Economics Flashcards
an ____ committee has issued suggestions on streamlining functioning of assest reconstruction companies (ARC)
who is the head of this committee
former rbi exec director sudarshan sen
Lenders could recover only about____ of the amount owed by borrowers in respect of stressed assets sold to ARCs in the 2004-2013 period.
data shows that 80% of recovery made through arc has been theough deployment of measures of reconstruction that do not lead to
revival of business
Suggestion: The scope of _____ of the SARFAESI Act may be expanded to allow ARCs to acquire ‘financial assets’, for the purpose of reconstruction, not only from banks and ‘financial institutions’ but also from such entities as may be notified by the RBI.
Section 5
Under these proposed powers, the RBI may consider permitting ARCs to acquire financial assets from all regulated entities, including Alternative Investment Fund (AIFs), Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs),Asset Management Company (AMCs) making investment on behalf of Mutual Funds (MFs) and all Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs).
arcs are not permitted to do ____ activities, they can ony engage in reconstruction and securitization activities
whi regulates the ARCs
arcs are set up under
sarfaesi act 2002
ARCs are specialized financial institutions that buy ____ from banks and financial institution by paying a portion of cash - 15% upfront and issuing SRs for the remaining 85%
security receipts
it allows reconstruction activities without intervention of
ARCs are registered under section ____ of sarfaesi act 2002
Nonperforming assets
Nonperforming assets (NPAs) are loans or advances towards which interest or principal payments haven’t been made in 90 days
Nonperforming assets
Nonperforming assets (NPAs) are loans or advances towards which interest or principal payments haven’t been made in 90 days
banks are supposed to classify NPAs into ____ categories
sub-standard assets, doubtful assets, and loss assets.
sub standard asset
npa for less than or equal to 12 months