Domain 5: O&M Related Concepts Flashcards
body concepts
ability to locate and label parts of the body, body part relationship, identifying body function
environmental concepts
sun, wind, sound patterns
mad made elements (sidewalk, traffic, buildings)
spatial concepts
understanding placement and arrangement of people in relation to objects
body concepts related to purposeful movement
discrimination between opposite motions and actions of the body
foundations of near/far/remote relationships
environmental concepts related to purposeful movement
understanding one’s surroundings
recognizing shaped ramps, residential blocks, fences and APS
spatial concepts related to purposeful movement
enables the visual impaired to recognize placement of objects and routes
congenitally blind vs. adventitiously blind
congenitally blind students need more task specific learning and conceptual skills
what process to kids who are visually impaired learn? (7)
sensory integration
effectiveness of movement in the environment
person may use hearing, vision and verbal descriptions from others to confirm decisions
whole to part learning
start with the whole concept and break it down
use of real objects
active involvement and participation
incidental learning
learn by doing
concepts may be fragmented
instructional strategies appropriate for a preschooler
showing directionality
identify sounds
balance and coordination
instructional strategies appropriate for a elementary school
trips to a local park
assist in creating a map
route specific street crossings
explore intersection shapes
instructional strategies appropriate for high school
GPS navigation and destination
identify job applications and businesses
locate an atypical address
troubleshoot a crossing
adult learners
unusual gait/posture
overprotective family members
gaps in conceptual development
Money organizational skills and O&M
bill folding
organization of money in wallet
money safety
bill identifier
social skills and O&M
asking for assistance
telephone usage to gain information
looking in the direction of voices
time management skills and O&M
public transportation
travel time on routes
crossing streets
prioritize responsibilities