South because it offered
More jobs in mills and factories
The wide, fertile, coastal plains of the South were ideal for
Growing cash crops
What was the main difference between Northern society and southern society?
Economies - North: industrial, South: agricultural
Who invented the Cotton Gin and developed the use of interchangeable parts?
Eli Whitney
What was the main effect of the cotton gin on the south?
Increased cotton profits
Increased desire for land in the west to grow cotton
Made the south more dependent on slave labor
The Industrial Revolution began with a dramatic shift from
Handmade to machine made goods
The efficient production of large numbers of identical goods is
Mass production
The migration of people from rural areas to cities is
A society built largely on mechanized industry rather than agriculture
Members of a higher social class/elite are
Cloth items that helped start the Industrial Revolution
What did steam power allow industry to achieve?
Move factories alway from streams
Allow factories to work during droughts
Provide new innovation to the textile industry
According to the 1787 Northwest Ordinance, the states formed from the Northwest Territory would be
Free states
Who was Frederick Douglass?
A former slave who escaped and became an abolitionist
Who is the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad?
Harriet Tubman
Who published the liberator?
William Lloyd Garrison
Who established the Nashoba Community?
Francis Wright
Who published the Emancipator, the earliest abolitionist publication in the United States?
Elihu Embree
How did the Missouri Compromise address the issue of slavery?
It drew an imaginary line that separated free and slave states geographically
Which state was added to the Union at the same time as Missouri in order to maintain the balance between free and slave states?
The law which required all citizens to help capture runaway slaves was called
The Fugitive Slave Act
Name a provision of the Compromise of 1850?
Popular Sovereignty would determine if a new state would allow slavery or not
The Compromise of 1850…
Ended slave trade in Washington, D.C.
Made new states enter the union with popular sovereignty
Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book against slavery?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Why did Stephen Douglass write the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
He wanted to build a railroad that would pass through both his home state and western territories
The process that allows people in a territory or state to vote directly on issues rather than have their elected representatives decide is known as what?
Popular sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas was named that because
Of violence between pro and antislavery groups during popular sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas was caused by
Popular sovereignty allowed by the Kansas Nebraska Act
How did John Brown play a role in Bleeding Kansas?
He led a massacre resulting in killing pro-slavery men and boys at Potawatomi Creek
Preston Brooks, a relative of a pro-slavery politician, used his walking cane to beat who, who insulted Brooks’ relative?
Charles Sumner
Opponents of the Kansas Nebraska Act formed the Republican Party, whose main goal was to
Stop the expansion of slavery
What was the Dred Scott Case about?
A slave named Dred Scott suing for his freedom because he lived in a free state with his master
What was the political outcome of the Dred Scott case?
Caused the Democratic Party to split into two parties
What was the Supreme’s court ruling of the Dred Scott case?
Dred Scott was a slave/property and thus was not able to sue in court
What was Lincoln’s opinion in the Lincoln Douglas debates?
Insisted that the territories be kept free from slavery.
How might have John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry VA helped lead to the Civil War?
Southerners were fearful of threats that might lead to ending slavery
How does the election of 1860 represent a divided nation?
Republicans (abolitionist) dominated the north
What event prompted the majority of TN voters to choose secession?
Lincoln’s request for states to send troops after Ft. Sumter
Why did Scott County secede from TN?
After TN’s 2nd vote, they wanted to stay in the Union instead of seceding from Union
The first goal of the Union during the Civil war was to
Preserve the Union
After E.P: end slavery
What are border states?
slave states that didn’t seced from the Union
Which sate saw the most Civil War Battles?
Where was the capital of the Confederacy?
Montgomery, AL -then- Richmond VA
Where and when did the first battle of the Civil War occur?
Fr. Sumter, Charleston SC - April 1861
What were the confederate soldiers nicknamed?
What were the Union soldiers nicknamed?
Feds, federals
What color was worn by the Union/Confederate soldiers
Blue -U-
Grey -C-
Union Armies were named after what? Confederate armies?
Rivers - union
States - confederacy
What were the 3 theaters of the civil war?
West, east, trans-Mississippi
Who won the civil war?
The north
Which political party was Lincoln?
Which event prompted the first southern states to secede from the Union?
Lincoln’s election in 1860
The first state to secede from the union was
Winfield Scott’s Anaconda plan was designed to
Squeeze the economy of the South
The commander of the confederate army was
Robert E. Lee
The commander of the Union army was
Ulysses S. Grant
Strengths of the Union
More supplies + money + railroads
Strengths of the south
Better Military leaders
Cotton industry
Home field advantage
The president of the union/confederacy was
Lincoln/Jefferson Davis
Which Tennesseean was a governor who pushed for secession in 1861?
Gov. Harris
Which minister published pro-Unionist newspapers in East TN and served as the governor of TN?
William Brownlow (led revolts)
US senator who pushed against secession for TN
Andrew Johnshon
A collection of artillery
To break away
Soldier on horseback
Soldier on foot
To surround and bombard a city for a long period of time
The number of dead, wounded, or imprisoned (unable to fight) in a battle or war
Which battle is considered the turning point of the Civil War?
TN battle that saw many casualties and opened up the MS river valley to the Union
The commander who burnt Atlanta
Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at /when
Appomattox = April 1865
Which battle took over 3 months and gave the North control of the MS River?
