Dorsal Forearm Flashcards
- muscle originate from lateral epicondyle and epicondyle ridge of humerus
- extensors and supinators
- radial nerve innervates
posterior compartment of forearm
- origin: supraepicondylar ridge
- insertion: lateral surface of radius
- flexes elbow joint when drinking (Popeye muscle)
- origin: lateral supraepicondylar ridge
- insertion: base of 2nd metacarpal
- extends and abduct/radially deviate wrist, steady wrist when clenching fist
extensor carpi radialis longus
- origin: lateral epicondylar ridge
- inserts: base of 3rd metacarpal
- extends and abduct/radially deviate wrist, steady wrist when clenching fist
extensor carpi radialis brevis
- origin: posterior surface of ulna, radius, interosseus membrnae
- inserts: base of 1st metacarpal
- abducts thumb
adbuctor pollicis longus
- origin: posterior radius, interosseus membrane
- insertion: inserts on base of proximal phalanx of thumb
- extends thumb, forms lateral (palm side) border of anatomical snuffbox
extensor pollicis brevis
- origin: posterior radius, interosseus membrane
- inserts: base of distal phalanx
- extends thumb
- forms medial/dorsal side of anatomical snuffbox
extensor pollicis longus
Anatomical snuffbox is boarded by?
extensor pollicis longus (dorsally) and extensor pollicis brevis (palmar)
What artery lies of floor of anatomical snuffbox?
What can be palpated in the floor of anatomical snuffbox?
scaphoid, trapezium, 1st metacarpal joint
- origin: lateral epicondyle
- insertion: extensor expansion
- principal extensor of medial four digits
- tendons enter hand through common synovial sheath deep to extensor retinaculum
- intertendinous connection
extensor digitorum
- origin: lateral epicondyle
- inserts onto extensor expansion of 5th digit
- extends 5th digit
extensor digit minimi
- origin: lateral epicondyle
- inserts: base of 5th metacarpal
- most medial (ulnar)
- extends and adducts wrist, steadies wrist when clenching fist
extensor carpi ulnaris
- origin: ulna, interosseus membrane
- inserts: 2nd extensor expansion
- extends index finger
extensor indicis
- origin: lateral epicondyle
- inserts: lateral, ant/post surface of radius
- supinates forearm by rotating radius
- repetitive forceful flexion and extension of wrsit (backhand in tennis, tree cutting, painting, butchers)
- inflammation of periosteum of lateral epicondyle
- pain at lateral epicondyle and radiates down posterior forearm
- pain when open door or lift glass
elbow tendinits (lateral epicondylitis)
- unknown cause
- mucinous fluid, may communicate with synovial sheaths
- may cause median nerve compression
synovial cyst of the wrist
-supplies skin of dorsal radial side of hand
superficial branch of radial nerve
branch from radial nerve above elbow, supplies posterior forearm skin
posterior cutanoues nerve
wrist drop
radial nerve injury