Emerging biochemistry tests 1: heart failure Flashcards
What is heart failure? What are the three types? Is it chronic or acute? And is it common?
Heart failure is the inability of the heart to generate sufficient blood flow, the types are systolic/diastolic/right or left sided and it is a chronic condition but can have acute decomposition. It is relatively common affecting 1% of the general pop.
What does heart failure lead to?
poor quality of life as it is debilitating and death, the condition has poor survival rates. It also leads to an economic burden due to emergency admissions, readmissions and bed occupancy.
What are the 3 signs of heart failure? Are they specific?
1) lung crackles 2) oedema 3)raised jugular ventricular pressure NON-SPECIFIC AND CAN VARY DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF HF
What are the 2 symptoms of HF? Specific?
1)shortness of breath 2)tiredness/weakness NON SPEC AND CAN VARY DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF HF
What are the stages of acute coronary syndrome? 4
1)asymptomatic disease 2)stable angina 3)unstable angina 4)myocardial infarction
What percentage of post-AMI survivors go on to aquire CHF?
over 50
What 5 other things can lead to CHF?
Hypertension, Valvular disease, cardiomyopathy, infection or other stress
Heart failure diagnosis?
difficult, symptoms are non specific. But chest x ray and ECG.
What is 2D doppler echocardiography?
it is required for definitive diagnosis of HF AND can determine the type
What is B-type natriuretic peptide? (BNP)
a rule out test used to triage patients for echo, cannot diagnose or distinguish HF
What are natriuretic peptides?
cardiac hormones with diuretic, natriuretic and vasorelaxant properties that are secreted by the heart in response to ventricular expansion or pressure overload.
What is the function of BNPs?
racism HAHA jokes to reduce blood volume and peripheral resistance through vasodilation and natriuresis which is salt excretion.
how is BNP synthesised?
in bursts directly proportional to ventricular expansion and pressure overload
What is the clinical utility of BNP in HF
to only treat whites HAHA jokes again to aid diagnosis and for prognosis and severity, high BNP = worse prognosis.
In the local pathway for chronic HF, if a patient with clinical symptoms of HF HAS had a previous MI, what next?
refer to a breathlessness clinic within a week for an echocardiogram
In the local pathway for chronic HF, if a patient with clinical symptoms of HF HAS NOT had a previous MI, what next?
Measure BNP
In the local pathway for chronic HF, if a patient with clinical symptoms of HF HAS NOT had a previous MI, and has a BNP level of >400ng/l what next?
same as yes for previous MI
In the local pathway for chronic HF, if a patient with clinical symptoms of HF HAS NOT had a previous MI, and has a BNP level of 100-400ng/l what next?
breathlessness clinic for echo within 6 weeks
In the local pathway for chronic HF, if a patient with clinical symptoms of HF HAS NOT had a previous MI, and has a BNP level of <100ng/l what next?
Explore alternative diagnosis
What changes for acute HF?
> 400 then HF likely so admit to HF unit and book inpateint echo. 100-400 HF possible so refer to outpatient clinic within 72 hrs. <100 still alternative diagnosis
BNP assay systems?
Samples from heart failure clinic patients, analysed in duplicate, precision studes and comparison wth POCT device
What are 5 points to be aware of when implementing BNP assay systems?
1)analytical considerations - it is a robust/reliable asay 2)costs -kits/labour/QC materials and funding from cardiology 3) testing protocols - agreed turnaround times 4) interpretation - NICE referral guidence 5) regular audit of process
What are 4 key benefits to patients of BNP?
1)Quicker, more accurate diagnosis 2)more timely and appropriate treatment 3)less time in hospital 4)greater convenience
What are 4 key benefits financially of BNP?
more whites working HAHA JOKES GOD 1)fewer echocardiography referrels 2)fewer outpatient consultant appointments 3)fewer hospital admissions 4)shorter hospital stays
What are the three limitations of BNP testing?
1)cannot determine type of HF 2)levels can be reduces by obesity and medication 3)high levels can have a shitton of causes other than HF