A Nation Breaking Apart Test Flashcards
When Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, it…
Guaranteed basic rights for settlers and banned slavery there
Who convinced Congress to agree to the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
Henry Clay
What were the 3 main conditions of the Missouri Compromise?
- Missouri would enter the US as a slave state
- Maine would enter the US as a free state
- Slavery would be prohibited anywhere north of Missouri’s southern border (36’30 Latitude)
Despite the success of the Missouri Compromise when it was passed in 1820, there were still strong disagreements between the North and the South over…
The expansion of slavery
Who was Harriet Tubman?
- Escaped slave
- The most famous and brave conductor of the Underground Railroad
- Led 300 escaped slaves to freedom
Who was Frederick Douglass? What did he do?
An escaped slave who wrote and spoke out against slavery.
- Biography: The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass
- Newspaper: The North Star
Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What did he do?
An American journalist and reformer who published the famous antislavery newspaper: The Liberator
What did Harriet Beecher Stowe write? What was it about? Why was the book written?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Described the harsh conditions of slavery
Written in response to the fugitive slave law
What did Francis Wright do?
Bought land outside Memphis and started a biracial community of freed slaves and whites called Nashoba
Who was Elihu Embree? What did she do?
The son of a Quaker minister who moved to TN and published a monthly newspaper called The Emancipator
The Emancipator was the first publication in the US devoted to what?
Ending slavery
What were main conditions of the Compromise of 1850?
- California would enter the Union as a free state (Free States would now outnumber slave states)
- Mexican Cession territories would be ruled by popular sovereignty (people decide slavery or not)
- Passed the Fugitive Slave Act
What were the conditions of the Fugitive Slave Act (Part of Compromise of 1850)?
- > Made it illegal to help runaway slaves
- > Abolished slave trade in Washington, D.C.
- > Allowed slave catchers to come to free states to find escaped slaves
What was the name given to the massive debate in the Senate over the Compromise of 1850?
The Great Debate
Which people was The Great Debate mainly between?
John C. Calhoun and Webster//Henry Clay
Who does Webster support?
Henry Clay
Where was Calhoun from?
South Carolina
What was Calhoun’s position about the compromise of 1850?
Denounced it (southern/for slavery) ; thought that the only solution was secession
What was Henry Clay//Webster’s opinion on the Compromise of 1850?
Supported it - Clay proposed it
Congress finally (passed, rejected) the Compromise of 1850
What were the conditions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
- Allowed for the statehood of Kansas
- Let each new state (Kansas + Nebraska territories) decide whether or not to have slavery by popular sovereignty (people vote directly)
What happened after the Kansas/Nebraska Act was passed and during the vote for Kansas to become a free or slave state?
Thousands of slavery supporters and abolitionists fled to Kansas to vote illegally.
Once thousands of slavery supporters and abolitionists fled to Kansas to vote illegally, violence broke out. It is called what?
Bloody Kansas/Bleeding Kansas.
Kansas was eventually decided to become a…
Slave state (balance of power was restored from CA)
Who was John Brown?
- Violent Abolitionist
- Involved in bleeding Kansas
John Brown led two revolts in attempt to free slaves in…
Pottawatoami Creek, KS and Harper’s Ferry, VA
John Brown murdered 5 slavery supporters in Kansas. He was later captured and put on trial for murder. Southerners feared John Brown’s raid because…
There must be others like him in the North who are willing to die to end slavery
What did Charles Sumner (Abolitionist) do to Andrew Butler (Supporter of slavery) during Congress?
Personally insulted Butler
Preston Brooks (A relative of Butler) responded to Sumner insulting Butler by…
Using a walking cane to beat sumner
Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act because:
He assumed that Kansas and Nebraska would become free states (due to their location + economy) so Douglas could build a railroad from Indiana to the Pacific
Describe the Republican Party:
-Formed to stop the expansion of slavery
Explain the Dred Scott case:
- Dred Scott was a slave who was brought to free states by his master
- Sued for his freedom because he was in a free state, so slavery shouldn’t be allowed there.
What were the main questions about the case when it got to the Supreme Court?
Can a slave sue for his freedom?
Is a slave property?
Is slavery illegal?
What was the decision of the Dred Scott Case?
Slaves are not citizens and are not citizens
The Dred Scott case was so controversial that it…
Split the Democratic Party
Lincoln and Douglas, both running for senate, debated over…
The expansion of slavery
Give Lincoln’s and Douglas’s opinion on slavery
Lincoln - Against slavery; “If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is.”
Douglass - Wanted slavery to be decided by the people (Pro-slavery)
What was one of Lincoln’s famous speeches during the debates?
“A House Divided against itself cannot stand. Either we become one or another.”