E190 - Flight controls Flashcards
How many ACE’s are installed ?
Nine3 P-ACE’s, 2 SF-ACE’s, 1 HS-ACE and 3 S-ACE’s.
Which FCM’s control the MFS ?
FCM 1, 3 and 4.
What is the function of the FCM unit ?
They provide software based assistance to theP-ACE, and they are required for normal operation of the flight control system.
Where are the FCM’s located ?
FCM 1 and 2 in MAU 1 .FCM 3 and 4 in MAU 3.
What is the primary cause of direct mode operation ?
Loss of data from all FCM (fe. no airspeed input) OR multiple ACE failures.
What happens if both the CPT and F/O use the pitch trim at the same time ?
Cpt’s trim switch has priority.
What happens with the stabilizer if you press the AP/trim disconnect button ?
It disables both HS-ACE channels.
What are the flap positions (in degrees) ?
F1 - 15° - 7°F2- 15° - 10°F3- 15° - 20°F4- 25° - 20° (gated)F5- 25° - 20°FULL- 25° - 37°
What happens if you push the TRIM SYS 1(2) CUTOUT switch ?
It disables HS-ACE channel 1/2.
Manual pilot trim commands are always limited to:
3 sec.
What are the possible indication values for a flaps/slats jam ?
Slats: 0 - 3 - FULLFLAPS: 0 - 1 - 2 - 4 - FULL
In case of a S/F jam the … value is always indicated.
The 3 S-ACE’s are incorporated in:Each S-ACE controls:
FCM 1, 3 and 4One pair of MF-spoilers.
The FCM units communicate with the P-ACE’s through the:
The FCM units communicate with each other and other avionics through the:
If you switch to DIRECT mode:
The normal channel of the P-ACE switches to the direct mode of the standby P-ACE.
The PBIT consists of a:The PBIT expires after:
Hydraulic and electric PBIT50 hrs.
The electrical PBIT automatically starts when the airplane is powered by … and takes about … minutes to complete.It will be interrupted if:
Any AC source3min- Any ACMP is turned on, or- AC power is interrupted, or- FCP switches are cycled
The hydraulic PBIT automatically starts when … and takes about … minutes to complete. ItIt will be interrupted if:It will not be performed if:
All hydraulic systems are pressurized1 minuteAny flight control surface is movedHydraulic temp < 10°, unless the PBIT is expired.
If the hydraulic PBIT is interrupted:
All three hydraulic systems must be depressurised and then again pressurized.
In case of complete failure of the normal and emergency electrical system, the FBW system:
has a back-up battery that powers the flight controls for a minimum of 15 min. This battery is charged by DC ESS BUS 3.
Odd-even day change rule:
For the rudder, aileron and stabilizer, that always have two channels this rule is used to change the active channel depending on the date.Odd days: upper rudder, RH elevator actuators.
Except for the odd-even rule, the active elevator actuators are also swapped:
Every time the elevator system is powered up.
True or false ? In case of a hydraulic failure, the standby PCUs for the elevator become active (other hydraulic systems).
What happens if you have a jammed elevator actuator ?
The elevator remains fixed, the other elevator is still available.
True or false. If you switch the elevator control to DIRECT mode, only the (new) active P-ACE channels are set to DIRECT mode.
False. All P-ACE’s are operated in DIRECT mode.
What is elevator thrust compensation (ETC) ?
The FCMs command max 5° of elevator input to correct of increasing/decreasing thrust.
What is ETC off-load ?
The ETC elevator offset is off-loaded to the stabilizer.
The TSA for T/O is enabled < … ft HAGL. This is estimated by means of the … The maximum pitch down correction is … °.
20 ft HAGLvertical speed8°.
The TSA for landing is enabled < … ft HAGL. This is measured by means of the … The maximum pitch down correction is … °.
70 ft HAGLradio altimeters8°.
Is TSA for landing enabled for F1-F4 ?
No. Only for F5 - FULL.
Does the AOA limiter has priority over TSA ?
Does TSA offer full protection against tail-strikes ?
How many independent feel units are installed on the elevator control ? Is feel still available in case of column separation ?
Two.Yes, although elevator feel is halved.
