Documentation and Principles of Evaluation in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Flashcards
It states the relationship between concepts
-the first step in developing a FOR
Theoretical Base
Underlying theoretical ideas that are held to be true and are not questioned or tested in any way.
Designed to measure behaviors related to sensory processing, modulation and emotional responsivity to sensory input
Sensory Profile
a tool that measures the visual perception and visual-motor integration skills in children 4-10 years old
Development of Test of Visual Perception
What are the purposes why we conduct pediatric evaluation
- to develop an intervention
- to determine if further evaluation of child is warranted
- to decide whether child is eligible for OT service
- re-evaluation to determine the progress of child
- research / outcome testing to evaluate the efficacy of intervention services
What are the 4 evaluation method used
- Standardized Assessment
- Ecological Assessment
- Skilled Observations
- Interviews
Eval method used that is norm-referenced and criterion-referenced measurement
Standardized Assessment
method used to examine the physical, social and psychological feature of a child’s development
- assessed in the natural context
Ecological assessment
an essential skill of a therapist to record accurately the behavior of child in an objective manner
Skilled Observations
This method is used in conjunction with other evaluation methods
- to have an accurate meaningful exchange of information with clients
- used to establish rapport with client
This provides a precise measurement of a child’s performance in a specific area. this performance is described as the “standard score”
Standardized Assessment
Type of Standardized test that is developed via giving the test in questions to a large population
Norm-referenced test
standardized test where the performance of the child is compared to a normative sample
- its purpose is to determine how a child performs in relation t the average performance of the group
Norm-referenced test
standardized test used to provide information how children perform on a specific task
criterion-referenced test
the performance of the child is compared with a particular level of performance of a particular skill (use of developmental milestones)
criterion-referenced test
it measures the child’s performance rather than being compared to performance of other peers
criterion-referenced test
the FOR used that organizes sensation from one’s body and from the environment to be able to use the body effectively in the environment
Sensory Integration
Who developed the SI FOR
Jean Ayres
this FOR explains that adequate processing and integration of sensory information is an important foundation for adaptive behavior
Sensory Integration
Sensory integration follows a developmental process
it is the appropriate action where individual responses successfully to environmental demands
Adaptive responses
Activities that have the capacity to develop new skills while adjusting to the current level of function of the child
just right challenge
Children have the innate drive to seek meaningful experiences from their environment
It is the ability of the nervous system to change or develop in response to the environmental demands