Ego denfense Flashcards
Doctor projecting feelings about formative or other important persons onto patient.
Ego defense: acting out
through action
Example: tantrum
Ego defense: dissociation
temporary drastic change in personality, memory, consciousness, motor behavior to avoid emotional stress
Extreme form can result in dissociative identity disorder
(multiple personality disorder)
Ego defense: denial
Avoidance of awareness of some painful reality
Newly diagnosed AIDS and cancer patients
Ego defense: displacement
Avoided feelings are transferred to some neutral person or objects (vs. projection).
Mother yells at her child, because her husband yelled at her
Ego defense: fixation
Partially remaining at a more childish level of development (vs. regression)
Men fixating on sports games.
Ego defense: identification
modeling behavior after another person who is more powerful (though not necessarily admirable)
Abused child identifies himself/herself with an abuser
Ego defense: isolation (of affect)
separating feelings from ideas and events
Describing murder in graphic detail with no emotional response.
Ego defense: projection
Unacceptable internal impulse is attributed to an external source (vs. displacement)
Man who wants another woman things the wife is cheating on him.
Ego defense: rationalization
proclaiming logical reasons for actions actually performed for other reasons, usually to avoid self-blame
After getting fired, claiming that the job was not important anyway
Ego defense: reaction formation
a warded off idea or feeling is replace by an (unconsciously derived) emphasis on its opposite (vs. sublimation)
A patient with dirty thoughts enter priesthood
Ego defense: regression
turning back the maturational clock and going back to earlier modes of dealing with the world (vs. fixation)
Seen in children under stress such as illness, punishment or birth of a new sibling (bedwetting in a previously toilet-trained child when hospitalized)
Ego defense: splitting
Belief that people are either all good or all bad at different times due to intolerance of ambiguity Seen in borderline personality disorder
A patient says that all nurses are cold but doctors are warm.
Mature ego defense: altruism
Guilty feelings alleviated by unsolicited generosity toward others.
Mafia boss makes large donation to charity
Mature ego defense: humor
Associating the amusing nature of an anxiety provoking or adverse situation
Nervous med students make jokes about the board