disease list Flashcards
yersinia pestis
- causes plague
bubonic plague - first bite of flea and org move to
septicemic plague - then org move blood stream
pneumonic plague - last highly infectious, spread by
airborne drop - has lots virulence fact inhibit phagocytosis
upper respiratory infection
- streptococcus pyogenes (strep throat and scarlet fever)
- corynebacterium diphtheria (diphtheria)
streptococcus pyogenes
- streptococci morphology
- gram positive
strep throat(streptococcal pharyngitis)
- resistant to phagocytosis; streptokinases lyse
clot; streptolysins = cytotoxic
scarlet fever
- erythrogenic toxin prod by lysogenized S.
- pink - red rash and fever
corynebacterium diphtheria
- aerobic
- gram pos rod
- pleomorphic morphology
- sore throat and fever; spread = droplet
- form pseudomembrane (tough gray membrane),
restrict air flow
- produce toxin to interfere w protein synthesis
- DTaP vaccine
lower respiratory tract infection
- streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia)
- legionella pneumophila (legionnaires disease)
- bordetella pertussis (whooping cough/pertussis)
bordetella pertussis
- aerobic
- gram neg, coccobacillus
- virulence factor = capsule and toxin
Pertussis(whooping cough)
- inhibit ciliated cells in trachea and kill w/ tracheal cytotoxin
- pertussis toxin = enter blood = sym of dis
catarrhal stage - like common cold
paroxysmal stage - violent coughing; gasping for
air; 1-6 weeks
convalescence stage - months
streptococcus pneumonia
- streptococcus morphology
- gram pos, alpha hemolytic
- virulence factor = capsule prevent phagocytosis
- disease not specific infection(caused by many)
- typical secondary infection
- spread airborne droplet
- fluid build up in aveolar and bronci
- can spread to bloodstream and brain(meningitis)
legionella pneumophila
- gram neg, no capsule, aerobic bacillus w one
legionnaire’s disease - form atypical pneumonia(2-9%)
- found fresh water; facultative intracellul-ar
parasite(use amoebae in envirn)
- invade and rep via inasins
- human infection = inhalation of aerosols fr
cooling towers, ac and hot tubs
- cough, short breath, high fever, muscle pain, headache, nausea and vomit
- 10% die
digestive system infection
- streptococcus mutans (plaque)
streptococcus mutans
- gram pos, alpha hemolytic
- primary agent in dental caries
- metabolize diff types of sugars; tolerate acidity;
synthesize dextran - biofilm and plaque formation
GI tract infections
- rotaviruses (dehydration)
- shigella dysenteriae (enterotoxin prod)
- e. coli (shinga toxin viz phage)
- salmonella enterica ( non - toxin prod)
- staphylococcus aureus ( enterotoxin )
- giardia lamblia (diarrhea)
treatment = rehydration therapy(electrolytes/water)
- stomach flu
- dsRNA virus
- highly infectious
- lethal dehydration
shigella dysenteriae
- gram neg, bacillus
- endotoxin producer
- invade cell of epithelial mucosa
E. coli
- gram neg, bacillus
enteroinvasive type
- invade cell of epithelia mucose
- shinga toxin via phage
- travelers diarrhea
enterohemorrhagic type
- has flagella serotype
- shinga toxin(block host protien syn, dmg endothelia,
cause capillary dmg, loss of blood and clots)
- gastroenteritis
salmonella enterica
- gram neg, bacillus
typhoid fever
- salmonellosis
- non toxin producer