Is broadly described as anything that affects an organism in its lifetime
Branch of biology that studies the interactions between organisms and their environment
Composed of the organism in an area that are interacting with both biotic and abiotic
Organization of ecological system
Individual, population, community, ecosystem, biome
The smallest unit of an ecosystem. Made up of smaller components of atoms and molecules arranged in an organized and hierarchical manner.
Group of organisms of the same species form
Various species constitute different population of species and form a
It includes the living organisms ( all the population) in an area and the non living aspects of the environment
A geographic area on earth that J’s classified based on the plant and animal species that live in it
Made up of the parts of the earth where life exists
despite being tagged as one of 17 countries in the world to be “megadiverse” The Philippines suffers from the
Rapid loss of diversity
International Union for conservation of nature
Is a linear sequence of organisms through which energy and nutrients pass as one organism feed on another organism
Food chain
Is the network of interconnected food chain
Food web
Two major types of ecosystem
Natural and artificial
More diverse in terms of species than artificial ecosystem, which have limited, usually targeted species
Natural ecosystems
It results the interaction between organisms and their environment. Composed of biotic and abiotic
Natural ecosystems
Two types of natural ecosystems
Terrestrial or aquatic