Diseases Exam 2 Flashcards
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) spherical gram positive bacteria
2) s.aureus are exfoliative toxin and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1
3) touching infected blood or body fluids
4) no
Streptococcal ( skin)
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) streptococci gram positive bacteria
2) hemolysins
3) direct contact or endogenous infection;skin abrasive/surigcal incisions
4) animals usually
5) skin
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) virus: genus morbilliviru.family of ssRNA (Paramyxoviridae)
2) small, gram (+) aerobic green producing streptococcus (extracellular or soluble toxin specific to measles)
3) Respiratory route: transmitted by droplets,direct contact and airborne
4) none
5) liver, spleen,CNS,skin
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organs are affected
1) Variola virus( major+ minor form) family of dsDNA ( Poxviridae)
2) toxins in blood, botulinum toxin
3) respiratory route, transmitted by airborne, direct contact,droplets
4) none
5) bloodstream, skin,intestines, lungs,kidney, brain
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) human herpesvirus 3; enveloped dsDNA; genus varicellovirus
2) none
3) direct contact, aerosol
4) none
5) skin, CNS
Herpes Simplex
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) human herpesvirus 1 and 2; enveloped dsDNA; genus: simplevirus
2) none
3) herpes 1( oral/respiratory route/skin/mucous membrane/direct contact) herpes 2( sexual contact/skin/mucous membrane/direct contact)
4) none
5) skin,CNS
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) poliovirus ( serotype 1,2,3)
2) none
3) ingesting contaminated water( fecal-oral route)
4) none
5) lungs,pharynx,larynx,trachae,bronchi,
nose,tonsils,lymph nodes,small intestines,spinal cord
Streptococcal pharyngitis
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) group A streptococci (GAS) bacteria; streptococcus pyogenes
gram positive;
2) streptolysins ( cytotoxic), streptokinase ( enzymes); Erythrogenic toxin
3) respiratory secretions, unpasteurized milk
4) none
5) URT, inflammation of mucous membrane in throat
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria- gram positive, nonendospore
2) exotoxins that interferes with protein synthesis
3) droplets, contact with cutaneous diphtheria
4) none
5) URT( upper respiratory tract); skin ( cutaneus diphtheria)
Pertussis (Whooping cough)
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Bordetella pertussus ( bacterium), aerobic, gram (-) coccobacillus
2) tracheal cytotoxin ( damage ciliated cell) and pertussin toxin ( enter bloodstream)
3) cough/sneezing; airborne, droplets,
4) none
5) mucus in respiratory system( lower respiratory)
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) bacterium myobacterium tuberculosis; mycobacterium bovis ( main pathogen in cattle)
2) none
3) inhalation of bacillus through cough ( airborne); inhalation
4) none
5) respiratory system, cardiovascular system,lymphatic system
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organs are affected
1) virus; hep a ( picornaviridae) hep b( hepadnaviridae) hep c ( flaviviridae) hep d ( deltaviridae) hep e ( caliciviridae)
2) none
3) hep a ( ingestion) hep b( parenteral; sexual contact) hep c (parenteral) hep d ( parenteral; hep b infection) hep e ( ingestion)
4) none
5) digestice system ( liver, kidneys,spleen)
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) giardia intestinalis/parasite
2) none
3) fecal-oral; drinking or eating contaminated food/water; contaminated pool
4) wild mammals ( beavers); water
5) digestive system + intestines; interferes food absorption
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organs are affected
1) roundworm, ascaris lumbricoides; parasite; helminth
2) none
3) fecal-oral route
4) human/animals
5) digestive/respiratory; intestines, ducts of pancreas, gallbladder; lungs
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organs are affected
1) salmonella enterica; gram negative bacteria
2) infection ( endotoxin);typhoid toxin
3) fecal-oral route; lack of washing and contaminated food and water
4) intestinal tract of many animals; turtles and iguanas; chicken, turkey
5) digestive, lymphatic; intestines, skin, bloodstream
Bacterial Meningitis
1) Causative agent (4)
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) H.influenzae; neisseria meningitidis; streptococcus pneumoniae; listeria monocytogenes
2) endotoxin ( only for meningococcal meningitis)
3) endogenous infection, aerosols; aerosols; aerosols; foodborne infection;sharing respiratory and throat secretions (saliva or spit) droplet
4) none
5) CNS ( brain/spinal cord)
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Candida Albicans ( fungi)
2) none
3) oral sex with person with a vaginal or penile yeast infection
4) human skin
5) mouth and oral cavity
Ophthalmia Neonatorum
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ( Bacteria)
2) none
3) mom to baby during birth
4) none
5) eyes
American Trypanosomiasis
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Trypanosoma cruzi ( Protozoan)
2) none
3) blood, bug
4) reduviid bug
5) heart, intestines
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Toxoplasma gondii ( Protozoan)
2) none
3) eating raw meat/handing fecus and eating
4) grazing animals ( pigs,cow,sheep, cats)
5) all body cells ( mostly nervous/muscles tissue)
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Chlamydia Trachomatis (Bacteria)
2) none
3) contaminated towel, etc
4) bazaar flies, human eye
5) eyes
1) Causative agent
2) name of toxins
3) mode of transmission
4) any animal reserve or vector
5) which organ are affected
1) Bacterial conjunctivitis: Haemophilus, influenzae, staphylococcus ( Bacteria)
viral: adenoviruses
2) none
3) secretions
4) humans
5) eyes