DNA Flashcards
Describe the process of cell division
- DNA strands are bound to histones(proteins)
- DNA strands coil around the histones so they can fit into the small space of the nucleus
- in a cell that is not dividing, the coiled DNA forms a tangled network called a chromatin
- when a cell is about to divide, the chromatin becomes more tightly coiled and become known as chromosomes
Describe the structure of a DNA molecule
Consist of two strands of alternating sugars and phosphates, with pairs of nitrogen bases linking the sugars and phosphates.
A phosphate group and sugar molecule with a nitrogen base is called a nucleotide.
The bond between nitrogen base pairs are a weak hydrogen bond that can be broken easily for DNA replication
What is DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid. It is found in the nucleus of a cell. Contains the genetic information that determines the structure of a cell and its functions
Interphase- when the cell is not yet dividing
- chromosomes not yet visible - (inter)phase not much happens, like on the (Inter)net
Prophase- chromosomes condense and appear
- spindle forms - (pro)phase things start to get (pro)ductive
Metaphase- chromosomes move to equator of the cell
- chromosomes become attached to spindle fibres - (m) for middle of the cell
Anaphase- increasing separation of the fibres
- (shaped like a peanut) people can go through (anaph)ylactic shock from peanuts
Telophase- splitting of cell membrane
- forming of two new cells - (telo)phase starts to separate, like when you are on the (telo)phone
One the first stages of division(mitosis) take place the second stages begin.
Prophase2- two cells are now haploid(23 chromosomes)
- each daughter cell undergoes division, however, resulting in four new haploid cells - chromosomes in each cell move towards the equator
Metaphase2- chromosomes are arranged on new spindle
Anaphase2- new chromosomes move to the opposite poles of the cell
- nuclear membranes begin to form
Telophase2- cytoplasm starts to divide
- by end of second division, four new cells have formed