Double contact with the Sacrum Flashcards
What is the sacrum for Crano-Sacral work?
It’s fundamental and one of the powerhouses of CS energy.
What can be achieved with working on a powerhouse (sacrum)
A greater degree of balance, symmetry & integration through the system as a whole.
What roll plays ramifications to all parts of the body?
Improves functions in various organs, glands, muscles & other peripheral structures supplied neurologically by the spine
What can be more enhanced through the use of double contact?
persistent & resistance problems, particular the more deeply entrenched, consolidated, solidified, chronic resistance that have been established over a greater length of time.
What means the terms - double contact?
Taking up contact with two hands on two different areas of the body.
What can double contact create?
A chanel for the enhanced flow of vitality between two focus points.
What can this two focus points in double contact be?
One can be regarded as a source of harnessing the flow of inherent vitality & the other point as a target area to which therapeutic forces can be directed.
What means by : harnessing the potency?
Particularly effective when one contact is a powerhouse of CS energy. Such the sacrum, harnessing within it and can than redirected towards the focal point.
Why is the spine vital in the process of double contact?
Plays an essential part in enabling, supporting & integrating function throughout the body
Why is teh spine the vital core?
It emanate health to all parts of the body, irrigating the system neurologically & energetically
With what is the bony vertebral column lined & what does it?
With dura, arachnoid & pia mater, contains and protects the spinal cord.
How do you take up double contact?
One hand under the sacrum - vertically orientated (finger pointing towards the cranium), the other hand placed under the back transversley orientated (across the back),vertebral colum sitting in palm of the hand .
What are the 6 significant pivotal areas on the spine?
C1/Cranium T4 T9 T12/Thoraco-Lumbar Junction L3 L5
What are the 5 mechanical associations of the lumbo-sacral region (L5/S1)?
- Junction between the mobile vertebral column (VC) & the more solid foundation of the pelvis.
- carries the weight of the whole VC
- the angle between L5 & S1 with a vulnerable wedge-shaped intervertebral disc, more susceptible to damage
- it’s accommodating a major part of the stresses & strains of stanting on two legs
- it accommodates a great deal of the twisting , turning, bending, & mobility of the body.
What are the neurological associations of L5?
One of the principal sites of outflow for the sciatica nerve (whose roots emanate from L45,S123)
What role plays T3 Littljohn’s triangle?
It’s significant in the mechanics of the body in that it forms the apex of the lower triangle.
Name the 3 parts of Littljohn’s triangle and the associated vertebral points.
upper triangle - C1
lower triangle - T4
small triangle - L3
Which pivotal, mechanical & interrelationships with the body associates with L3?
scare-iliac joint
What are the mechanical associatins with the thoracic-lumbar junction T12/L1?
- it’s the transitional area between the thoracic spine above and the lumbar spine
- it’s the junctions between the thoracic Kyphosis above & the lumbar lordosis below
- it’s also the area of attachment for the crura of the diaphragm
What is the crura of the diaphragm ?
are the tendious legs through which the diaphragm attaches to the VC around the thoracic-lumbar junction