Directional Ni Flashcards
A Partical At The End of a Sentence that can mean At, In, On and To (Locational and Directional, In The Case of On it Can Also Be Time Related) When に is used as a directional it can also be replaced with へ (which is pronounced as ‘e’)
To The Station
To The Park
あなたの へやに
To Your Bedroom
の acts as a binder to connect the elements on either side of it, this means in maths terms the sentence is {anata no heya} ni.
わたしわ えきに いきました
I Went To The Station
まりこさんは ゆうびんきょくに いきますか
Will Mariko Go To The Post Office?
がっこうに ジョンさんは いきません でした
John Didn’t Go To School
あした, せんせいは {わたしの いえに} きます
Tomorrow, The Teacher Will Come To My House
がっこうに いって ください
Please Go To School
ここに きて ください
Please Come (To) Here (Note in japanese a directional marker must be used when indicating direction/location even when in english it isnt necessary)
わたしの いえに きて ください
Please Come To My House
がっこうに いきますか
どこに いきますか
Are You Going To School?
Where Are You Going? (Are You Going Where?)
あなたは どこに いきますか
Where WIll You Go? (In Response The Speaker would repeat the phrase back to you, substituting the doko for a location and removing the ka)
がくせいたちはどこに いきましたか
Where Did The Students Go? (In Response The Speaker would repeat the phrase back to you, substituting the doko for a location and removing the ka)
あした、 どこに いきましょうか
Where Shall We Go Tomorrow? (In Response The Speaker would repeat the phrase back to you, substituting the doko for a location and removing the ka)
Note: Ni needs to be used in time based phrases if that phrase has a name, e.g. ろくがつに (In June) or きにょうびに (On Friday) but does not need use with relative phrases such as せんげつ (Last Month) or あした (Tomorrow)
Essentially only use it with words you would need on or in for and mostly you will be correct
じゅうがつに いきます
I Will Go In October
じゅうがつに にほんに いきます
にほんに じゅうがつに いきます
Both Mean “I Will Go To Japan In October” However unless special emphasis on the time going is needed generally the time is closer to the front of the sentence, with the location closer to the back
もくようびに えきに いきました
I Went To The Train Station On Thursday
どようびに がっこうに いきません
I Don’t Go To School On Saturday