2 battles in TN
Franklin and Nashville
Who won at Chickamauga?
Which battle is known as the high water mark of the Confederacy?
Who one the 1st and 2nd battle of bull run in Manassas
Did John Bell hood’s plan to reclaim Nashville for the Confederacy work?
What most significantly impacted the outcome of the 1864 election?
Sherman’s total war
Which battle helped to carry out the Anaconda plan?
Vicksburg - MS river
Why did Lee invade the North?
To recruit people
To give the North a taste of war
To give to Confederacy a break from war
Which 1862 Union victory enabled Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation?
Stonewall Jackson was killed after which Confederate victory?
What were the two union victories that took place within one day?
Vicksburg and Gettysburg
Which battle led to the fall of Nashville?
Ft. Henry and Donelson
TN is in what Theatre?
Did the E. P. Free all slaves?
No - only slaves in rebelling slaves but motivated people + changed fight to ending slavery
Which all black regiment was stationed in Nashville during the war?
13th USCT
Which TN born Union naval officer helped secure the fall of New Orleans and the capture of Mobile Bay?
David Farragut
First wave of seceding states
Tx, sc, ms, la, ga
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was intended to achieve what?
Provide a tribute to the fallen Union troops and motivate them
What 2 key forts were captured was part of the Anaconda plan and gave access to TN?
Donelson and Henry
Where did Union troops find themselves trapped after the battle of Chickamauga?
The Battle of Lookout mountain victory for the Union allowed what?
Sherman to begin his attacks in GA and his march to the sea
Sherman’s Total war was intended to achieve what end?
Destroy the Confederates resource and spirit
Nathan Bedford Forest was known as what? Where did he fight?
Wizard of the saddle - Franklin
What was Confederate General John Bell Hood’s plan for Franklin?
To prevent Union General Schofield’s army from reaching Nashville
What was the main difference between Lincoln’s 1st and 2nd inaugural address?
Stop expansion of slavery - 1st
Slavery must end - 2nd
Which wast the 1st all black regiment for the Union Army?
MA 54th Regiment
What was the largest city to fall to the Union army?
New Orleans
The name given to northern whites who went south to start businesses or to pursue political careers during Reconstruction
The secret society that terrorized blacks and their white allies
Ku Klux Klan
A pardon for a group of people
A personal tax to be paid before voting
Poll tax
The laws passed by southern states that barred mixing of the races in most aspects of everyday live
Jim Crow Laws
African American homesteaders who moved west
Describe Radical Reconstruction
Imposed military rule on southern states
Threw out governments of southern states
Southern states had to abolish slavery (ratify 13th amendment)
Describe Lincoln’s 10% plan
Broad amnesty for most former confederates
Southern states could organize new governments and elect representatives to congress (government must end slavery)
10% of people in state must pledge to be part of the union for the state to be admitted into the union
Why did Lincoln support his 10% plan for reconstruction?
He wanted to make it easy and quick for southern states to rejoin the union
Which amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws?
How did the grandfather clause restrict the voting rights of African Americans, but not the voting rights of illiterate whites?
White voters didn’t have to take a literacy test
Give some examples of Jim Crow Laws
Making AAs travel in separate cars on railroads
Grandfather clause
Why was the process of rebuilding the south called radical reconstruction?
It was the hard policy demanded by some members of Congress
What became a point of conflict during the Reconstruction?
Who would determine the plan for Reconstruction - Johnson or the Radical Republicans
What happened to the African American’s in TN’s general assembly?
Driven away from their positions with threats of violence and intimidation.
The 13th amendment outlaws slavery where?
Any territory of the US
What played a major role in denying AAs their full civil rights?
The concept of “separate but equal” - Jim Crow
What was the first duty of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
To provide emergency relief to people displaced by the war
The KKK was created because…
Some whites who were angry about losing power resorted to violence
How did the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1878 impact the lives of African Americans living in Memphis?
High percentages of surviving Freedmen found new opportunities to work and property ownership
How did Pap Singleton impact TN after the Civil War?
He encouraged former slaves to settle west
Where did the KKK begin and why?
Pulaski, Tn - social club for former confederates
What prompted the KKK’s activities to turn to violence + intimidation?
Rise of Freedmen’s political power in the South
The first Grand Wizard of the KKK was
Nathan Bedford Forrest
What impact did the murdering of Abraham Lincoln have on the start of the Reconstruction era?
He was unable to follow through with his Reconstruction plans to unify the country.
They 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were intended to solve problems related to
Civil rights
What party was Andrew Johnson?
Southern Democrat (loyal to union)
Whose plan for reconstruction was the most similar to Lincoln’s?
Andrew Johnson
What did the Radical Republicans do to Johnson in Congress?
Impeached him
What is an example of the federal government showing its power over state governments during the Reconstruction era?
The military occupation of former Confederate states
Which election marked the end of the Reconstruction
Hayes win of 1876
How did the Compromise of 1877 bring about the end of the Reconstruction?
Democrats agreed to support the Republican candidate in exchange for the withdrawal of troops from the south
Tn’s 1870 Constitutional convention did what?
Required African Americans to pay a poll tax