Domain 1 Flashcards
VA Blind Centers
offers holistic services for those who are blind and visually impaired and served
Private agencies for the blind and visually impaired
offers services and products for those who are blidn and visually impaired
State schools for the blind and the visually impaired
offers specialized education for those who are blind and visually impaired and cannot be mainstreamed
Office of vocational rehab
older adults who would like to enter the workforce
Department of Education
ensures equal access to education for all
Academy of certification for rehabilitation and education professionals
-maintains the standards that facilitate certification
-Private, non profit organization
-independent and autonomous legal certification body governed by volunteer board of directors
Association of Education and Rehabilitation
-professional organization whose members come together to share information and advance the profession’s goals
American Foundation for the Blind
National clearinghouse for problems of the blind
Council for Exceptional Children
National, non-profit organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for children with disabilities
International Mobility Conference
Held every 2 years
aims to enhance the level of expertise of mobility instructors
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
International peer reviewed journal
Delivers current research and best practice information on critical topics
offers immediate access
National Federation of the Blind
Mission: integrate the blind into society on the basis of equality ensuring full access to non-visual accessible technology
American council of the blind
Mission: create a society without barriers for the blind and the visually impaired through advocacy, public awareness and collaboration
Mission: to create a world of no limits for people who are BVI; mobilize leaders, advance understanding, wide spread research
Code of Ethics: 1972 O&M Interest Group
Appointed ad hoc committee to investigate feelings of the membership concerning the need for a code of ethics to pull together principles that would be apart of it
O&M Specialists were surveyed on what should be included
ACVREP Code of Ethics
specialist will have commitment to the student, community, profession, colleages and employment practices
ACVREP Enforcement Policy
removal of licensure
orientation and mobility began as a profession post WWII when there were major efforts to rehab wounded veterans
Valley Forge Hospital
-Richard Hoover taught cane techniques
-Battle of the Bulge soldiers sent here
-“foot travel”
-Social adjustment of blinded war veterans prior to discharge of service
-cane is “unnecessary”, encouraged blinded to ditch the cane
-“facial vision”/obstacle perception
-developed first training program for blind veterans
-5 OG instructors
Gloucester Conference
first national conference for O&M
-decision on the minimum prep time for COMS
Boston College
first university program to establish O&M program
Development of O&M certification program
sighted instructors were required at the beginning
ADA changed requirements- reasonable accommodations
-recommended standards for accreditation of COMS
-development of certifying O&Ms
Richard Hoover
father of orientation and mobility with the cane
Dorothy Eustis
mother of guide dog movement
-seeing eye
Warren Bledsoe
came from Valley Forge to Hines and trained COMS
Russel Williams
chief of program @ Hines
blinded from Normany
Francis Campbell
Samual Gridley Howe’s teacher
Father Thomas Carroll
Typhlology - the science that deals with blindness
-started at Avon but promoted foot travel
Samual Gridley Howe
founded Perkins School for the Blind
Mary E Switzer
Director of the office of vocational rehab
responsible for grant money and O&M
First 6 COMS
John Malamazian
Stanley Suterko
Alfred Dee Corbett
Edward Thuis
Lawrence Blaha
Edward Mees