EBCT 4: Procalcitonin Flashcards
What is procalcitonin?
a sepsis associated protein of 116 aas.
when can procalcitonin be detected?
in the plasma during sepsis, infection and severe inflammatory responses
What does PCT do in health?
it is an immediate product in the synthesis of calcitonin whch plays an important role in path and regulation of calcium and phosphate in bone metabolism. also a tumor marker.
What are PCT values like in healthy individuals?
v low
Advantages of using PCT? 6
1)early and specific to severe systemic bac infection and sepsis 2)excellent negative predictor 3) PCT levels can be observed from 2 hrs after bacterial challenge 4)PCT reflects progression correlating v closely to severity 5)PCT peaks at 24 hrs, ideal for daily measurement 6)can be used as a tool to discontinue empiric antibiotic therapy by individualising a patients treatment
What PCT levels are antibotics recommended at?
> 2-10
What PCT levels are antibiotics recommended with a reassassment in under 24hrs?
> 0.5-<2
What PCT levels are antibios not recommended at?
What is PCT definitive for?
makes final decision on whether to give antibios or withhold them
What can PCT reduce?
HAI (healthcare associated infection) incidence
Was money saved?
jah, tons