EM MED Chest Flashcards
What are the 7 components of the TIMI score
Age older than 65
More than 3 risk fxs
Prior stenosis >50%
St segment changes
2 or more anginal events w/in 24 hours
Asprin use w/in 7 days
Elevated Cardiac Markers
Components of a HEART score
(Slightly sus-0, Mod sus-1, high sus-2)
(No change-0, Non specific T wave change -, ST depressions-2)
(<45-0, 45-64-1, >65-2)
Risk fx
(None-0, 1-2-1, <3-2)
Initial Troponin
(NML-0, 1-3x NML-1, >3x ULN-2)
When should NSTEMI pts get PCI
refractory angina
hemodynamic or electrical instability
patients at increased risk for clinical events
If fibrinolytics fail, rescue PCI is recommended for patients:
in cardiogenic shock who are <75 years old
with severe heart failure or pulmonary edema
with hemodynamically compromising ventricular arrhythmias
in whom fibrinolytic therapy has failed and a moderate or large area of myocardium is at risk
STEMI patients who received fibrinolytics should get full-dose anticoagulants for a minimum of
48 hours
C/I for ACEI
bilateral renal artery stenosis
renal failure
history of cough
angioedema due to prior angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use
Verapamil and Diltizem benefit what ACS pts
Verapamil and diltiazem are potentially beneficial in patients
- ongoing ischemia
-atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response who do not have congestive heart failure
-left ventricular dysfunction
-atrioventricular block
-when β-adrenergic antagonists are contraindicated
What is the measurement for Inferior vena cava to Dx Acute HF
An IVC size >2 cm or collapsibility index of <50% is indicative of elevated central venous pressure
Absent pulmonary disease, these are specific for acute HF
A pt is in normotensive heart failure
And has never taken diuretics
What is the recommended dose
If the patient is on furosemide 80 mg/PO twice a day, then an initial ED dose is 80 to 200 mg/IV bolus
Loop diuretic naïve? —> start with furosemide 40 mg/IV
MC findings in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Role of Amioderone or ICD in Acute heart failure
Patients at risk for sudden cardiac death may benefit from amiodarone therapy or an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator
ECG findings in HOCM
Resting ECG is nonspecific in most patients with HCM often demonstrating LVH and left atrial enlargement; Deep broad Q waves in septal, lateral or inferior leads
Indicators of poor prognosis in acute pericarditis
temperature >38°C (100.4°F)
subacute onset over weeks
history of oral anticoagulant use
associated myocarditis (elevated cardiac biomarkers, symptoms of CHF)
large pericardial effusion (an echo-free space >20 mm)
MC cause of non traumatic pericardial effusion/ Tamp
What is the triple rule out for Aortic Dissection
Coronary CT angiography,
If treating cancer with L-asparaginase
What is the risk
Increased risk of DVTs
What is the risk of VTE after intubation
Up to 4 weeks post
What metabolic finding difs out syncope vs SZR
Transitory, wide anion gap acidosis follows a generalized seizure but is not present in simple syncope
What is the CSRS score
CSRS: predict 30-day serious outcomes not evident during the index ED eval
Applicable to age ≥16 yo, includes following predictors:
- Predisposition to vasovagal syncope
- Heart disease
- Any SBP in ED <90 or >180
- Troponin >99th percentile for normal population
- Abnormal QRS axis (< -30° or > 100°)
- Prolonged corrected QT interval (>480 milliseconds)
- ED diagnosis of cardiac or vasovagal syncope
High risk, admit syncope pts
Exertional syncope
Concern for acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
History of ventricular arrhythmia
Implantable cardiac device
Known CHF
(ejection fraction <40%)
Concerning ECG Findings
If arterial O2 fails ro raise in response to supplemental o2
A Right to left shunt for Hypoxemia
Acute PaCO2 elevations over 100 can cause
Cardio collapse
What is the rise of HCO3 in acute and chronic hypercapnia
Acute: increases about 1 mEq/L for each increase of 10 mmHg in PaCO2
Chronic: concentration increases about 3.5 mEq/L for each increase of 10 mmHg in PaCO2
Can Fluoroquinolones be used in Myasthenia Gravis pts?
Out pt PNA tx
Macrolide-level I recommendation
Respiratory fluoroquinolone
Doxycycline-level III recommendation