Is it possible to re-engage elevator disconnection (by actuating the disconnect mechanism) ?
The HSA is driven by two…. that are powered by the HS-ACE through two … in a … / … configuration.
AC motorschannelsactive / standby.
The HS-ACE can receive signals from:
- Trim switches- Backup trim switches- FCM
What happens if only one of the two trim switches on the control wheel give a signal for > 7 sec ?
The trim switch is disabled.
True or false: In case of stick shaker activation, the HS-ACE is prevented from responding to any pitch trim command by a stick shaker signal from the AFCS.
What is the priority logic for the HS-ACE ?
Backup switchesCPTF/OFCM (autopilot) trim
The autopilot trim works through the:
Is it possible to engage the AP if autopilot trim is inop ?
In an electrical emergency, the HS-ACE:
Works at a low speed (both manual and autopilot trim) , and only through HS-ACE channel 2.
The elevators are hydraulically powered by:
Systems 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 (from L to R actuators).
The ailerons are hydraulically powered by:
System 3 - outboard actuatorsSystem 2 - inboard actuators
If the L aileron (CPT side) is jammed (what happens with artificial feel ? Roll trim ? MFS ?):
R aileron remains available, artificial feel and roll trim are lost, MFS #4 still available.
If the R aileron (F/O side) is jammed (what happens with artificial feel ? Roll trim ? MFS ?):
L aileron remains available, artificial feel and roll trim remain available, MFS #5 still available.
What happens in case of a disconnected aileron PCU ?
The aileron is still available, but force authority is halved.
True or false ? In normal mode, the MFS-deployment is reduced at high airspeed.
What happens with the MFS in case of an FCM failure ?
The associated MFS (#3,#4 or #5) are in direct mode (no high altitude/speed functions,..)
The CPT’s yoke controls which PCU’s for the aileron, elevator and rudder ?
Aileron - L PCU’sElevator - L PCU’sRudder - Upper PCU.
Which P-ACE’s are used for rudder control ?
P-ACE 1 and 3.
The rudder system in DIRECT mode has two modes of operating:
- low speed gain (F/S extended)- high speed gain (less authority).
What happens if the rudder pedal is blocked ?
Use of rudder is inop, FCM inputs are still available (high-level functions, yaw damper,…)
What happens if a rudder PCU is blocked ?
Rudder is blocked at the current position.
Two … control the slats & flaps, each through two … (one for the slats, one for the flaps) that controls the flaps and slat by operating a flaps and a slats … .
SF-ACEschannelsPDU (power driver unit).
Each wing has … slats and … flaps.
4 slats (3 outboard, 1 inboard)2 flaps (1 outboard, 1 inboard).
If a new S/F position is selected, which moves first? Which retracts first?
Slats extend first,flaps retract first.
Every slat and every flap has … actuators for operation.
What happens if a skew is detected for the flaps / slaps ?
The FLAPS or SLATS FAIL msg appears, and that system is completely inop for the remainer of the flight.
What happens if an excessive load is detected on the PDU ?
The FLAPS or SLATS FAIL msg appears. Recycling the flaps or slats is possible for two times, than the affected system is de-energized as a protection.
Is it possible to extend flaps/slats in an electrical emergency, with the RAT deployed ? Is every S/F selection possible ?
Yes, although only one SF-ACE will be available, and flaps/slats will extend only at half speed. No, only up to S/F 3 (to maintain enough speed for the RAT).
True or false ? In the case of SLATS/FLAPS fail, some combinations of slats and flaps are not possible.
All spoilers will deploy on the ground (WOW) when:They will retract again when:
- speed > 60 kts or ws > 45 kts, and- TLA < 26°- ws < 45 kts for more than 5 sec, or- TL’s advanced.
The MFS deploy to … degrees while the GS deploy to … degrees of deployment.In flight the MFS deploy up to… degrees.
40 degrees60 degrees.30 degrees.
Are ground spoilers available in the DIRECTmode ? Are speed brakes available in the DIRECT mode ?
Speedbrakes automatically retract when:
-S/F 2 or higher selected (config)- speed decreases below < 180 kts (speed)- TLA > 70 deg (G/A)
It is not to extend the speedbrakes when speed is 180 kts or below ?