dispositional explanation SI Flashcards
dispositional explanation
any explanation of behaviour that highlights the importance of the individual’s personality
authoritarian personality
a type of personality that Adorno argued was especially susceptible to obeying people in authority
the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration
people who belong to a different ethnic group
a way of organising a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
right wing
capitalism, wealth, keeping the wealthy wealthy
left wing
keeping everything equal
What did Adorno want to do?
understand anti-semitism of the Holocaust → very different conclusions from Milgram
Causes for disorder are personality not situation
people with authoritarian perosnality
- Extreme respect ( + submissiveness) for authority
- View society as weaker than before
- Believe we need strong powerful leaders to enforce traditional values
→ love of country
→ love of family - More likely to obey orders from authority
- Show contempt for people with inferior social status → fueled by inflexible outlook on world
- Very uncomfortable with uncertainty
- ‘Other’ people
→ responsible for bad parts of society
→ convenient target
→ Nazi germany
origins of authoritarian personality
Adorno thinks the personality type forms in childhood as a result of harsh parenting
Parenting style features:
* Strict discipline
* Expectations of complete loyalty
* High standards
* Severe criticism of perceived failing
* Conditional love
These experiences create resentment and hostility in a child and they displace their fears onto others whom they perceive as weaker - scapegoating
Adorno’s procedure
- 2000+ white American males
- unconscious attitudes to other ethnic groups
- several measurement scales
Adorno’s findings
- identified with ‘strong’ people and comtemtouous towards ‘weak’ people
- conscious of status
- positive correlation between prejudice and authoritarianism
- certain cognitive style
resarch support and counterpoint
strength + limitation
- Milgram and elms
- Interviewed small sample of original participants (fully obedient)
- F-scale was higher than when 20 disobeying participants took it
Obedient people might show similar characteristics to AP
* Researchers analysed individual subscales of F-scale
* Obedient participants had unusual characteristics for authoritarians
Complex link between authoritarianism and obedience
limited explanation
- Can’t explain obedient behaviour in majority of a countries population
- Pre war germany, millions of individuals displayed obedient and anti-semitic behaviour
- Germans identified with the nazi state → social identity theory
An alternate explanation is more realistic
political bias
- F-scale only measures tendency towards extreme form of right-wing ideology
- Christie and Jahoda
- Politically-biassed
Not a comprehensive dispositional explanation across the whole political spectrum
flawed evidence
** greenstein** calls f-scale ‘a comedy of methodological errors’