Domain 11: Environmental Accessibility Flashcards
universal design
designing all products, buildings and exterior spaces to be usable by all people to the greatest extent possible
recognizes that a design that facilitates getting about by persons with disabilities benefits everyone
moving purposefully through the environment toward a destination
logical layout
users can anticipate locations of facilities - stairs located near an elevator, bathrooms next to or across from each other
key features (handrails, doors) have high visual contrast with their surroundings are safer for everyone
good lighting enhances architectural features and does not cause glare or heavy shadows
BIG 3 for sign legibility
high contrast
legible font size and shape
no glare
recommended placement for APS
separate pole
no more than 10 feet from the curb line
as close as possible to the associated cross walk
benefit of APS
auditory indication of when it is safe to cross
give learner info about alignment and directionality
tactile guidestrips
used to indicate the end of a sidewalk and the beginning of a street/intersection
train station accessibility
indication of platform edge
transit routes- audio announcements
locating train doors- high contrast colors at door
large print maps for layout
chains attached between cars so they aren’t mistaken for a door
ticket purchasing technology
sequence of inserting money, locating and pressing a button, removing ticket
ATM and fare machines
braille instruction for initiating speech functions
tactile indicator on fare card insertion
COMS & environmental modification that addresses barriers to accessibility
-educate the community
-report concerns about accessibility in the community at public meeting
-Access Advisory Committee
-city planning
protruding objects
obstacles between 27 -80 inches off the floor cannot protrude more than 4 inches off the wall
building a barrier around a texture variant on the floor
moderate height and same dimensions for each step
handrails must be rounded
proper lighting
contrast on edge of stairs
platforms at train stations
tactile and high contrast definition of drop off
guard rails
blended curbs
contrasting color
tactile strips
audible signals