E190 - Flight instruments Flashcards
Airspeed tape: what is the meaning of “FS” ?
Takeoff final segment speed.
Airspeed tape: what is the meaning of “F” ?
Flap retraction speed.
Airspeed tape: what is the meaning of “AC” ?
Approach climb speed.
Airspeed tape: what is the meaning of “AP” ?
Approach speed.
Airspeed tape: what is the meaning of “RF” ?
Reference speed.
Airspeed tape: what is the meaning of the green dot ?
Indicated the driftdown speed when slap/flap is UP and is the ideal slap/flap extension speed for current weight.It does not account for ice, therefore when flying in icing conditions, it is recommend to add 10 kts.
Airspeed tape: what is the amber LSA tape ?
Vshaker - Vs1G x K
Airspeed tape: what is the red LSA tape ?
< Vshaker
Airspeed tape: when is the speed amber ?
- Trend vector is reaching Vmo/Mmo- Trend vector / speed is in the amber LSA
Airspeed tape: when is the speed red ?
- Trend vector / speed is at or above Vmo/Mmo- Trend vector / speed is in the red LSA
Airspeed tape: what is the red/white barber pole ?
> Vmo / Mmo
The airspeed trend vector show the speed in how many seconds ?
10 sec.
The altitude trend vector show the speed in how many seconds ?
6 sec.
When does an audio alert sounds for an altitude deviation from the selected altitude ?What are the indications on the altitude tape ?
If the current altitude is more than 200 ft from the selected altitude. The selected altitude readout and tape is amber if the difference is between 200 ft - 1,000 ft.
Which colours can the ILS deviations have ?
Green: Neither FMC nor preview mode is in use.
Cyan: When the preview mode is selected.
Amber: Deviation from the APPR2 approach path becomes out of range of the normal scale.
Which colour is the FMS lateral/vertical deviations ?
When is the excessive pitch chevron shown ?
Whenever excessive pitch attitude is detected.
When is the CAS MSG shown on the PFD ?
In case of a CAS miscompare between the PFD’s.
When is ADS1/2/3 shown on the PFD ?
A system other than the normal system is providing data, or both sides are using the same system.
When is XTRACK shown on the vertical profile ?
Indicates a significant deviation from the planned horizontal flight path.
Within which range can turbulence be detected ?
Within 50nm.
Can you select data from FMS 1 on PFD 2 ?
Yes, by toggling the FMS button on the display controller panel.
Can you select VOR/LOC 2 on PFD 1 ?
Yes, by toggling the V/L button on the display controller panel.
What happens if you are in FMS mode, preview mode is enabled and the localizer of the ILS is captured ?
V/L will become the active mode.
The IESS can show the ILS indications from ?
ILS 1.
When the ACP 2 is in backup mode, can you listen out to both VHF 1 and 2 ?
No, ACP 1 to VHF 1, ACP 2 to VHF 2.
How many ADS exist in the E-jet ?They consist of ?
5 independent ADS.They consist of:- ADSP (MFP + ADC)- TAT- ADA
What is the probe configuration for every ADS ?
ADS 1: TAT 1 + ADSP 1/2 + ADA 1ADS 2:TAT 2 + ADSP 3/4 + ADA 2ADS 3:TAT 1 + ADSP 3/4 + ADA 3ADS 4:ADSP 3/4 + IESSADS 5: combination for flight control system
Are the ADSP and TAT probes heated ?
The IESS is connected to which ADS ?
ADS 4.
What happens in case of failure of the ADS ?
It automatically reverts. After manual or automatic reversion, the selected source is displayed with a flag and a stripe bar illuminates on the reversionary button.
What is the reversion logic for the ADS ?
CPT : ADS 1 - ADS 3 - ADS 2F/O: ADS 3 - ADS 3 - ADS 1
What are the indications for 1 failed RA ?
The remaining RA provides indications for both PFD’s, RA is indicated in amber. An EICAS message is shown indicating the failed system.
When is the IESS powered ?How long does alignment take ?
As soon as both BATT switches are set to ON/AUTO.Alignment takes about 90 sec.
Which msg is displayed when the IESS has a loss of data ?
Does the elapsed time timer reset between flights ?
Where are VDR 1 and 2 located ?
In MRC 1 and 2.
What is the configuration of the MRC’s in relation with the ACP and ASCB ?
ASCB - MRC 1/2 - Audio/mic BUS - ACP 1/2/3
Is data communication possible through VDR 1 or VDR 2 ?
No, only through VDR 3.
How does VDR 3 communicate with the rest of the systems ?
Through MRC 2 and directly to MAU 1 for data transmission.
Is there a tuning backup in case of loss of both MAU’s ?
Yes, MCDU 2 contains a backup that bypasses MAU 2.
What happens if you press the ATTND CALL button on the overhead panel ?
Only a single high/lo tone chimes, no other indications.
How many DVDR are installed in the E-jet ?They consist of ?
2 DVDR units are installed. They combine a FDR and a CVR.
Is voice data still recorded if there is an airplane power loss ?
Yes, DVDR 1 is equipped with an internal battery.
The DVDR records in minutes :
120 min of audio(power up - 10min after power down)
25 hr of flight data
(engine start - engine shutdown)
What is CMF ?
Communication management function. It can include ACARS, ATS data communications,,,
What is the primary IRS source for the CPT and F/O ?
Is in-flight navigation alignment possible for the IRS’s ?
Is each IRS connected to each MAU ?
What is RAIM ?
Receiver autonomous integrity monitor.It’s a software function that alerts when the integrity exceeds a certain threshold (depending of flight phase). It require 5 satellites. The FMS does NOT accept GPS data unless a valid RAIM value is available !
Which is the GPS preference for which FMS ?
FMS 1 - GPS 1FMS 2 - GPS 2.
Is it possible to tune the transponder in case of loss of both MAU’s ?
Yes, through MCDU 2.
The weather radar system consists of:
1 RTA (receiver transmitter antenna unit)2 virtual wx radar controllers.
Wx radar: Is it possible for one pilot to be using the GMAP function while the other pilot is using WX ?
When is wx radar: FSBY displayed ?How can it be overridden ?
On the ground.If both pilots select FSBY OVRD.
Wx radar: What is the TGT function ?
It monitors weather beyond the selected range and 7,5 deg on each side of the airplane heading, until a range of 200nm. If wx is detected, the TGT annunciation is shown.It is inactive when hazards are within the selected range.
Wx radar: What is the SECT function ?
It reduces the sweep from 60deg to 30deg, and increases the sweep rate x 2. (24 sweeps iso. 12 sweeps)
Wx radar: What is the REACT function ?
Rain echo attentuation compensation technique. It increases the gain of the receiver (when passing through a storm).
Where is FMS 1 and 2 located ?
FMS 1: MAU 2.FMS 2: MAU 3.
When is an VTA issued on the PFD ?
A vertical track alert is issued 60sec before the FMS commands a climb / descent OR 1,000 ft before a level-off.
When is the DES now function available in the FMS ?
From 50 nm or less from the calculated TOD. It starts a descent of 1000 fpm.
When is a late descent enabled ?
Started a descent after the calculated TOD. It command a descent angle 1,5deg steeper than the planned descent angle.
When is a VNAV descent performed in VFLCH instead of VPATH.
VFLCH: no altitude constraint down to 10nm / 1,500 ft prior to destination airport. It also complies with speed/altitude limits.
Which 3 databases are included in the FMS ?
- Navigation database- Custom database- Aircraft database