what is an ecologist?
An ecologist is a person who is very interested in the natural world. Ecologists enjoy studying nature and making sure it functions correctly. Some ecologists may work to keep species from becoming extinct. They also discover and study organisms, sharing what they learn with the world. Thousands of new species have been discovered in the past few years, and there are many more yet to be found.
What is one of the main tasks of an ecologist?
One of the main tasks of an ecologist is to study a certain area of nature and write a report on it. That report will include information about the living things found in that area, and also the abiotic factors, including the climate.
What clues do ecologist look for?
Ecologists look for clues for how an ecosystem might have behaved in the past. They also include changes that have taken place in the area. This helps ecologists predict the future of that ecosystem, which they also often include in reports.
What questions do ecologist ask themselves?
Many studies also include advice about how humans should treat the area or ecosystem. Should a new dam be built over the river, or would that harm too many animals? Is there anything that can be done to restore some of the organisms that have died off? These questions can be answered by an ecologist.
What are some things that ecologists need to have a working knowledge of and why?
Ecologists need to have a working knowledge of biology, chemistry, and the environment. They can use these subjects to help them study ecosystems. Their goal is to see how animals, plants, and other living things interact with one another and with their environment.
How do ecologist study animals and their environment?
Ecologists study how many members of one species live in an ecosystem by taking a sampling of the area. A small square of the ecosystem is sectioned off, and the ecologist counts the plants, animals, and other organisms within that section. Using mathematical equations, the ecologist can estimate how many members of each species live in a particular ecosystem.
what are some ways that ecologists teach others about ecology?
One of the goals of an ecologist is to teach others about the natural world, especially how to preserve it. These scientists often become professors in local colleges, teaching botany, animal ecology, or even human ecology. They want to help people understand the world around them, and how organisms interact with one another.
Alexander von Humboldt
German explorer and naturalist who enjoyed traveling long distances to discover the relationships between living things and their environment; the first person to focus on the study of ecology, especially focused on botany
Ernst Haeckel
German biologist, naturalist, doctor, professor, and artist who worked on discovering new species of tiny creatures; named the kingdom Protista and coined the term ecology; used art as well as writings to describe the animal world
Eugen Warming
Danish botanist who studied the abiotic factors of environments; was interested in plants, and taught plant ecology to college students; his writings were very helpful to later students of ecology
George Washington Carver
American agricultural researcher and educator; came up with ways to do crop rotations that helped save land and soil
Sir Arthur Tansley
British botanist who studied conservation and care for the world; coined the term ecosystem to describe organisms’ ability to work together; helped create the British Ecological Society
Frederic Clements
American ecologist who studied succession of plants; stated that the plants of one ecosystem will follow a certain pattern of growth and change; lived in the Western United States, and taught classes on ecology, especially plant ecology
Warder Clyde Allee
American zoologist and ecologist who taught animal ecology; helped people understand that certain species cooperate in groups, such as herds
Charles Elton
British biologist and zoologist; considered the father of ecology in the United Kingdom; his work focused on the ideas of population, community, and niches; published a book called Animal Ecology, a very important work in the study of animal interactions
Rachel Carson
American ecologist who wrote the book Silent Spring; led the way to reducing pesticide use